Agnostic Pathway/Gene Set Analysis of Genome-Wide Association Data Identifies Associations for Pancreatic Cancer
Walsh N, Zhang H, Hyland PL, Yang Q, Mocci E, Zhang M, Childs EJ, Collins I, Wang Z, Arslan AA, Beane-Freeman L, Bracci PM, Brennan P, Canzian F, Duell EJ, Gallinger S, Giles GG, Goggins M, Goodman GE, Goodman PJ, Hung RJ, Kooperberg C, Kurtz RC, Malats N, LeMarchand L, Neale RE, Olson SH, Scelo G, Shu XO, Van Den Eeden SK, Visvanathan K, White E, Zheng W, consortia P, Albanes D, Andreotti G, Babic A, Bamlet W, Berndt S, Borgida A, Boutron-Ruault M, Brais L, Brennan P, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Buring J, Chaffee K, Chanock S, Cleary S, Cotterchio M, Foretova L, Fuchs C, Gaziano J, Giovannucci E, Goggins M, Hackert T, Haiman C, Hartge P, Hasan M, Helzlsouer K, Herman J, Holcatova I, Holly E, Hoover R, Hung R, Janout V, Klein E, Kurtz R, Laheru D, Lee I, Lu L, Malats N, Mannisto S, Milne R, Oberg A, Orlow I, Patel A, Peters U, Porta M, Real F, Rothman N, Sesso H, Severi G, Silverman D, Strobel O, Sund M, Thornquist M, Tobias G, Wactawski-Wende J, Wareham N, Weiderpass E, Wentzensen N, Wheeler W, Yu H, Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A, Kraft P, Li D, Jacobs E, Petersen G, Wolpin B, Risch H, Amundadottir L, Yu K, Klein A, Stolzenberg-Solomon R. Agnostic Pathway/Gene Set Analysis of Genome-Wide Association Data Identifies Associations for Pancreatic Cancer. Journal Of The National Cancer Institute 2018, 111: 557-567. PMID: 30541042, PMCID: PMC6579744, DOI: 10.1093/jnci/djy155.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenome-wide association studiesGene setsSingle nucleotide polymorphismsFunctional annotationEpidermal growth factor receptor transactivationExpression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) analysisQuantitative trait locus (QTL) analysisGrowth factor receptor transactivationTop single nucleotide polymorphismsG protein-coupled receptorsGene-set analysisProtein-coupled receptorsIndividual single nucleotide polymorphismsBeta-cell developmentEQTL analysisGWAS dataPCC genesPancreatic ductal adenocarcinomaReceptor transactivationLocus analysisPathway analysisAssociation studiesGenesSusceptibility genesIdentifies associationsIdentification of nine new susceptibility loci for endometrial cancer
O’Mara T, Glubb DM, Amant F, Annibali D, Ashton K, Attia J, Auer PL, Beckmann MW, Black A, Bolla MK, Brauch H, Brenner H, Brinton L, Buchanan DD, Burwinkel B, Chang-Claude J, Chanock SJ, Chen C, Chen MM, Cheng THT, Clarke CL, Clendenning M, Cook LS, Couch FJ, Cox A, Crous-Bous M, Czene K, Day F, Dennis J, Depreeuw J, Doherty JA, Dörk T, Dowdy SC, Dürst M, Ekici AB, Fasching PA, Fridley BL, Friedenreich CM, Fritschi L, Fung J, GarcÃa-Closas M, Gaudet MM, Giles GG, Goode EL, Gorman M, Haiman CA, Hall P, Hankison SE, Healey CS, Hein A, Hillemanns P, Hodgson S, Hoivik EA, Holliday EG, Hopper JL, Hunter DJ, Jones A, Krakstad C, Kristensen VN, Lambrechts D, Marchand LL, Liang X, Lindblom A, Lissowska J, Long J, Lu L, Magliocco AM, Martin L, McEvoy M, Meindl A, Michailidou K, Milne RL, Mints M, Montgomery GW, Nassir R, Olsson H, Orlow I, Otton G, Palles C, Perry JRB, Peto J, Pooler L, Prescott J, Proietto T, Rebbeck TR, Risch HA, Rogers PAW, Rübner M, Runnebaum I, Sacerdote C, Sarto GE, Schumacher F, Scott RJ, Setiawan VW, Shah M, Sheng X, Shu XO, Southey MC, Swerdlow AJ, Tham E, Trovik J, Turman C, Tyrer JP, Vachon C, VanDen Berg D, Vanderstichele A, Wang Z, Webb PM, Wentzensen N, Werner HMJ, Winham SJ, Wolk A, Xia L, Xiang YB, Yang HP, Yu H, Zheng W, Pharoah PDP, Dunning AM, Kraft P, De Vivo I, Tomlinson I, Easton DF, Spurdle AB, Thompson DJ. Identification of nine new susceptibility loci for endometrial cancer. Nature Communications 2018, 9: 3166. PMID: 30093612, PMCID: PMC6085317, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-05427-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenome-wide association studiesCandidate causal genesCausal genesNovel genome-wide significant lociRisk lociEndometrial cancer risk lociGenome-wide significant lociExpression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) analysisQuantitative trait locus (QTL) analysisSignal transduction proteinsCancer risk lociNew susceptibility lociTransduction proteinsSignificant lociLocus analysisNegative regulatorAssociation studiesFemale reproductive tractSusceptibility lociLoci associateLociGenesDecreased expressionReproductive tractRisk allelesGenome-wide meta-analysis identifies five new susceptibility loci for pancreatic cancer
Klein AP, Wolpin BM, Risch HA, Stolzenberg-Solomon RZ, Mocci E, Zhang M, Canzian F, Childs EJ, Hoskins JW, Jermusyk A, Zhong J, Chen F, Albanes D, Andreotti G, Arslan AA, Babic A, Bamlet WR, Beane-Freeman L, Berndt SI, Blackford A, Borges M, Borgida A, Bracci PM, Brais L, Brennan P, Brenner H, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Buring J, Campa D, Capurso G, Cavestro GM, Chaffee KG, Chung CC, Cleary S, Cotterchio M, Dijk F, Duell EJ, Foretova L, Fuchs C, Funel N, Gallinger S, M. Gaziano JM, Gazouli M, Giles GG, Giovannucci E, Goggins M, Goodman GE, Goodman PJ, Hackert T, Haiman C, Hartge P, Hasan M, Hegyi P, Helzlsouer KJ, Herman J, Holcatova I, Holly EA, Hoover R, Hung RJ, Jacobs EJ, Jamroziak K, Janout V, Kaaks R, Khaw KT, Klein EA, Kogevinas M, Kooperberg C, Kulke MH, Kupcinskas J, Kurtz RJ, Laheru D, Landi S, Lawlor RT, Lee I, LeMarchand L, Lu L, Malats N, Mambrini A, Mannisto S, Milne RL, MohelnÃková-Duchoňová B, Neale RE, Neoptolemos JP, Oberg AL, Olson SH, Orlow I, Pasquali C, Patel AV, Peters U, Pezzilli R, Porta M, Real FX, Rothman N, Scelo G, Sesso HD, Severi G, Shu XO, Silverman D, Smith JP, Soucek P, Sund M, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Tavano F, Thornquist MD, Tobias GS, Van Den Eeden SK, Vashist Y, Visvanathan K, Vodicka P, Wactawski-Wende J, Wang Z, Wentzensen N, White E, Yu H, Yu K, Zeleniuch-Jacquotte A, Zheng W, Kraft P, Li D, Chanock S, Obazee O, Petersen GM, Amundadottir LT. Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies five new susceptibility loci for pancreatic cancer. Nature Communications 2018, 9: 556. PMID: 29422604, PMCID: PMC5805680, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-02942-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsCarcinoma, Pancreatic DuctalDatabases, GeneticGenetic Predisposition to DiseaseGenome-Wide Association StudyHepatocyte Nuclear Factor 1-betaHepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4HumansIntercellular Signaling Peptides and ProteinsIntracellular Signaling Peptides and ProteinsPancreatic NeoplasmsPolymorphism, Single NucleotideProteinsRepressor ProteinsTensinsConceptsNew genome-wide significant lociGenome-wide significant lociExpression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) analysisQuantitative trait locus (QTL) analysisPANcreatic Disease ReseArch (PANDoRA) consortiumNew susceptibility lociPancreatic cancer susceptibility genesCommon susceptibility allelesCancer susceptibility genesSignificant lociPancreatic Cancer Case-Control ConsortiumMolecular supportPancreatic Cancer Cohort ConsortiumLocus analysisSusceptibility lociSusceptibility genesSusceptibility allelesEuropean ancestryNovel associationsLociPancreatic cancerConsortiumGWASGenesAlleles
Inherited variants affecting RNA editing may contribute to ovarian cancer susceptibility: results from a large-scale collaboration
Permuth JB, Reid B, Earp M, Chen YA, Monteiro AN, Chen Z, Group A, Chenevix-Trench G, Fasching PA, Beckmann MW, Lambrechts D, Vanderstichele A, Van Niewenhuyse E, Vergote I, Rossing MA, Doherty JA, Chang-Claude J, Moysich K, Odunsi K, Goodman MT, Shvetsov YB, Wilkens LR, Thompson PJ, Dörk T, Bogdanova N, Butzow R, Nevanlinna H, Pelttari L, Leminen A, Modugno F, Edwards RP, Ness RB, Kelley J, Heitz F, Karlan B, Lester J, Kjaer SK, Jensen A, Giles G, Hildebrandt M, Liang D, Lu KH, Wu X, Levine DA, Bisogna M, Berchuck A, Cramer DW, Terry KL, Tworoger SS, Poole EM, Bandera EV, Fridley B, Cunningham J, Winham SJ, Olson SH, Orlow I, Bjorge L, Kiemeney LA, Massuger L, Pejovic T, Moffitt M, Le N, Cook LS, Brooks-Wilson A, Kelemen LE, Gronwald J, Lubinski J, Wentzensen N, Brinton LA, Lissowska J, Yang H, Hogdall E, Hogdall C, Lundvall L, Pharoah PD, Song H, Campbell I, Eccles D, McNeish I, Whittemore A, McGuire V, Sieh W, Rothstein J, Phelan CM, Risch H, Narod S, McLaughlin J, Anton-Culver H, Ziogas A, Menon U, Gayther S, Ramus SJ, Gentry-Maharaj A, Pearce CL, Wu AH, Kupryjanczyk J, Dansonka-Mieszkowska A, Schildkraut JM, Cheng JQ, Goode EL, Sellers TA. Inherited variants affecting RNA editing may contribute to ovarian cancer susceptibility: results from a large-scale collaboration. Oncotarget 2016, 5: 72381-72394. PMID: 27911851, PMCID: PMC5340123, DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.10546.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSingle nucleotide polymorphismsGene-level analysisRNA editingEOC susceptibilityADAR expressionExpression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) analysisQuantitative trait locus (QTL) analysisPost-transcriptional modificationsSequence kernel association testAdmixture maximum likelihood testInvasive EOC casesADAR genesRNA familiesLocus analysisUntranslated regionGene expressionAssociation analysisOvarian cancer susceptibilityADARGermline variationNucleotide polymorphismsTissue gene expressionMaximum likelihood testADAR3European ancestry
Cis-eQTL analysis and functional validation of candidate susceptibility genes for high-grade serous ovarian cancer
Lawrenson K, Li Q, Kar S, Seo JH, Tyrer J, Spindler TJ, Lee J, Chen Y, Karst A, Drapkin R, Aben KK, Anton-Culver H, Antonenkova N, Baker H, Bandera E, Bean Y, Beckmann M, Berchuck A, Bisogna M, Bjorge L, Bogdanova N, Brinton L, Brooks-Wilson A, Bruinsma F, Butzow R, Campbell I, Carty K, Chang-Claude J, Chenevix-Trench G, Chen A, Chen Z, Cook L, Cramer D, Cunningham J, Cybulski C, Dansonka-Mieszkowska A, Dennis J, Dicks E, Doherty J, Dörk T, du Bois A, Dürst M, Eccles D, Easton D, Edwards R, Eilber U, Ekici A, Fasching P, Fridley B, Gao Y, Gentry-Maharaj A, Giles G, Glasspool R, Goode E, Goodman M, Grownwald J, Harrington P, Harter P, Hasmad H, Hein A, Heitz F, Hildebrandt M, Hillemanns P, Hogdall E, Hogdall C, Hosono S, Iversen E, Jakubowska A, James P, Jensen A, Ji B, Karlan B, Kruger Kjaer S, Kelemen L, Kellar M, Kelley J, Kiemeney L, Krakstad C, Kupryjanczyk J, Lambrechts D, Lambrechts S, Le N, Lee A, Lele S, Leminen A, Lester J, Levine D, Liang D, Lissowska J, Lu K, Lubinski J, Lundvall L, Massuger L, Matsuo K, McGuire V, McLaughlin J, Nevanlinna H, McNeish I, Menon U, Modugno F, Moysich K, Narod S, Nedergaard L, Ness R, Azmi M, Odunsi K, Olson S, Orlow I, Orsulic S, Weber R, Pearce C, Pejovic T, Pelttari L, Permuth-Wey J, Phelan C, Pike M, Poole E, Ramus S, Risch H, Rosen B, Rossing M, Rothstein J, Rudolph A, Runnebaum I, Rzepecka I, Salvesen H, Schildkraut J, Schwaab I, Sellers T, Shu X, Shvetsov Y, Siddiqui N, Sieh W, Song H, Southey M, Sucheston L, Tangen I, Teo S, Terry K, Thompson P, Timorek A, Tsai Y, Tworoger S, van Altena A, Van Nieuwenhuysen E, Vergote I, Vierkant R, Wang-Gohrke S, Walsh C, Wentzensen N, Whittemore A, Wicklund K, Wilkens L, Woo Y, Wu X, Wu A, Yang H, Zheng W, Ziogas A, Monteiro A, Pharoah P, Gayther S, Freedman M. Cis-eQTL analysis and functional validation of candidate susceptibility genes for high-grade serous ovarian cancer. Nature Communications 2015, 6: 8234. PMID: 26391404, PMCID: PMC4580986, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms9234.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsCarcinoma, Ovarian EpithelialCell Line, TumorFemaleGene Expression Regulation, NeoplasticGenetic Association StudiesGenetic Predisposition to DiseaseHomeodomain ProteinsHumansNeoplasm ProteinsNeoplasms, Glandular and EpithelialNuchal CordOvarian NeoplasmsProtein BindingQuantitative Trait LociConceptsCandidate susceptibility genesExpression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) analysisQuantitative trait locus (QTL) analysisChromosome conformation captureGenome-wide association studiesSusceptibility genesCis-eQTL analysisHigh-grade serous epithelial ovarian cancerAnchorage-independent growthConformation captureHOXD9 promoterTranscriptomic profilingCausal variantsFunctional validationRisk lociLocus analysisAssociation studiesBroader roleFunctional roleGenesContact inhibitionRisk variantsPopulation-doubling timePrecursor cellsHOXD9