Does This Child With High Blood Pressure Have Secondary Hypertension?
Nugent J, Jiang K, Funaro M, Saran I, Young C, Ghazi L, Bakhoum C, Wilson F, Greenberg J. Does This Child With High Blood Pressure Have Secondary Hypertension? JAMA 2023, 329: 1012-1021. PMID: 36976276, DOI: 10.1001/jama.2023.3184.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBlood pressure loadAmbulatory blood pressure monitoringSecondary hypertensionBlood pressure monitoringPrimary hypertensionFamily historyBlood pressurePressure monitoringDiastolic blood pressure loadSystolic blood pressure loadSerum uric acid concentrationAmbulatory blood pressureHigh blood pressureHistory of prematurityPrimary care clinicsRisk of biasNumber of patientsDatabases of MEDLINEDiagnostic Accuracy Studies toolLower body weightRandom-effects modelingUric acid concentrationWeb of ScienceLikelihood ratioAsymptomatic presentationEvaluating the validity of game-based assessments measuring cognitive function among children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Aneni K, Gomati de la Vega I, Jiao M, Funaro M, Fiellin L. Evaluating the validity of game-based assessments measuring cognitive function among children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Progress In Brain Research 2023, 279: 1-36. PMID: 37661161, DOI: 10.1016/bs.pbr.2023.02.002.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Evidence-based service delivery interventions for testing, linking, treating, and retaining children and adolescents living with HIV in primary health care settings: Protocol for a systematic review
Putta N, Hansen CE, Funaro MC, Campbell M, Essajee S, Mbori-Ngacha D, Frimpong S, Wang SY, Paintsil E. Evidence-based service delivery interventions for testing, linking, treating, and retaining children and adolescents living with HIV in primary health care settings: Protocol for a systematic review. PLOS ONE 2022, 17: e0269063. PMID: 35709211, PMCID: PMC9202933, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0269063.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSystematic reviewPrimary health care settingsService delivery interventionsMeta-analysis protocolPairs of reviewersHealth care providersEvidence-based service deliveryPreferred Reporting ItemsHealth care settingsRandom-effects modelComprehensive search strategyImmunologic outcomesPregnant womenCochrane LibraryTreatment optionsDelivery interventionsRetention of childrenInclusion criteriaCare settingsCare providersHIVRegistration numberReporting ItemsCare deliveryNarrative synthesisPrescription Stimulants and the Risk of Psychosis
Gallagher KE, Funaro MC, Woods SW. Prescription Stimulants and the Risk of Psychosis. Journal Of Clinical Psychopharmacology 2022, 42: 308-314. PMID: 35489031, DOI: 10.1097/jcp.0000000000001552.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsObservational studySystematic reviewPsychosis riskCohort studyPrescription stimulantsRetrospective cohort studyProspective cohort studyCase-control studySelf-controlled case seriesInternational Prospective RegisterLongitudinal observational studyMeta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelinesRisk of psychosisPreferred Reporting ItemsLarge-scale observational studyMPH exposureCase seriesTherapeutic dosesProspective RegisterBias assessmentEligible studiesPsychotic eventsLower riskPsychotic symptomsReporting ItemsPrevalence of Secondary Hypertension in Otherwise Healthy Youths with a New Diagnosis of Hypertension: A Meta-Analysis
Nugent JT, Young C, Funaro MC, Jiang K, Saran I, Ghazi L, Wilson FP, Greenberg JH. Prevalence of Secondary Hypertension in Otherwise Healthy Youths with a New Diagnosis of Hypertension: A Meta-Analysis. The Journal Of Pediatrics 2022, 244: 30-37.e10. PMID: 35120981, PMCID: PMC9086113, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2022.01.047.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSecondary hypertensionPrimary careLow prevalenceNew diagnosisTime of diagnosisClinical practice guidelinesCochrane Library databasesBlood pressure deviceSignificant subgroup differencesParticipants' age rangeWeb of ScienceHypertension definitionReferral clinicProspective studyRetrospective studyOutpatient settingHealthy childrenSecondary causesCurrent guidelinesDiagnostic evaluationHypertensionObservational studyPractice guidelinesLibrary databasesPrevalence estimates
Which Maturation Indicator is Most Accurate in Predicting Cessation of Facial Growth? A Systematic Review of the Literature
Reategui A, Phillips S, Khetpal S, Parsaei Y, Funaro M, Mukherjee T, Lopez J, Steinbacher DM. Which Maturation Indicator is Most Accurate in Predicting Cessation of Facial Growth? A Systematic Review of the Literature. Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery 2021, 33: 764-768. PMID: 34611106, DOI: 10.1097/scs.0000000000008253.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSystematic reviewJoanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal ChecklistQuality of evidenceMeta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelinesPreferred Reporting ItemsCritical Appraisal ChecklistGrowth maturationSkeletal maturity indicatorsCohort studyPediatric patientsSurgical timingProspective studySurgical interventionInclusion criteriaMenses onsetPaucity of articlesReporting ItemsAppraisal ChecklistSkeletal maturityPredictive indicatorSystematic searchGoogle ScholarLack of consensusFacial growthA systematic review of the association between sleep health and stress biomarkers in children
Ordway MR, Condon EM, Basile Ibrahim B, Abel EA, Funaro MC, Batten J, Sadler LS, Redeker NS. A systematic review of the association between sleep health and stress biomarkers in children. Sleep Medicine Reviews 2021, 59: 101494. PMID: 34098244, PMCID: PMC8458225, DOI: 10.1016/j.smrv.2021.101494.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSleep healthSystematic reviewStress biomarkersStress response systemEarly childhoodChildren ages 0Evidence of associationRole of sleepMetabolic outcomesSchool-aged childrenCurrent evidencePRISMA guidelinesNeuroendocrine variablesPhysiologic stressMajority of studiesSleep dimensionsSleepAges 0BiomarkersLongitudinal studyYoung childrenChildrenObjective measuresHealthAdult literature
Relevance of Microvascular Flow Assessments in Critically Ill Neonates and Children: A Systematic Review.
Maitoza LA, Neeman E, Funaro M, Pierce RW. Relevance of Microvascular Flow Assessments in Critically Ill Neonates and Children: A Systematic Review. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 2020, 21: 373-384. PMID: 31834246, PMCID: PMC10061570, DOI: 10.1097/pcc.0000000000002201.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIll childrenMicrovascular flowSystematic reviewMicrocirculatory dysfunctionIll neonatesMicrocirculatory changesBlood flowImpact of patientMicrovascular blood flowMicrocirculatory blood flowFull-text reviewWeb of ScienceMacrovascular functionPatients 0Critical illnessEffect of ageSuch patientsMedical managementPoor outcomeBirth weightMicrocirculatory variablesClinical endpointsInclusion criteriaNeonatesMacrocirculatory variablesMethylene Blue for Refractory Shock in Children: A Systematic Review and Survey Practice Analysis.
Otero Luna AV, Johnson R, Funaro M, Canarie MF, Pierce RW. Methylene Blue for Refractory Shock in Children: A Systematic Review and Survey Practice Analysis. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 2020, 21: e378-e386. PMID: 32453920, PMCID: PMC10563197, DOI: 10.1097/pcc.0000000000002295.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRefractory shockUse of methylenePractice patternsMean arterial blood pressurePediatric critical care physiciansCatecholamine refractory shockEfficacy of methyleneArterial blood pressureCardiac care unitCritical care physiciansVariety of etiologiesPhysician practice patternsFull-text reviewWeb of ScienceBlue useCatecholamine therapyStudy patientsBlood pressurePediatric shockShock refractoryCare physiciansCare unitSignificant morbidityDatabase inceptionPhysicians' knowledge