Prevalence of Secondary Hypertension in Otherwise Healthy Youths with a New Diagnosis of Hypertension: A Meta-Analysis
Nugent JT, Young C, Funaro MC, Jiang K, Saran I, Ghazi L, Wilson FP, Greenberg JH. Prevalence of Secondary Hypertension in Otherwise Healthy Youths with a New Diagnosis of Hypertension: A Meta-Analysis. The Journal Of Pediatrics 2022, 244: 30-37.e10. PMID: 35120981, PMCID: PMC9086113, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2022.01.047.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentChildHumansHypertensionMass ScreeningPrevalenceProspective StudiesRetrospective StudiesConceptsSecondary hypertensionPrimary careLow prevalenceNew diagnosisTime of diagnosisClinical practice guidelinesCochrane Library databasesBlood pressure deviceSignificant subgroup differencesParticipants' age rangeWeb of ScienceHypertension definitionReferral clinicProspective studyRetrospective studyOutpatient settingHealthy childrenSecondary causesCurrent guidelinesDiagnostic evaluationHypertensionObservational studyPractice guidelinesLibrary databasesPrevalence estimates