Clinical Implications of Breast Cancer Intrinsic Subtypes
Rios-Hoyo A, Shan N, Karn P, Pusztai L. Clinical Implications of Breast Cancer Intrinsic Subtypes. Advances In Experimental Medicine And Biology 2025, 1464: 435-448. PMID: 39821037, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-70875-6_21.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBasal-like cancersBreast cancerDistant recurrenceLuminal cancersEndocrine therapyAdjuvant chemotherapyClinical behaviorOncotype DX recurrence scorePathologic complete response rateTreated with preoperative chemotherapyExcellent long-term survivalRisk of early recurrenceBasal-like breast cancerBreast cancer intrinsic subtypesHER2-enriched cancersImmunotherapy to chemotherapyLuminal A cancersComplete response rateImmune checkpoint inhibitorsEstrogen receptor-negativeHER2-targeted therapyEstrogen receptor-positiveLevel of immune infiltrationHER2 gene amplificationAdjuvant endocrine therapy
The mutational profile of ER-, PR+, HER2- metastatic breast cancer.
Fischbach N, Huang R, Lustberg M, Pelletier M, Pusztai L, Sivakumar S, Sokol E, Ross J, Levy M. The mutational profile of ER-, PR+, HER2- metastatic breast cancer. Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2022, 40: 1025-1025. DOI: 10.1200/jco.2022.40.16_suppl.1025.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTriple-negative breast cancerComprehensive genomic profilingMetastatic breast cancerBreast cancerClinical trialsPathology reportsMutational profileHER2- metastatic breast cancerConsecutive breast cancersAnti-estrogen therapyNegative breast cancerPD-L1 IHCPotential therapeutic implicationsHigh rateEndocrine therapyEstrogen therapyPatient ageFoundation MedicineKRAS alterationsRare subtypeHER2 expressionClinical behaviorReceptor phenotypeBreast carcinomaTreatment strategies
TP53 mutation‐correlated genes predict the risk of tumor relapse and identify MPS1 as a potential therapeutic kinase in TP53‐mutated breast cancers
Győrffy B, Bottai G, Lehmann-Che J, Kéri G, Őrfi L, Iwamoto T, Desmedt C, Bianchini G, Turner NC, de Thè H, André F, Sotiriou C, Hortobagyi GN, Di Leo A, Pusztai L, Santarpia L. TP53 mutation‐correlated genes predict the risk of tumor relapse and identify MPS1 as a potential therapeutic kinase in TP53‐mutated breast cancers. Molecular Oncology 2014, 8: 508-519. PMID: 24462521, PMCID: PMC5528634, DOI: 10.1016/j.molonc.2013.12.018.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBreast cancerTP53 mutation statusPrognostic valueBC cellsMutation statusER-negative breast cancerDifferent BC cell linesFuture clinical trialsSignificant prognostic markerPotential therapeutic targetBC cell linesType of treatmentNeoadjuvant chemotherapyBC patientsClinical behaviorPrognostic markerClinical trialsConventional chemotherapyEstrogen receptorPotent small molecule inhibitorsTumor relapseSmall molecule inhibitorsTherapeutic targetClinical relevanceTP53 status
Comparison of molecular subtype distribution in triple-negative inflammatory and non-inflammatory breast cancers
Masuda H, Baggerly KA, Wang Y, Iwamoto T, Brewer T, Pusztai L, Kai K, Kogawa T, Finetti P, Birnbaum D, Dirix L, Woodward WA, Reuben JM, Krishnamurthy S, Symmans W, Van Laere SJ, Bertucci F, Hortobagyi GN, Ueno NT. Comparison of molecular subtype distribution in triple-negative inflammatory and non-inflammatory breast cancers. Breast Cancer Research 2013, 15: r112. PMID: 24274653, PMCID: PMC3978878, DOI: 10.1186/bcr3579.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInflammatory breast cancerTriple-negative breast cancerTN-IBCIBC statusTNBC subtypesBreast cancerTNBC cohortClinical outcomesNon-inflammatory breast cancerMolecular subtype distributionWorld IBC ConsortiumRecurrence-free survivalNon-inflammatory typeClinical characteristicsOverall survivalPoor prognosisClinical behaviorSubtype distributionConclusionsOur dataHeterogeneous diseaseSubtypesCancerSignificant predictorsGene expression profilesCohort
Gene expression profiling in breast cancer: classification, prognostication, and prediction
Reis-Filho JS, Pusztai L. Gene expression profiling in breast cancer: classification, prognostication, and prediction. The Lancet 2011, 378: 1812-1823. PMID: 22098854, DOI: 10.1016/s0140-6736(11)61539-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBreast cancerER-negative breast cancerGene expression profilingER-positive diseasePrognosis of patientsDistinct molecular aberrationsMolecular classification systemPotential clinical useClinical behaviorHistological featuresClinical trialsMolecular subtypesProliferation-related genesMultigene classifiersClinical practiceMolecular aberrationsExpression profilingCancerDistinct diseasesMultigene predictorsClinical useMolecular classificationDiseaseHeterogeneous groupDifferent diseases
Estrogen Receptors and Distinct Patterns of Breast Cancer Relapse
Hess KR, Pusztai L, Buzdar AU, Hortobagyi GN. Estrogen Receptors and Distinct Patterns of Breast Cancer Relapse. Breast Cancer Research And Treatment 2003, 78: 105-118. PMID: 12611463, DOI: 10.1023/a:1022166517963.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsER-negative statusER-positive tumorsSite of recurrenceBreast cancer deathsFirst recurrenceER statusTumor recurrenceCancer deathClinical behaviorAdjuvant therapy protocolsOperable stage IIER-negative cancersER-positive statusRate of recurrenceBreast cancer relapseHigh rateMenopausal statusTumor burdenRecurrence rateBreast cancerEstrogen receptorCancer relapseRecurrencePatientsStage II