Multimodal phenotyping and correlates of pain following hematopoietic cell transplant in children with sickle cell disease
Bakshi N, Astles R, Chou E, Hurreh A, Sil S, Sinha C, Sanders K, Peddineni M, Gillespie S, Keesari R, Krishnamurti L. Multimodal phenotyping and correlates of pain following hematopoietic cell transplant in children with sickle cell disease. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2022, 70: e30046-e30046. PMID: 36322607, PMCID: PMC9820671, DOI: 10.1002/pbc.30046.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHematopoietic cell transplantPatient-reported outcomesSickle cell diseaseYear post-HCTPost-HCTExperimental pain sensitivitySickle cell anemiaCell transplantPain thresholdPain sensitivityCell diseaseCorrelates of painPressure pain thresholdHealth-related qualityCold pain thresholdAssessment of painPsychological factorsUnderstanding of painEffect sizePain assessmentObservational studySevere genotypePainCell anemiaOptional substudiesSickle Cell Transplantation Evaluation of Long-term and Late Effects Registry (STELLAR) to Compare Long-term Outcomes After Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation to Those in Siblings Without Sickle Cell Disease and in Nontransplanted Individuals With Sickle Cell Disease: Design and Feasibility Study
Krishnamurti L, Arnold S, Haight A, Abraham A, Guilcher G, John T, Bakshi N, Shenoy S, Syrjala K, Martin P, Chaudhury S, Eames G, Olowoselu O, Hsieh M, De La Fuente J, Kasow K, Stenger E, Mertens A, El-Rassi F, Lane P, Shaw B, Meacham L, Archer D. Sickle Cell Transplantation Evaluation of Long-term and Late Effects Registry (STELLAR) to Compare Long-term Outcomes After Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation to Those in Siblings Without Sickle Cell Disease and in Nontransplanted Individuals With Sickle Cell Disease: Design and Feasibility Study. JMIR Research Protocols 2022, 11: e36780. PMID: 35793124, PMCID: PMC9301564, DOI: 10.2196/36780.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHematopoietic cell transplantationSickle cell diseaseINTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIERLong-term outcomesCell diseaseTransplantation evaluationCell transplantationLate effectsPost-HCT patientsYear post-HCTFeasibility of recruitmentHealth-related qualityMarrow Transplant ResearchElectronic pain diaryChronic graftNontransplanted individualsPost-HCTHost diseasePain diaryBlood pressureDaily painInternational BloodHandgrip testHip circumferenceSexual function
Preliminary Safety and Efficacy Results from Precizn-1: An Ongoing Phase 1/2 Study on Zinc Finger Nuclease-Modified Autologous CD34+ HSPCs for Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)
Alavi A, Krishnamurti L, Abedi M, Galeon I, Reiner D, Smith S, Wang L, Ramezi A, Rendo P, Walters M. Preliminary Safety and Efficacy Results from Precizn-1: An Ongoing Phase 1/2 Study on Zinc Finger Nuclease-Modified Autologous CD34+ HSPCs for Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). Blood 2021, 138: 2930. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2021-151650.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSickle cell diseaseVaso-occlusive crisisAdverse eventsAutologous CD34Apheresis cyclesWeek 26Cell diseaseSpeakers bureauTotal HbOngoing phase 1/2 studySevere sickle cell diseaseF cellsPhase 1/2 studyBaseline patient characteristicsRelated adverse eventsHealth-related qualityPeripheral blood WBCCurrent unmet needPotential therapeutic valueEarly termination visitMinimum cell doseStem cell engraftmentTrend of improvementCurrent employmentElevated fetal hemoglobinIntraindividual pain variability and phenotypes of pain in sickle cell disease: a secondary analysis from the Pain in Sickle Cell Epidemiology Study
Bakshi N, Gillespie S, McClish D, McCracken C, Smith W, Krishnamurti L. Intraindividual pain variability and phenotypes of pain in sickle cell disease: a secondary analysis from the Pain in Sickle Cell Epidemiology Study. Pain 2021, 163: 1102-1113. PMID: 34538841, PMCID: PMC9100443, DOI: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002479.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSickle cell diseaseSickle Cell Epidemiology StudyOpioid useMean painPain variabilityPhysical functionPain intensityPain phenotypesPatient outcomesCell diseaseEpidemiology studiesHigher mean painLower mean painLow physical functionHealth-related qualityHealth care utilizationHigher physical functionProportion of daysSomatic symptom burdenSymptom burdenCare utilizationPainSecondary analysisSpearman rank correlationHigh temporal instability
Improvements in Health-Related Quality of Life for Patients Treated with LentiGlobin for Sickle Cell Disease (bb1111) Gene Therapy
Kanter J, Tisdale J, Mapara M, Kwiatkowski J, Krishnamurti L, Chen R, Gallagher M, Ding Y, Goyal S, Paramore C, Thompson A, Walters M. Improvements in Health-Related Quality of Life for Patients Treated with LentiGlobin for Sickle Cell Disease (bb1111) Gene Therapy. Blood 2020, 136: 10. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2020-136193.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSickle cell diseaseAcute chest syndromeNumeric rating scalePatient-reported outcomesMonth 12Pain intensitySleep disturbance domainsBaseline scoresPhysical functionBluebird BioPopulation normsMeaningful improvementsMonth 6Pain intensity numeric rating scalePROMIS-57T-scorePatient-reported HRQoL outcomesUS general population normsAdvisory CommitteePain interference scoresGene therapyGroup C patientsCohort of patientsHealth-related qualityHistory of stroke
Bone marrow transplantation for adolescents and young adults with sickle cell disease: Results of a prospective multicenter pilot study
Krishnamurti L, Neuberg D, Sullivan K, Kamani N, Abraham A, Campigotto F, Zhang W, Dahdoul T, De Castro L, Parikh S, Bakshi N, Haight A, Hassell K, Loving R, Rosenthal J, Smith S, Smith W, Spearman M, Stevenson K, Wu C, Wiedl C, Waller E, Walters M. Bone marrow transplantation for adolescents and young adults with sickle cell disease: Results of a prospective multicenter pilot study. American Journal Of Hematology 2019, 94: 446-454. PMID: 30637784, PMCID: PMC6542639, DOI: 10.1002/ajh.25401.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSevere sickle cell diseaseBone marrow transplantationEvent-free survivalSickle cell diseaseMarrow transplantationCell diseaseElevated tricuspid regurgitant jet velocityRegular red blood cell transfusionsSevere SCDDonor bone marrow transplantationOne-year overall survivalSecond bone marrow transplantationTricuspid regurgitant jet velocityRed blood cell transfusionProspective multicenter pilot studyDeveloped chronic GVHDHost disease (GVHD) prophylaxisStable donor chimerismAcute chest syndromeSecondary graft failureBlood cell transfusionHealth-related qualityPhysical function domainProspective clinical trialsRegurgitant jet velocity
Pain catastrophizing is associated with poorer health-related quality of life in pediatric patients with sickle cell disease
Bakshi N, Lukombo I, Belfer I, Krishnamurti L. Pain catastrophizing is associated with poorer health-related quality of life in pediatric patients with sickle cell disease. Journal Of Pain Research 2018, 11: 947-953. PMID: 29773954, PMCID: PMC5947835, DOI: 10.2147/jpr.s151198.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSickle cell diseasePoor health-related qualityHealth-related qualityHealth care utilizationPoor HRQOLPain intensityCare utilizationCell diseaseDepressive symptomsPrior health care utilizationPsychological factorsPain-related outcomesRace-matched controlsCross-sectional studyQuality of lifePaucity of dataSCD outcomesPain burdenPediatric patientsRed blood cellsPain interferenceMultisystem involvementPain phenotypingHRQoLPsychological covariates
Determining the longitudinal validity and meaningful differences in HRQL of the PedsQLâ„¢ Sickle Cell Disease Module
Panepinto J, Paul Scott J, Badaki-Makun O, Darbari D, Chumpitazi C, Airewele G, Ellison A, Smith-Whitley K, Mahajan P, Sarnaik S, Charles Casper T, Cook L, Leonard J, Hulbert M, Powell E, Liem R, Hickey R, Krishnamurti L, Hillery C, Brousseau D, for the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN). Determining the longitudinal validity and meaningful differences in HRQL of the PedsQLâ„¢ Sickle Cell Disease Module. Health And Quality Of Life Outcomes 2017, 15: 124. PMID: 28606098, PMCID: PMC5468970, DOI: 10.1186/s12955-017-0700-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSickle Cell Disease ModuleDisease-specific HRQL instrumentsHealth-related qualityPatient-centered outcomesProspective trial designSickle cell diseaseSpecific HRQL instrumentsHRQL assessmentHRQL instrumentsLongitudinal validityAncillary studiesCell diseaseTrial designHealth statusDisease modulesTime pointsPedsQLMeaningful changeChildrenHRQLPatientsHospitalDisease
A multicenter randomized controlled trial of intravenous magnesium for sickle cell pain crisis in children
Brousseau D, Scott J, Badaki-Makun O, Darbari D, Chumpitazi C, Airewele G, Ellison A, Smith-Whitley K, Mahajan P, Sarnaik S, Casper T, Cook L, Dean J, Leonard J, Hulbert M, Powell E, Liem R, Hickey R, Krishnamurti L, Hillery C, Nimmer M, Panepinto J, Network F. A multicenter randomized controlled trial of intravenous magnesium for sickle cell pain crisis in children. Blood 2015, 126: 1651-1657. PMID: 26232172, PMCID: PMC4591790, DOI: 10.1182/blood-2015-05-647107.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSickle cell pain crisisLength of stayPediatric Emergency Care Applied Research NetworkPain crisisIntravenous magnesiumOpioid useNormal saline placeboStudy drug infusionPlacebo-controlled trialHealth-related qualityQuality of lifeMorphine equivalentsStudy drugSaline placeboSecondary outcomesStandard therapyHemoglobin SSPediatric patientsPrimary outcomeDrug infusionPain relieversPlaceboStayChildren 4Group demographicsDevelopment, Content Validity, and User Review of a Web-based Multidimensional Pain Diary for Adolescent and Young Adults With Sickle Cell Disease
Bakshi N, Stinson J, Ross D, Lukombo I, Mittal N, Joshi S, Belfer I, Krishnamurti L. Development, Content Validity, and User Review of a Web-based Multidimensional Pain Diary for Adolescent and Young Adults With Sickle Cell Disease. The Clinical Journal Of Pain 2015, 31: 580-590. PMID: 25565585, DOI: 10.1097/ajp.0000000000000195.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSickle cell diseasePain diaryHealth care utilizationElectronic pain diaryYoung adultsCare utilizationCell diseasePoor health-related qualityContent validityVaso-occlusive painDaily pain diarySeverity of painHealth-related qualityPain burdenModification of itemsPain experiencePainPatientsEnd-user reviewsElectronic diaryDiseaseAdultsAdolescentsPsychometric propertiesDiary