Adverse Events After Isolated Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A National Database Study
Kammien A, Price R, McLaughlin W, Park N, Richter D, Schenck R, Grauer J, Medvecky M. Adverse Events After Isolated Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A National Database Study. Orthopaedic Journal Of Sports Medicine 2024, 12: 23259671231222123. PMID: 38249782, PMCID: PMC10798085, DOI: 10.1177/23259671231222123.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRate of adverse eventsSurgical site infectionIsolated PCL reconstructionAdverse eventsPCL reconstructionPulmonary embolismSite infectionCompartment syndromePosterior cruciate ligamentVariable rates of complicationsOdds ratioVascular eventsOptimal managementIsolated posterior cruciate ligament reconstructionConcomitant ligament surgeryEmergency departmentNational cohortDeep vein thrombosesRate of complicationsElixhauser Comorbidity Index scoreDay of surgeryDeep vein thrombosisCalculate odds ratiosPosterior cruciate ligament reconstructionComorbidity Index score
Posterior Cruciate Ligament
Schneble C, Fanelli G, Medvecky M. Posterior Cruciate Ligament. 2022, 87-99. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-94789-7_6.ChaptersPosterior cruciate ligamentMultiligamentous knee injuriesPCL injuriesCollateral ligament repairKnee injuriesCruciate ligamentLigament repairMultiple treatment optionsZone of injuryPosterior tibial translationSoft tissue injuriesHybrid repairPCL reconstructionChronic injuryTibial translationTreatment optionsTissue injuryInjuryPrimary restraintAppropriate timingCruciateRepairLigamentNumerous factorsChronicity