Fine-mapping of 150 breast cancer risk regions identifies 191 likely target genes
Fachal L, Aschard H, Beesley J, Barnes DR, Allen J, Kar S, Pooley KA, Dennis J, Michailidou K, Turman C, Soucy P, Lemaçon A, Lush M, Tyrer JP, Ghoussaini M, Moradi Marjaneh M, Jiang X, Agata S, Aittomäki K, Alonso MR, Andrulis IL, Anton-Culver H, Antonenkova NN, Arason A, Arndt V, Aronson KJ, Arun BK, Auber B, Auer PL, Azzollini J, Balmaña J, Barkardottir RB, Barrowdale D, Beeghly-Fadiel A, Benitez J, Bermisheva M, BiaÅ‚kowska K, Blanco AM, Blomqvist C, Blot W, Bogdanova NV, Bojesen SE, Bolla MK, Bonanni B, Borg A, Bosse K, Brauch H, Brenner H, Briceno I, Brock IW, Brooks-Wilson A, Brüning T, Burwinkel B, Buys SS, Cai Q, Caldés T, Caligo MA, Camp NJ, Campbell I, Canzian F, Carroll JS, Carter BD, Castelao JE, Chiquette J, Christiansen H, Chung WK, Claes KBM, Clarke CL, Collée J, Cornelissen S, Couch F, Cox A, Cross S, Cybulski C, Czene K, Daly M, de la Hoya M, Devilee P, Diez O, Ding Y, Dite G, Domchek S, Dörk T, dos-Santos-Silva I, Droit A, Dubois S, Dumont M, Duran M, Durcan L, Dwek M, Eccles D, Engel C, Eriksson M, Evans D, Fasching P, Fletcher O, Floris G, Flyger H, Foretova L, Foulkes W, Friedman E, Fritschi L, Frost D, Gabrielson M, Gago-Dominguez M, Gambino G, Ganz P, Gapstur S, Garber J, GarcÃa-Sáenz J, Gaudet M, Georgoulias V, Giles G, Glendon G, Godwin A, Goldberg M, Goldgar D, González-Neira A, Tibiletti M, Greene M, Grip M, Gronwald J, Grundy A, Guénel P, Hahnen E, Haiman C, HÃ¥kansson N, Hall P, Hamann U, Harrington P, Hartikainen J, Hartman M, He W, Healey C, Heemskerk-Gerritsen B, Heyworth J, Hillemanns P, Hogervorst F, Hollestelle A, Hooning M, Hopper J, Howell A, Huang G, Hulick P, Imyanitov E, Isaacs C, Iwasaki M, Jager A, Jakimovska M, Jakubowska A, James P, Janavicius R, Jankowitz R, John E, Johnson N, Jones M, Jukkola-Vuorinen A, Jung A, Kaaks R, Kang D, Kapoor P, Karlan B, Keeman R, Kerin M, Khusnutdinova E, Kiiski J, Kirk J, Kitahara C, Ko Y, Konstantopoulou I, Kosma V, Koutros S, Kubelka-Sabit K, Kwong A, Kyriacou K, Laitman Y, Lambrechts D, Lee E, Leslie G, Lester J, Lesueur F, Lindblom A, Lo W, Long J, Lophatananon A, Loud J, LubiÅ„ski J, MacInnis R, Maishman T, Makalic E, Mannermaa A, Manoochehri M, Manoukian S, Margolin S, Martinez M, Matsuo K, Maurer T, Mavroudis D, Mayes R, McGuffog L, McLean C, Mebirouk N, Meindl A, Miller A, Miller N, Montagna M, Moreno F, Muir K, Mulligan A, Muñoz-Garzon V, Muranen T, Narod S, Nassir R, Nathanson K, Neuhausen S, Nevanlinna H, Neven P, Nielsen F, Nikitina-Zake L, Norman A, Offit K, Olah E, Olopade O, Olsson H, Orr N, Osorio A, Pankratz V, Papp J, Park S, Park-Simon T, Parsons M, Paul J, Pedersen I, Peissel B, Peshkin B, Peterlongo P, Peto J, Plaseska-Karanfilska D, Prajzendanc K, Prentice R, Presneau N, Prokofyeva D, Pujana M, Pylkäs K, Radice P, Ramus S, Rantala J, Rau-Murthy R, Rennert G, Risch H, Robson M, Romero A, Rossing M, Saloustros E, Sánchez-Herrero E, Sandler D, Santamariña M, Saunders C, Sawyer E, Scheuner M, Schmidt D, Schmutzler R, Schneeweiss A, Schoemaker M, Schöttker B, Schürmann P, Scott C, Scott R, Senter L, Seynaeve C, Shah M, Sharma P, Shen C, Shu X, Singer C, Slavin T, Smichkoska S, Southey M, Spinelli J, Spurdle A, Stone J, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Sutter C, Swerdlow A, Tamimi R, Tan Y, Tapper W, Taylor J, Teixeira M, Tengström M, Teo S, Terry M, Teulé A, Thomassen M, Thull D, Tischkowitz M, Toland A, Tollenaar R, Tomlinson I, Torres D, Torres-MejÃa G, Troester M, Truong T, Tung N, Tzardi M, Ulmer H, Vachon C, van Asperen C, van der Kolk L, van Rensburg E, Vega A, Viel A, Vijai J, Vogel M, Wang Q, Wappenschmidt B, Weinberg C, Weitzel J, Wendt C, Wildiers H, Winqvist R, Wolk A, Wu A, Yannoukakos D, Zhang Y, Zheng W, Hunter D, Pharoah P, Chang-Claude J, GarcÃa-Closas M, Schmidt M, Milne R, Kristensen V, French J, Edwards S, Antoniou A, Chenevix-Trench G, Simard J, Easton D, Kraft P, Dunning A. Fine-mapping of 150 breast cancer risk regions identifies 191 likely target genes. Nature Genetics 2020, 52: 56-73. PMID: 31911677, PMCID: PMC6974400, DOI: 10.1038/s41588-019-0537-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCausal variantsTranscription factorsTarget genesActive gene regulatory regionsHigh-confidence target genesGenomic feature annotationsGenome-wide association studiesBreast cancer risk variantsGene regulatory regionsCredible causal variantsGene ontology pathwaysChromatin interactionsFunctional annotationGenomic regionsOntology pathwaysRegulatory regionsGenomic featuresCancer driversGene expressionAssociation studiesAssociation analysisGenesLinkage disequilibriumRisk variantsHigh posterior probability
Functional analysis and fine mapping of the 9p22.2 ovarian cancer susceptibility locus
Buckley MA, Woods NT, Tyrer JP, Mendoza-Fandiño G, Lawrenson K, Hazelett DJ, Najafabadi HS, Gjyshi A, Carvalho RS, Lyra PC, Coetzee SG, Shen HC, Yang AW, Earp MA, Yoder S, Risch H, Chenevix-Trench G, Ramus SJ, Phelan CM, Coetzee GA, Noushmehr H, Hughes TR, Sellers TA, Goode EL, Pharoah P, Gayther SA, Monteiro A. Functional analysis and fine mapping of the 9p22.2 ovarian cancer susceptibility locus. Cancer Research 2019, 79: canres.3864.2017. PMID: 30487138, PMCID: PMC6359979, DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.can-17-3864.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsBase SequenceCarcinoma, Ovarian EpithelialCell Cycle ProteinsCell Line, TumorChromosome MappingChromosomes, Human, Pair 9Cystadenocarcinoma, SerousDNA, NeoplasmDNA-Binding ProteinsFemaleGenetic Predisposition to DiseaseGenome-Wide Association StudyHEK293 CellsHumansLinkage DisequilibriumOvarian NeoplasmsPolymorphism, Single NucleotideConceptsScaffold/matrix attachment regionsMatrix attachment regionsTarget genesAttachment regionsOvarian cancer susceptibility lociGenome-wide association studiesCancer risk lociLikely target genesTranscriptional regulatory elementsAllele-specific effectsDownstream target genesLikely causal variantsCancer susceptibility lociCandidate causal SNPsFine mappingRegulatory elementsLoci identifiesCausal variantsRisk lociCausal SNPsFunctional analysisAssociation studiesCancer risk genesSusceptibility lociRisk genes
Genome-Wide Meta-Analyses of Breast, Ovarian, and Prostate Cancer Association Studies Identify Multiple New Susceptibility Loci Shared by at Least Two Cancer Types
Kar SP, Beesley J, Al Olama A, Michailidou K, Tyrer J, Kote-Jarai Z, Lawrenson K, Lindstrom S, Ramus SJ, Thompson DJ, Investigators A, Kibel AS, Dansonka-Mieszkowska A, Michael A, Dieffenbach AK, Gentry-Maharaj A, Whittemore AS, Wolk A, Monteiro A, Peixoto A, Kierzek A, Cox A, Rudolph A, Gonzalez-Neira A, Wu AH, Lindblom A, Swerdlow A, Study A, BioResource A, Ziogas A, Ekici AB, Burwinkel B, Karlan BY, Nordestgaard BG, Blomqvist C, Phelan C, McLean C, Pearce CL, Vachon C, Cybulski C, Slavov C, Stegmaier C, Maier C, Ambrosone CB, Høgdall CK, Teerlink CC, Kang D, Tessier DC, Schaid DJ, Stram DO, Cramer DW, Neal DE, Eccles D, Flesch-Janys D, Edwards DR, Wokozorczyk D, Levine DA, Yannoukakos D, Sawyer EJ, Bandera EV, Poole EM, Goode EL, Khusnutdinova E, Høgdall E, Song F, Bruinsma F, Heitz F, Modugno F, Hamdy FC, Wiklund F, Giles GG, Olsson H, Wildiers H, Ulmer HU, Pandha H, Risch HA, Darabi H, Salvesen HB, Nevanlinna H, Gronberg H, Brenner H, Brauch H, Anton-Culver H, Song H, Lim HY, McNeish I, Campbell I, Vergote I, Gronwald J, LubiÅ„ski J, Stanford JL, BenÃtez J, Doherty JA, Permuth JB, Chang-Claude J, Donovan JL, Dennis J, Schildkraut JM, Schleutker J, Hopper JL, Kupryjanczyk J, Park JY, Figueroa J, Clements JA, Knight JA, Peto J, Cunningham JM, Pow-Sang J, Batra J, Czene K, Lu KH, Herkommer K, Khaw KT, Investigators K, Matsuo K, Muir K, Offitt K, Chen K, Moysich KB, Aittomäki K, Odunsi K, Kiemeney LA, Massuger LF, Fitzgerald LM, Cook LS, Cannon-Albright L, Hooning MJ, Pike MC, Bolla MK, Luedeke M, Teixeira MR, Goodman MT, Schmidt MK, Riggan M, Aly M, Rossing MA, Beckmann MW, Moisse M, Sanderson M, Southey MC, Jones M, Lush M, Hildebrandt MA, Hou MF, Schoemaker MJ, Garcia-Closas M, Bogdanova N, Rahman N, Investigators N, Le ND, Orr N, Wentzensen N, Pashayan N, Peterlongo P, Guénel P, Brennan P, Paulo P, Webb PM, Broberg P, Fasching PA, Devilee P, Wang Q, Cai Q, Li Q, Kaneva R, Butzow R, Kopperud RK, Schmutzler RK, Stephenson RA, MacInnis RJ, Hoover RN, Winqvist R, Ness R, Milne RL, Travis RC, Benlloch S, Olson SH, McDonnell SK, Tworoger SS, Maia S, Berndt S, Lee SC, Teo SH, Thibodeau SN, Bojesen SE, Gapstur SM, Kjær SK, Pejovic T, Tammela TL, Network T, consortium T, Dörk T, Brüning T, Wahlfors T, Key TJ, Edwards TL, Menon U, Hamann U, Mitev V, Kosma VM, Setiawan VW, Kristensen V, Arndt V, Vogel W, Zheng W, Sieh W, Blot WJ, Kluzniak W, Shu XO, Gao YT, Schumacher F, Freedman ML, Berchuck A, Dunning AM, Simard J, Haiman CA, Spurdle A, Sellers TA, Hunter DJ, Henderson BE, Kraft P, Chanock SJ, Couch FJ, Hall P, Gayther SA, Easton DF, Chenevix-Trench G, Eeles R, Pharoah PD, Lambrechts D. Genome-Wide Meta-Analyses of Breast, Ovarian, and Prostate Cancer Association Studies Identify Multiple New Susceptibility Loci Shared by at Least Two Cancer Types. Cancer Discovery 2016, 6: 1052-1067. PMID: 27432226, PMCID: PMC5010513, DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.cd-15-1227.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsBreast NeoplasmsCase-Control StudiesChromosome MappingDatasets as TopicEnhancer Elements, GeneticFemaleGene Regulatory NetworksGenetic LociGenetic Predisposition to DiseaseGenome-Wide Association StudyHumansMaleMeta-Analysis as TopicOrgan SpecificityOvarian NeoplasmsPolymorphism, Single NucleotideProstatic NeoplasmsQuantitative Trait LociSignal TransductionConceptsCancer risk lociRisk lociSpecific expression quantitative trait lociExpression quantitative trait lociGenome-wide association studiesProstate cancer risk lociQuantitative trait lociNew risk lociMeta-analysis data setsTrait lociTarget genesGenetic basisNew lociCancer typesDeath receptorsPathway analysisInteraction annotationsAssociation studiesLociSignificant enrichmentIndex variantsEuropean ancestryAdditional regionsGenesSecond cancer types
A genome-wide association study identifies a new ovarian cancer susceptibility locus on 9p22.2
Song H, Ramus SJ, Tyrer J, Bolton KL, Gentry-Maharaj A, Wozniak E, Anton-Culver H, Chang-Claude J, Cramer DW, DiCioccio R, Dörk T, Goode EL, Goodman MT, Schildkraut JM, Sellers T, Baglietto L, Beckmann MW, Beesley J, Blaakaer J, Carney ME, Chanock S, Chen Z, Cunningham JM, Dicks E, Doherty JA, Dürst M, Ekici AB, Fenstermacher D, Fridley BL, Giles G, Gore ME, De Vivo I, Hillemanns P, Hogdall C, Hogdall E, Iversen ES, Jacobs IJ, Jakubowska A, Li D, Lissowska J, Lubiński J, Lurie G, McGuire V, McLaughlin J, Mędrek K, Moorman PG, Moysich K, Narod S, Phelan C, Pye C, Risch H, Runnebaum IB, Severi G, Southey M, Stram DO, Thiel FC, Terry KL, Tsai YY, Tworoger SS, Van Den Berg DJ, Vierkant RA, Wang-Gohrke S, Webb PM, Wilkens LR, Wu AH, Yang H, Brewster W, Ziogas A, Houlston R, Tomlinson I, Whittemore A, Rossing M, Ponder B, Pearce C, Ness R, Menon U, Kjaer S, Gronwald J, Garcia-Closas M, Fasching P, Easton D, Chenevix-Trench G, Berchuck A, Pharoah P, Gayther S. A genome-wide association study identifies a new ovarian cancer susceptibility locus on 9p22.2. Nature Genetics 2009, 41: 996-1000. PMID: 19648919, PMCID: PMC2844110, DOI: 10.1038/ng.424.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAllelesAustraliaBase SequenceCase-Control StudiesChromosome MappingChromosomes, Human, Pair 9Confidence IntervalsEuropeFemaleGene FrequencyGenetic Predisposition to DiseaseGenome-Wide Association StudyGenotypeHaplotypesHeterozygoteHomozygoteHumansLinkage DisequilibriumMolecular Sequence DataOdds RatioOvarian NeoplasmsPolymorphism, Single NucleotideRisk FactorsUnited StatesWhite People