An integrative TAD catalog in lymphoblastoid cell lines discloses the functional impact of deletions and insertions in human genomes.
Li C, Bonder M, Syed S, Jensen M, Gerstein M, Zody M, Chaisson M, Talkowski M, Marschall T, Korbel J, Eichler E, Lee C, Shi X. An integrative TAD catalog in lymphoblastoid cell lines discloses the functional impact of deletions and insertions in human genomes. Genome Research 2024, 34: 2304-2318. PMID: 39638559, PMCID: PMC11694747, DOI: 10.1101/gr.279419.124.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTopologically associating domainsTopologically associating domains boundariesImpact of structural variantsLymphoblastoid cell linesStructural variantsHuman genomeGene regulationAdjacent TADsHuman lymphoblastoid cell linesCell linesSub-TADGenomic structureInsulate genesChromatin architectureImpact of deletionChromatin structureGenomeAberrant regulationAnalysis pipelineMammalian speciesGenesCCREsFunctional impactChromatinRegulationDeep learning analysis of fMRI data for predicting Alzheimer’s Disease: A focus on convolutional neural networks and model interpretability
Zhou X, Kedia S, Meng R, Gerstein M. Deep learning analysis of fMRI data for predicting Alzheimer’s Disease: A focus on convolutional neural networks and model interpretability. PLOS ONE 2024, 19: e0312848. PMID: 39630834, PMCID: PMC11616848, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0312848.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsConvolutional neural networkNeural networkAlzheimer's diseaseConvolutional neural network modelMultimodal medical datasetsDeep learning methodsPotential of deep learningGenetic risk factorsMedical datasetsAlzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging InitiativeAD predictionDeep learningDeep learning analysisLearning methodsMedical imagesPredicting Alzheimer's diseaseDetection of Alzheimer's diseaseModel interpretationEarly detection of Alzheimer's diseaseAccuracy levelGenetic factorsDatasetEarly detection of ADNetworkDetection of ADPredicting spatially resolved gene expression via tissue morphology using adaptive spatial GNNs
Song T, Cosatto E, Wang G, Kuang R, Gerstein M, Min M, Warrell J. Predicting spatially resolved gene expression via tissue morphology using adaptive spatial GNNs. Bioinformatics 2024, 40: ii111-ii119. PMID: 39230702, PMCID: PMC11373608, DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btae383.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGene expressionSpatial gene expressionSpatial transcriptomics technologiesTissue histology imagesExpressed genesGene activationTranscriptomic technologiesMolecular underpinningsGraph neural networksState-of-the-artSpatial expressionGenesTissue architectureExpressionHistological imagesNeural networkLeveraging a large language model to predict protein phase transition: A physical, multiscale, and interpretable approach
Frank M, Ni P, Jensen M, Gerstein M. Leveraging a large language model to predict protein phase transition: A physical, multiscale, and interpretable approach. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2024, 121: e2320510121. PMID: 39110734, PMCID: PMC11331094, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2320510121.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsProtein phase transitionsAssociated with reduced gene expressionProtein structure predictionAlzheimer's disease-related proteinsDisease-related proteinsAlzheimer's diseaseProtein sequencesSequence variantsStructure predictionAmyloid aggregatesProtein designGene expressionAge-related diseasesNatural defense mechanismsSoluble stateProteinDefense mechanismsBiophysical featuresAlzheimerSequenceAmyloidVariantsExpressionLanguage modelComputational frameworkMassively parallel characterization of regulatory elements in the developing human cortex
Deng C, Whalen S, Steyert M, Ziffra R, Przytycki P, Inoue F, Pereira D, Capauto D, Norton S, Vaccarino F, Pollen A, Nowakowski T, Ahituv N, Pollard K, Akbarian S, Abyzov A, Ahituv N, Arasappan D, Almagro Armenteros J, Beliveau B, Bendl J, Berretta S, Bharadwaj R, Bhattacharya A, Bicks L, Brennand K, Capauto D, Champagne F, Chatterjee T, Chatzinakos C, Chen Y, Chen H, Cheng Y, Cheng L, Chess A, Chien J, Chu Z, Clarke D, Clement A, Collado-Torres L, Cooper G, Crawford G, Dai R, Daskalakis N, Davila-Velderrain J, Deep-Soboslay A, Deng C, DiPietro C, Dracheva S, Drusinsky S, Duan Z, Duong D, Dursun C, Eagles N, Edelstein J, Emani P, Fullard J, Galani K, Galeev T, Gandal M, Gaynor S, Gerstein M, Geschwind D, Girdhar K, Goes F, Greenleaf W, Grundman J, Guo H, Guo Q, Gupta C, Hadas Y, Hallmayer J, Han X, Haroutunian V, Hawken N, He C, Henry E, Hicks S, Ho M, Ho L, Hoffman G, Huang Y, Huuki-Myers L, Hwang A, Hyde T, Iatrou A, Inoue F, Jajoo A, Jensen M, Jiang L, Jin P, Jin T, Jops C, Jourdon A, Kawaguchi R, Kellis M, Khullar S, Kleinman J, Kleopoulos S, Kozlenkov A, Kriegstein A, Kundaje A, Kundu S, Lee C, Lee D, Li J, Li M, Lin X, Liu S, Liu J, Liu J, Liu C, Liu S, Lou S, Loupe J, Lu D, Ma S, Ma L, Margolis M, Mariani J, Martinowich K, Maynard K, Mazariegos S, Meng R, Myers R, Micallef C, Mikhailova T, Ming G, Mohammadi S, Monte E, Montgomery K, Moore J, Moran J, Mukamel E, Nairn A, Nemeroff C, Ni P, Norton S, Nowakowski T, Omberg L, Page S, Park S, Patowary A, Pattni R, Pertea G, Peters M, Phalke N, Pinto D, Pjanic M, Pochareddy S, Pollard K, Pollen A, Pratt H, Przytycki P, Purmann C, Qin Z, Qu P, Quintero D, Raj T, Rajagopalan A, Reach S, Reimonn T, Ressler K, Ross D, Roussos P, Rozowsky J, Ruth M, Ruzicka W, Sanders S, Schneider J, Scuderi S, Sebra R, Sestan N, Seyfried N, Shao Z, Shedd N, Shieh A, Shin J, Skarica M, Snijders C, Song H, State M, Stein J, Steyert M, Subburaju S, Sudhof T, Snyder M, Tao R, Therrien K, Tsai L, Urban A, Vaccarino F, van Bakel H, Vo D, Voloudakis G, Wamsley B, Wang T, Wang S, Wang D, Wang Y, Warrell J, Wei Y, Weimer A, Weinberger D, Wen C, Weng Z, Whalen S, White K, Willsey A, Won H, Wong W, Wu H, Wu F, Wuchty S, Wylie D, Xu S, Yap C, Zeng B, Zhang P, Zhang C, Zhang B, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Zhou X, Ziffra R, Zeier Z, Zintel T. Massively parallel characterization of regulatory elements in the developing human cortex. Science 2024, 384: eadh0559. PMID: 38781390, DOI: 10.1126/science.adh0559.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGene regulatory elementsRegulatory elementsRegulation of enhancer activityCharacterization of regulatory elementsCis-regulatory activityNeuronal developmentPrimary cellsEnhanced activityGene regulationHuman neuronal developmentNucleotide changesEnhancer sequencesSequence basisUpstream regulatorComprehensive catalogHuman cellsDeveloping cortexSequenceVariantsOrganoidsCellsCerebral organoidsCortexHuman cortexNucleotideCross-ancestry atlas of gene, isoform, and splicing regulation in the developing human brain
Wen C, Margolis M, Dai R, Zhang P, Przytycki P, Vo D, Bhattacharya A, Matoba N, Tang M, Jiao C, Kim M, Tsai E, Hoh C, Aygün N, Walker R, Chatzinakos C, Clarke D, Pratt H, Peters M, Gerstein M, Daskalakis N, Weng Z, Jaffe A, Kleinman J, Hyde T, Weinberger D, Bray N, Sestan N, Geschwind D, Roeder K, Gusev A, Pasaniuc B, Stein J, Love M, Pollard K, Liu C, Gandal M, Akbarian S, Abyzov A, Ahituv N, Arasappan D, Almagro Armenteros J, Beliveau B, Bendl J, Berretta S, Bharadwaj R, Bicks L, Brennand K, Capauto D, Champagne F, Chatterjee T, Chatzinakos C, Chen Y, Chen H, Cheng Y, Cheng L, Chess A, Chien J, Chu Z, Clement A, Collado-Torres L, Cooper G, Crawford G, Davila-Velderrain J, Deep-Soboslay A, Deng C, DiPietro C, Dracheva S, Drusinsky S, Duan Z, Duong D, Dursun C, Eagles N, Edelstein J, Emani P, Fullard J, Galani K, Galeev T, Gaynor S, Girdhar K, Goes F, Greenleaf W, Grundman J, Guo H, Guo Q, Gupta C, Hadas Y, Hallmayer J, Han X, Haroutunian V, Hawken N, He C, Henry E, Hicks S, Ho M, Ho L, Hoffman G, Huang Y, Huuki-Myers L, Hwang A, Iatrou A, Inoue F, Jajoo A, Jensen M, Jiang L, Jin P, Jin T, Jops C, Jourdon A, Kawaguchi R, Kellis M, Kleopoulos S, Kozlenkov A, Kriegstein A, Kundaje A, Kundu S, Lee C, Lee D, Li J, Li M, Lin X, Liu S, Liu J, Liu J, Liu S, Lou S, Loupe J, Lu D, Ma S, Ma L, Mariani J, Martinowich K, Maynard K, Mazariegos S, Meng R, Myers R, Micallef C, Mikhailova T, Ming G, Mohammadi S, Monte E, Montgomery K, Moore J, Moran J, Mukamel E, Nairn A, Nemeroff C, Ni P, Norton S, Nowakowski T, Omberg L, Page S, Park S, Patowary A, Pattni R, Pertea G, Phalke N, Pinto D, Pjanic M, Pochareddy S, Pollen A, Purmann C, Qin Z, Qu P, Quintero D, Raj T, Rajagopalan A, Reach S, Reimonn T, Ressler K, Ross D, Roussos P, Rozowsky J, Ruth M, Ruzicka W, Sanders S, Schneider J, Scuderi S, Sebra R, Seyfried N, Shao Z, Shedd N, Shieh A, Shin J, Skarica M, Snijders C, Song H, State M, Steyert M, Subburaju S, Sudhof T, Snyder M, Tao R, Therrien K, Tsai L, Urban A, Vaccarino F, van Bakel H, Voloudakis G, Wamsley B, Wang T, Wang S, Wang D, Wang Y, Warrell J, Wei Y, Weimer A, Whalen S, White K, Willsey A, Won H, Wong W, Wu H, Wu F, Wuchty S, Wylie D, Xu S, Yap C, Zeng B, Zhang C, Zhang B, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Zhou X, Ziffra R, Zeier Z, Zintel T. Cross-ancestry atlas of gene, isoform, and splicing regulation in the developing human brain. Science 2024, 384: eadh0829. PMID: 38781368, DOI: 10.1126/science.adh0829.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenome-wide association studiesGenome-wide association study lociSplicing quantitative trait lociQuantitative trait lociSplicing regulationCross-ancestryTrait lociAssociation studiesRegulatory elementsCellular contextHuman brainTranscriptome regulationCoexpression networkRisk genesAutism spectrum disorderGenesCellular heterogeneityComprehensive landscapeSpectrum disorderIsoformsSplicingIncreased cellular heterogeneityLociNeuronal maturationRegulationSingle-cell multi-cohort dissection of the schizophrenia transcriptome
Ruzicka W, Mohammadi S, Fullard J, Davila-Velderrain J, Subburaju S, Tso D, Hourihan M, Jiang S, Lee H, Bendl J, Voloudakis G, Haroutunian V, Hoffman G, Roussos P, Kellis M, Akbarian S, Abyzov A, Ahituv N, Arasappan D, Almagro Armenteros J, Beliveau B, Berretta S, Bharadwaj R, Bhattacharya A, Bicks L, Brennand K, Capauto D, Champagne F, Chatterjee T, Chatzinakos C, Chen Y, Chen H, Cheng Y, Cheng L, Chess A, Chien J, Chu Z, Clarke D, Clement A, Collado-Torres L, Cooper G, Crawford G, Dai R, Daskalakis N, Deep-Soboslay A, Deng C, DiPietro C, Dracheva S, Drusinsky S, Duan Z, Duong D, Dursun C, Eagles N, Edelstein J, Emani P, Galani K, Galeev T, Gandal M, Gaynor S, Gerstein M, Geschwind D, Girdhar K, Goes F, Greenleaf W, Grundman J, Guo H, Guo Q, Gupta C, Hadas Y, Hallmayer J, Han X, Hawken N, He C, Henry E, Hicks S, Ho M, Ho L, Huang Y, Huuki-Myers L, Hwang A, Hyde T, Iatrou A, Inoue F, Jajoo A, Jensen M, Jiang L, Jin P, Jin T, Jops C, Jourdon A, Kawaguchi R, Kleinman J, Kleopoulos S, Kozlenkov A, Kriegstein A, Kundaje A, Kundu S, Lee C, Lee D, Li J, Li M, Lin X, Liu S, Liu J, Liu J, Liu C, Liu S, Lou S, Loupe J, Lu D, Ma S, Ma L, Margolis M, Mariani J, Martinowich K, Maynard K, Mazariegos S, Meng R, Myers R, Micallef C, Mikhailova T, Ming G, Monte E, Montgomery K, Moore J, Moran J, Mukamel E, Nairn A, Nemeroff C, Ni P, Norton S, Nowakowski T, Omberg L, Page S, Park S, Patowary A, Pattni R, Pertea G, Peters M, Phalke N, Pinto D, Pjanic M, Pochareddy S, Pollard K, Pollen A, Pratt H, Przytycki P, Purmann C, Qin Z, Qu P, Quintero D, Raj T, Rajagopalan A, Reach S, Reimonn T, Ressler K, Ross D, Rozowsky J, Ruth M, Sanders S, Schneider J, Scuderi S, Sebra R, Sestan N, Seyfried N, Shao Z, Shedd N, Shieh A, Shin J, Skarica M, Snijders C, Song H, State M, Stein J, Steyert M, Sudhof T, Snyder M, Tao R, Therrien K, Tsai L, Urban A, Vaccarino F, van Bakel H, Vo D, Wamsley B, Wang T, Wang S, Wang D, Wang Y, Warrell J, Wei Y, Weimer A, Weinberger D, Wen C, Weng Z, Whalen S, White K, Willsey A, Won H, Wong W, Wu H, Wu F, Wuchty S, Wylie D, Xu S, Yap C, Zeng B, Zhang P, Zhang C, Zhang B, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Zhou X, Ziffra R, Zeier Z, Zintel T. Single-cell multi-cohort dissection of the schizophrenia transcriptome. Science 2024, 384: eadg5136. PMID: 38781388, DOI: 10.1126/science.adg5136.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenetic risk factorsRisk factorsTranscriptional changesHeterogeneity of schizophreniaNeuronal cell statesSchizophrenia pathophysiologySingle-cell dissectionExcitatory neuronsEffective therapySchizophrenia transcriptomicsCortical cytoarchitectureSingle-cell atlasGenomic variantsCell groupsHuman prefrontal cortexMolecular pathwaysSchizophreniaTranscriptional alterationsTranscriptomic changesPrefrontal cortexCell statesAlterationsTherapyPathophysiologyDissectionA data-driven single-cell and spatial transcriptomic map of the human prefrontal cortex
Huuki-Myers L, Spangler A, Eagles N, Montgomery K, Kwon S, Guo B, Grant-Peters M, Divecha H, Tippani M, Sriworarat C, Nguyen A, Ravichandran P, Tran M, Seyedian A, Hyde T, Kleinman J, Battle A, Page S, Ryten M, Hicks S, Martinowich K, Collado-Torres L, Maynard K, Akbarian S, Abyzov A, Ahituv N, Arasappan D, Almagro Armenteros J, Beliveau B, Bendl J, Berretta S, Bharadwaj R, Bhattacharya A, Bicks L, Brennand K, Capauto D, Champagne F, Chatterjee T, Chatzinakos C, Chen Y, Chen H, Cheng Y, Cheng L, Chess A, Chien J, Chu Z, Clarke D, Clement A, Collado-Torres L, Cooper G, Crawford G, Dai R, Daskalakis N, Davila-Velderrain J, Deep-Soboslay A, Deng C, DiPietro C, Dracheva S, Drusinsky S, Duan Z, Duong D, Dursun C, Eagles N, Edelstein J, Emani P, Fullard J, Galani K, Galeev T, Gandal M, Gaynor S, Gerstein M, Geschwind D, Girdhar K, Goes F, Greenleaf W, Grundman J, Guo H, Guo Q, Gupta C, Hadas Y, Hallmayer J, Han X, Haroutunian V, Hawken N, He C, Henry E, Hicks S, Ho M, Ho L, Hoffman G, Huang Y, Huuki-Myers L, Hwang A, Hyde T, Iatrou A, Inoue F, Jajoo A, Jensen M, Jiang L, Jin P, Jin T, Jops C, Jourdon A, Kawaguchi R, Kellis M, Kleinman J, Kleopoulos S, Kozlenkov A, Kriegstein A, Kundaje A, Kundu S, Lee C, Lee D, Li J, Li M, Lin X, Liu S, Liu J, Liu J, Liu C, Liu S, Lou S, Loupe J, Lu D, Ma S, Ma L, Margolis M, Mariani J, Martinowich K, Maynard K, Mazariegos S, Meng R, Myers R, Micallef C, Mikhailova T, Ming G, Mohammadi S, Monte E, Montgomery K, Moore J, Moran J, Mukamel E, Nairn A, Nemeroff C, Ni P, Norton S, Nowakowski T, Omberg L, Page S, Park S, Patowary A, Pattni R, Pertea G, Peters M, Phalke N, Pinto D, Pjanic M, Pochareddy S, Pollard K, Pollen A, Pratt H, Przytycki P, Purmann C, Qin Z, Qu P, Quintero D, Raj T, Rajagopalan A, Reach S, Reimonn T, Ressler K, Ross D, Roussos P, Rozowsky J, Ruth M, Ruzicka W, Sanders S, Schneider J, Scuderi S, Sebra R, Sestan N, Seyfried N, Shao Z, Shedd N, Shieh A, Shin J, Skarica M, Snijders C, Song H, State M, Stein J, Steyert M, Subburaju S, Sudhof T, Snyder M, Tao R, Therrien K, Tsai L, Urban A, Vaccarino F, van Bakel H, Vo D, Voloudakis G, Wamsley B, Wang T, Wang S, Wang D, Wang Y, Warrell J, Wei Y, Weimer A, Weinberger D, Wen C, Weng Z, Whalen S, White K, Willsey A, Won H, Wong W, Wu H, Wu F, Wuchty S, Wylie D, Xu S, Yap C, Zeng B, Zhang P, Zhang C, Zhang B, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Zhou X, Ziffra R, Zeier Z, Zintel T. A data-driven single-cell and spatial transcriptomic map of the human prefrontal cortex. Science 2024, 384: eadh1938. PMID: 38781370, PMCID: PMC11398705, DOI: 10.1126/science.adh1938.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRNA sequencing dataCell type compositionGene expression platformSpatial transcriptomics technologiesAnterior-posterior axisCell-cell interactionsTranscriptome mapExpression platformHuman dorsolateral prefrontal cortexTranscriptomic technologiesSingle-cellCell typesPrefrontal cortexMolecular organizationDorsolateral prefrontal cortexHuman prefrontal cortexSingle-cell genomics and regulatory networks for 388 human brains
Emani P, Liu J, Clarke D, Jensen M, Warrell J, Gupta C, Meng R, Lee C, Xu S, Dursun C, Lou S, Chen Y, Chu Z, Galeev T, Hwang A, Li Y, Ni P, Zhou X, Bakken T, Bendl J, Bicks L, Chatterjee T, Cheng L, Cheng Y, Dai Y, Duan Z, Flaherty M, Fullard J, Gancz M, Garrido-MartÃn D, Gaynor-Gillett S, Grundman J, Hawken N, Henry E, Hoffman G, Huang A, Jiang Y, Jin T, Jorstad N, Kawaguchi R, Khullar S, Liu J, Liu J, Liu S, Ma S, Margolis M, Mazariegos S, Moore J, Moran J, Nguyen E, Phalke N, Pjanic M, Pratt H, Quintero D, Rajagopalan A, Riesenmy T, Shedd N, Shi M, Spector M, Terwilliger R, Travaglini K, Wamsley B, Wang G, Xia Y, Xiao S, Yang A, Zheng S, Gandal M, Lee D, Lein E, Roussos P, Sestan N, Weng Z, White K, Won H, Girgenti M, Zhang J, Wang D, Geschwind D, Gerstein M, Akbarian S, Abyzov A, Ahituv N, Arasappan D, Almagro Armenteros J, Beliveau B, Berretta S, Bharadwaj R, Bhattacharya A, Brennand K, Capauto D, Champagne F, Chatzinakos C, Chen H, Cheng L, Chess A, Chien J, Clement A, Collado-Torres L, Cooper G, Crawford G, Dai R, Daskalakis N, Davila-Velderrain J, Deep-Soboslay A, Deng C, DiPietro C, Dracheva S, Drusinsky S, Duong D, Eagles N, Edelstein J, Galani K, Girdhar K, Goes F, Greenleaf W, Guo H, Guo Q, Hadas Y, Hallmayer J, Han X, Haroutunian V, He C, Hicks S, Ho M, Ho L, Huang Y, Huuki-Myers L, Hyde T, Iatrou A, Inoue F, Jajoo A, Jiang L, Jin P, Jops C, Jourdon A, Kellis M, Kleinman J, Kleopoulos S, Kozlenkov A, Kriegstein A, Kundaje A, Kundu S, Li J, Li M, Lin X, Liu S, Liu C, Loupe J, Lu D, Ma L, Mariani J, Martinowich K, Maynard K, Myers R, Micallef C, Mikhailova T, Ming G, Mohammadi S, Monte E, Montgomery K, Mukamel E, Nairn A, Nemeroff C, Norton S, Nowakowski T, Omberg L, Page S, Park S, Patowary A, Pattni R, Pertea G, Peters M, Pinto D, Pochareddy S, Pollard K, Pollen A, Przytycki P, Purmann C, Qin Z, Qu P, Raj T, Reach S, Reimonn T, Ressler K, Ross D, Rozowsky J, Ruth M, Ruzicka W, Sanders S, Schneider J, Scuderi S, Sebra R, Seyfried N, Shao Z, Shieh A, Shin J, Skarica M, Snijders C, Song H, State M, Stein J, Steyert M, Subburaju S, Sudhof T, Snyder M, Tao R, Therrien K, Tsai L, Urban A, Vaccarino F, van Bakel H, Vo D, Voloudakis G, Wang T, Wang S, Wang Y, Wei Y, Weimer A, Weinberger D, Wen C, Whalen S, Willsey A, Wong W, Wu H, Wu F, Wuchty S, Wylie D, Yap C, Zeng B, Zhang P, Zhang C, Zhang B, Zhang Y, Ziffra R, Zeier Z, Zintel T. Single-cell genomics and regulatory networks for 388 human brains. Science 2024, 384: eadi5199. PMID: 38781369, PMCID: PMC11365579, DOI: 10.1126/science.adi5199.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSingle-cell genomicsSingle-cell expression quantitative trait locusExpression quantitative trait lociDrug targetsQuantitative trait lociPopulation-level variationSingle-cell expressionCell typesDisease-risk genesTrait lociGene familyRegulatory networksGene expressionCell-typeMultiomics datasetsSingle-nucleiGenomeGenesCellular changesHeterogeneous tissuesExpressionCellsChromatinLociMultiomicsUsing a comprehensive atlas and predictive models to reveal the complexity and evolution of brain-active regulatory elements
Pratt H, Andrews G, Shedd N, Phalke N, Li T, Pampari A, Jensen M, Wen C, Consortium P, Gandal M, Geschwind D, Gerstein M, Moore J, Kundaje A, Colubri A, Weng Z. Using a comprehensive atlas and predictive models to reveal the complexity and evolution of brain-active regulatory elements. Science Advances 2024, 10: eadj4452. PMID: 38781344, PMCID: PMC11114231, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adj4452.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEpigenetic dataCell-type-specific gene regulationCis-regulatory elementsComprehensive atlasGenetic variants associated with psychiatric disordersLineage-specific transcription factorsBrain cell typesMammalian elementsPsychENCODE ConsortiumNoncoding regionsEvolutionary historyGene regulationRegulatory elementsSequence mutationsTranscription factorsSequence syntaxRegulatory informationPrimate-specific sequencesBinding sitesHuman traitsCell typesFunctional implicationsPsychiatric disordersSequenceFetal brain developmentA survey of generative AI for de novo drug design: new frontiers in molecule and protein generation
Tang X, Dai H, Knight E, Wu F, Li Y, Li T, Gerstein M. A survey of generative AI for de novo drug design: new frontiers in molecule and protein generation. Briefings In Bioinformatics 2024, 25: bbae338. PMID: 39007594, PMCID: PMC11247410, DOI: 10.1093/bib/bbae338.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Data Sanitization to Reduce Private Information Leakage from Functional Genomics
Gürsoy G, Emani P, Brannon CM, Jolanki OA, Harmanci A, Strattan JS, Cherry JM, Miranker AD, Gerstein M. Data Sanitization to Reduce Private Information Leakage from Functional Genomics. Cell 2020, 183: 905-917.e16. PMID: 33186529, PMCID: PMC7672785, DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.09.036.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFunctional genomicsSingle-cell RNA sequencingAccurate reference genomesFunctional genomics datasetsFunctional genomics experimentsOrganismal phenotypesGene regulationReference genomeNext-generation sequencingRaw readsGenomics experimentsRNA sequencingGenomic datasetsGenetic variantsGenomicsKnown individualsSequencingReadsEnvironmental samplesGenomeIlluminaPhenotypeGood statistical powerRegulationStatistical powerPassenger Mutations in More Than 2,500 Cancer Genomes: Overall Molecular Functional Impact and Consequences
Kumar S, Warrell J, Li S, McGillivray PD, Meyerson W, Salichos L, Harmanci A, Martinez-Fundichely A, Chan CWY, Nielsen MM, Lochovsky L, Zhang Y, Li X, Lou S, Pedersen JS, Herrmann C, Getz G, Khurana E, Gerstein MB. Passenger Mutations in More Than 2,500 Cancer Genomes: Overall Molecular Functional Impact and Consequences. Cell 2020, 180: 915-927.e16. PMID: 32084333, PMCID: PMC7210002, DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.01.032.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation
Muir P, Li S, Lou S, Wang D, Spakowicz DJ, Salichos L, Zhang J, Weinstock GM, Isaacs F, Rozowsky J, Gerstein M. The real cost of sequencing: scaling computation to keep pace with data generation. Genome Biology 2016, 17: 53. PMID: 27009100, PMCID: PMC4806511, DOI: 10.1186/s13059-016-0917-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTemporal Dynamics of Collaborative Networks in Large Scientific Consortia
Wang D, Yan KK, Rozowsky J, Pan E, Gerstein M. Temporal Dynamics of Collaborative Networks in Large Scientific Consortia. Trends In Genetics 2016, 32: 251-253. PMID: 27005445, DOI: 10.1016/j.tig.2016.02.006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchQuantification of private information leakage from phenotype-genotype data: linking attacks
Harmanci A, Gerstein M. Quantification of private information leakage from phenotype-genotype data: linking attacks. Nature Methods 2016, 13: 251-256. PMID: 26828419, PMCID: PMC4834871, DOI: 10.1038/nmeth.3746.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Comparative analysis of the transcriptome across distant species
Gerstein MB, Rozowsky J, Yan KK, Wang D, Cheng C, Brown JB, Davis CA, Hillier L, Sisu C, Li JJ, Pei B, Harmanci AO, Duff MO, Djebali S, Alexander RP, Alver BH, Auerbach R, Bell K, Bickel PJ, Boeck ME, Boley NP, Booth BW, Cherbas L, Cherbas P, Di C, Dobin A, Drenkow J, Ewing B, Fang G, Fastuca M, Feingold EA, Frankish A, Gao G, Good PJ, Guigó R, Hammonds A, Harrow J, Hoskins RA, Howald C, Hu L, Huang H, Hubbard TJ, Huynh C, Jha S, Kasper D, Kato M, Kaufman TC, Kitchen RR, Ladewig E, Lagarde J, Lai E, Leng J, Lu Z, MacCoss M, May G, McWhirter R, Merrihew G, Miller DM, Mortazavi A, Murad R, Oliver B, Olson S, Park PJ, Pazin MJ, Perrimon N, Pervouchine D, Reinke V, Reymond A, Robinson G, Samsonova A, Saunders GI, Schlesinger F, Sethi A, Slack FJ, Spencer WC, Stoiber MH, Strasbourger P, Tanzer A, Thompson OA, Wan KH, Wang G, Wang H, Watkins KL, Wen J, Wen K, Xue C, Yang L, Yip K, Zaleski C, Zhang Y, Zheng H, Brenner SE, Graveley BR, Celniker SE, Gingeras TR, Waterston R. Comparative analysis of the transcriptome across distant species. Nature 2014, 512: 445-448. PMID: 25164755, PMCID: PMC4155737, DOI: 10.1038/nature13424.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsCaenorhabditis elegansChromatinCluster AnalysisDrosophila melanogasterGene Expression ProfilingGene Expression Regulation, DevelopmentalHistonesHumansLarvaModels, GeneticMolecular Sequence AnnotationPromoter Regions, GeneticPupaRNA, UntranslatedSequence Analysis, RNATranscriptomeComparative analysis of pseudogenes across three phyla
Sisu C, Pei B, Leng J, Frankish A, Zhang Y, Balasubramanian S, Harte R, Wang D, Rutenberg-Schoenberg M, Clark W, Diekhans M, Rozowsky J, Hubbard T, Harrow J, Gerstein MB. Comparative analysis of pseudogenes across three phyla. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2014, 111: 13361-13366. PMID: 25157146, PMCID: PMC4169933, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1407293111.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenome evolutionLarge effective population sizesNumerous duplication eventsProtein-coding genesNumber of pseudogenesEffective population sizePotential regulatory roleDuplication eventsSelective sweepsGene familyHuman pseudogenesPrimate lineageDifferent remodeling processesPseudogenesUpstream sequencesHigh deletion ratePromoter activityBiochemical activityRegulatory rolePopulation sizePartial activityGenomePhylaDeletion rateLineages
Integrative Annotation of Variants from 1092 Humans: Application to Cancer Genomics
Khurana E, Fu Y, Colonna V, Mu XJ, Kang HM, Lappalainen T, Sboner A, Lochovsky L, Chen J, Harmanci A, Das J, Abyzov A, Balasubramanian S, Beal K, Chakravarty D, Challis D, Chen Y, Clarke D, Clarke L, Cunningham F, Evani US, Flicek P, Fragoza R, Garrison E, Gibbs R, Gümüş ZH, Herrero J, Kitabayashi N, Kong Y, Lage K, Liluashvili V, Lipkin SM, MacArthur DG, Marth G, Muzny D, Pers TH, Ritchie GRS, Rosenfeld JA, Sisu C, Wei X, Wilson M, Xue Y, Yu F, Consortium 1, Dermitzakis ET, Yu H, Rubin MA, Tyler-Smith C, Gerstein M. Integrative Annotation of Variants from 1092 Humans: Application to Cancer Genomics. Science 2013, 342: 1235587. PMID: 24092746, PMCID: PMC3947637, DOI: 10.1126/science.1235587.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Architecture of the human regulatory network derived from ENCODE data
Gerstein MB, Kundaje A, Hariharan M, Landt SG, Yan KK, Cheng C, Mu XJ, Khurana E, Rozowsky J, Alexander R, Min R, Alves P, Abyzov A, Addleman N, Bhardwaj N, Boyle AP, Cayting P, Charos A, Chen DZ, Cheng Y, Clarke D, Eastman C, Euskirchen G, Frietze S, Fu Y, Gertz J, Grubert F, Harmanci A, Jain P, Kasowski M, Lacroute P, Leng J, Lian J, Monahan H, O’Geen H, Ouyang Z, Partridge EC, Patacsil D, Pauli F, Raha D, Ramirez L, Reddy TE, Reed B, Shi M, Slifer T, Wang J, Wu L, Yang X, Yip KY, Zilberman-Schapira G, Batzoglou S, Sidow A, Farnham PJ, Myers RM, Weissman SM, Snyder M. Architecture of the human regulatory network derived from ENCODE data. Nature 2012, 489: 91-100. PMID: 22955619, PMCID: PMC4154057, DOI: 10.1038/nature11245.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAllelesCell LineDNAEncyclopedias as TopicGATA1 Transcription FactorGene Expression ProfilingGene Regulatory NetworksGenome, HumanGenomicsHumansK562 CellsMolecular Sequence AnnotationOrgan SpecificityPhosphorylationPolymorphism, Single NucleotideProtein Interaction MapsRegulatory Sequences, Nucleic AcidRNA, UntranslatedSelection, GeneticTranscription FactorsTranscription Initiation SiteConceptsTranscription factorsRegulatory networksHuman transcriptional regulatory networkHuman regulatory networkSpecific genomic locationsTranscription-related factorsState of genesTranscriptional regulatory networksAllele-specific activityPersonal genome sequencesGenomic locationStrong selectionGenome sequenceENCODE dataGenomic informationInformation-flow bottlenecksRegulatory informationConnected network componentsCombinatorial fashionInfluences expressionHuman biologyBinding informationNetwork motifsCo-associationGenes