Multicenter Prospective Study on the Burden of Rotavirus Gastroenteritis in Turkey, 2005–2006: A Hospital-Based Study
Ceyhan M, Alhan E, Salman N, Kurugol Z, Yildirim I, Celik U, Keser M, Koturoglu G, Tezer H, Bulbul EK, Karabocuoglu M, Halicioglu O, Anis S, Pawinski R. Multicenter Prospective Study on the Burden of Rotavirus Gastroenteritis in Turkey, 2005–2006: A Hospital-Based Study. The Journal Of Infectious Diseases 2009, 200: s234-s238. PMID: 19817603, DOI: 10.1086/605056.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRotavirus gastroenteritisWorld Health Organization's generic protocolRotavirus-positive childrenPrevalence of rotavirusMulticenter prospective studyRotavirus vaccineProspective surveillanceProspective studyDisease burdenMortality rateGastroenteritisPrevalent strainsRotavirusIndividual centersChildrenBurdenMain causeHospitalizationHospitalInfantsVaccineYearsPrevalenceComparison of nasopharyngeal culture, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and serological test for diagnosis of pertussis.
Cengiz AB, Yildirim I, Ceyhan M, Seçmeer G, Gür D, Kara A. Comparison of nasopharyngeal culture, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and serological test for diagnosis of pertussis. The Turkish Journal Of Pediatrics 2009, 51: 309-16. PMID: 19950836.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDiagnosis of pertussisFirst serum samplePolymerase chain reactionIgG antibodiesSerum samplesNasopharyngeal culturesPertussis toxinInitial examinationHacettepe University Ihsan Doğramaci Children's HospitalB. pertussisAnti-pertussis antibodiesSecond serum samplePCR-positive patientsB. pertussis antigensChain reactionTypes of antibodiesBordetella pertussis cultureAntibody positivityParoxysmal coughPertussis antigensVaccination historyAntibody levelsChildren's HospitalProspective studyInspiratory whoop
A Prospective Study of Etiology of Childhood Acute Bacterial Meningitis, Turkey - Volume 14, Number 7—July 2008 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC
Ceyhan M, Yildirim I, Balmer P, Borrow R, Dikici B, Turgut M, Kurt N, Aydogan A, Ecevit C, Anlar Y, Gulumser O, Tanir G, Salman N, Gurler N, Hatipoglu N, Hacimustafaoglu M, Celebi S, Coskun Y, Alhan E, Celik U, Camcioglu Y, Secmeer G, Gur D, Gray S. A Prospective Study of Etiology of Childhood Acute Bacterial Meningitis, Turkey - Volume 14, Number 7—July 2008 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2008, 14: 1089-1096. PMID: 18598630, PMCID: PMC2600347, DOI: 10.3201/eid1407.070938.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute bacterial meningitisBacterial meningitisSerogroup WCSF samplesChildhood acute bacterial meningitisHaemophilus influenzae type bInfectious Diseases journal - CDCEtiology of meningitisInfluenzae type bCerebrospinal fluid samplesPCR-positive samplesProspective studyBacterial etiologyMeningococcal diseaseVaccination policyCost of diseaseMeningitisS. pneumoniaeStreptococcus pneumoniaeClinical diagnosisEtiologyN. meningitidisNeisseria meningitidisDiseaseType BComparing body temperature measurements by mothers and physicians using mercury-in-glass, digital mercury and infrared tympanic membrane thermometers in healthy newborn babies.
Cultu O, Yildirim I, Ceyhan M, Korkmaz A, Yurdakök M, Karaağaoğlu E, Seçmeer G. Comparing body temperature measurements by mothers and physicians using mercury-in-glass, digital mercury and infrared tympanic membrane thermometers in healthy newborn babies. The Turkish Journal Of Pediatrics 2008, 50: 354-8. PMID: 19014049.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNewborn babiesTympanic membrane thermometerEducational levelHealthy newborn babiesHealth care workersBody temperatureBody temperature changesHealthy newbornsProspective studyCare workersMedical carePediatriciansPrevious childIntraclass coefficientAbsolute differencePhysiciansTympanic thermometer measurementsMothersTympanic thermometerBody temperature measurementPresence of childrenBabiesDegrees CChildrenThermometer readings
P1215 Endemic serogroup W135 meningococcal meningitis possibly originated from 2000 and 2001 Hajj epidemics: a prospective study for the aetiology of childhood acute bacterial meningitis in Turkey
Ceyhan M, Yildirim I, Balmer P, Borrow R, Secmeer G, Dikici B, Turgut M, Kurt N, Aydogan A, Ecevit C, Anlar Y, Gulumser O, Tanir G, Salman N, Gurler N, Aydin N, Hacimustafaoglu M, Celebi S, Coskun Y, Alhan E, Celik U, Camcioglu Y. P1215 Endemic serogroup W135 meningococcal meningitis possibly originated from 2000 and 2001 Hajj epidemics: a prospective study for the aetiology of childhood acute bacterial meningitis in Turkey. International Journal Of Antimicrobial Agents 2007, 29: s333. DOI: 10.1016/s0924-8579(07)71055-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRole of Procalcitonin and CRP in Differentiating a Stable From a Deteriorating Clinical Course in Pediatric Febrile Neutropenia
Secmeer G, Devrim I, Kara A, Ceyhan M, Cengiz B, Kutluk T, Buyukpamukcu M, Yetgin S, Tuncer M, Uludag AK, Tezer H, Yildirim I. Role of Procalcitonin and CRP in Differentiating a Stable From a Deteriorating Clinical Course in Pediatric Febrile Neutropenia. Journal Of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology 2007, 29: 107-111. PMID: 17279007, DOI: 10.1097/mph.0b013e3180320b5b.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeutropenic fever patientsC-reactive proteinIntensive chemotherapyNeutropenic feverPCT concentrationsErythrocyte sedimentation rate levelsHacettepe University Ihsan DoÄŸramaci Children's HospitalHours of onsetRole of procalcitoninValue of procalcitoninErythrocyte sedimentation ratePediatric febrile neutropeniaFebrile neutropeniaInflammation parametersControl patientsCRP levelsFebrile episodesOccult infectionUnderlying diseaseAntibiotic therapyClinical courseChildren's HospitalProspective studyTherapy modificationLeukocyte count