Ventral hernia repair with permanent mesh for non-Hispanic black versus white patients: access and post-operative outcomes in the era of robotic surgery
Chao G, Ying L, Huang L, Ma J, Ghiassi S, Gibbs K, Nadzam G, Morton J, Duffy A, Zhou R. Ventral hernia repair with permanent mesh for non-Hispanic black versus white patients: access and post-operative outcomes in the era of robotic surgery. Surgical Endoscopy 2024, 39: 560-567. PMID: 39433584, DOI: 10.1007/s00464-024-11252-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRobotic surgeryVentral hernia repairBlack patientsHernia repairPermanent meshT-scoreEra of robotic surgeryAbdominal Core Health Quality CollaborativeRate of laparoscopyHigher pain scoresPatient outcomesPost-operative outcomesSurgical site infectionPropensity-score matchingVentral hernia surgeryRecurrence scoreChi-square testPain scoresSite infectionFisher's exactHernia recurrenceOpen approachHernia surgeryWhite patientsSurgeryWeight Nadir and Long-Term Weight Outcomes After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in a Diverse Cohort of Adolescents and Young Adults
Hornick M, Chao G, Ying L, Nadzam G, Duffy A, Ghiassi S, Graetz E, Gibbs K, Morton J. Weight Nadir and Long-Term Weight Outcomes After Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in a Diverse Cohort of Adolescents and Young Adults. Obesity Surgery 2024, 34: 2965-2973. PMID: 38935262, DOI: 10.1007/s11695-024-07374-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPreoperative weightSleeve gastrectomyWeight nadirWeight outcomesIntroductionLaparoscopic sleeve gastrectomyLaparoscopic sleeve gastrectomyGroup of patientsWeight loss strategiesYoung adultsDiverse group of patientsCohort of adolescentsLongitudinal weight dataBariatric proceduresFollow-upNon-Hispanic blacksLoss strategiesMedical recordsPatientsTWLLSGWeight dataWeight recurrenceDiverse cohortGastrectomyWeight changeAmerican society for metabolic and bariatric surgery: intra-operative care pathway for minimally invasive Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
Lin H, Baker J, Meister K, Lak K, Martin Del Campo S, Smith A, Needleman B, Nadzam G, Ying L, Varban O, Reyes A, Breckenbridge J, Tabone L, Gentles C, Echeverri C, Jones S, Gould J, Vosburg W, Jones D, Edwards M, Nimeri A, Kindel T, Petrick A. American society for metabolic and bariatric surgery: intra-operative care pathway for minimally invasive Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Surgery For Obesity And Related Diseases 2024, 20: 895-909. PMID: 39097472, DOI: 10.1016/j.soard.2024.06.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCollateral Benefit of Systematic Improvement in Bariatric Surgery Outcomes Following a Single Quality Improvement Project for Bleeding
Chao G, Nadzam G, Cheung M, Duffy A, Ghiassi S, Morton J. Collateral Benefit of Systematic Improvement in Bariatric Surgery Outcomes Following a Single Quality Improvement Project for Bleeding. Obesity Surgery 2024, 34: 1041-1044. PMID: 38280157, DOI: 10.1007/s11695-023-07037-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsQuality improvement projectImprovement projectImprove patient careTargeted quality improvement projectsVenous thromboembolism prophylaxisPatient careRoot cause analysisBariatric surgery outcomesIndications conferencePatient outcomesPostoperative complicationsThromboembolism prophylaxisSurgery outcomesStudy aimCause analysisAdverse outcomesBleedingImprove outcomesOutcomesTechnique standardization
Ying L, Nadzam G, Morton J. Tu2025 CHARACTERIZING AND ASSESSING PUBLICATIONS FROM THE MBSAQIP-PUF. Gastroenterology 2020, 158: s-1591. DOI: 10.1016/s0016-5085(20)34668-0.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Adjuvant Pharmaceutical Therapy for Perioperative Use in Bariatric Surgery
Morton J, Ghiassi S, Nadzam G. Adjuvant Pharmaceutical Therapy for Perioperative Use in Bariatric Surgery. 2019, 619-624. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-27021-6_56.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchA246 High-Grade Small Bowel Obstruction Caused by Adjustable Gastric Band Tubing
Francis A, Duffy A, Nadzam G, Ghiassi S. A246 High-Grade Small Bowel Obstruction Caused by Adjustable Gastric Band Tubing. Surgery For Obesity And Related Diseases 2019, 15: s89. DOI: 10.1016/j.soard.2019.08.191.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
A316 Intraoperative blood pressure lability in patients requiring blood transfusions after bariatric surgery
Ying L, Hubbard M, Ghiassi S, Roberts K, Duffy A, Nadzam G. A316 Intraoperative blood pressure lability in patients requiring blood transfusions after bariatric surgery. Surgery For Obesity And Related Diseases 2018, 14: s113. DOI: 10.1016/j.soard.2018.09.239.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Impact of preoperative wait time due to insurance-mandated medically supervised diets on weight loss after sleeve gastrectomy. Are patients losing momentum?
Ying LD, Duffy AJ, Roberts KE, Ghiassi S, Hubbard MO, Nadzam GS. Impact of preoperative wait time due to insurance-mandated medically supervised diets on weight loss after sleeve gastrectomy. Are patients losing momentum? Surgery For Obesity And Related Diseases 2017, 13: 1584-1589. PMID: 28663074, DOI: 10.1016/j.soard.2017.05.017.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPostoperative weight lossPreoperative wait timePreoperative weight lossWeight lossSleeve gastrectomyPreoperative dietPreoperative periodSurgical weight loss programShorter preoperative periodRetrospective chart reviewDay of surgeryWeight loss programGreater weight lossAcademic medical centerWait timeLifestyle modificationChart reviewConsecutive patientsPostoperative percentageSingle surgeonReduction dietLoss programEarly initiationMedical CenterNet weight loss
493 Laparoscopic Duodenoduodenostomy: A Minimally Invasive Technique for the Managment of Duodenal Obstruction Due to Annular Pancreas
Salluzzo J, Wood S, Hubbard M, Ghiassi S, Nadzam G, Roberts K, Longo W, Duffy A. 493 Laparoscopic Duodenoduodenostomy: A Minimally Invasive Technique for the Managment of Duodenal Obstruction Due to Annular Pancreas. Gastroenterology 2016, 150: s1185. DOI: 10.1016/s0016-5085(16)34000-8.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
59 Post discharge prophylactic anticoagulation in gastric bypass patients - how safe
Ojo P, Asiyanbola B, Nadzam G, Barajas D, Yood S, Valin E, Reinhold R. 59 Post discharge prophylactic anticoagulation in gastric bypass patients - how safe. Surgery For Obesity And Related Diseases 2006, 2: 305-306. DOI: 10.1016/j.soard.2006.04.064.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchP50 How do family practitioners perceive surgery for the morbidly obese?
Perlman S, Reinhold R, Nadzam G. P50 How do family practitioners perceive surgery for the morbidly obese? Surgery For Obesity And Related Diseases 2006, 2: 326. DOI: 10.1016/j.soard.2006.04.125.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Neutrophil Adhesion to Vascular Prosthetic Surfaces Triggers Nonapoptotic Cell Death
Nadzam G, De La Cruz C, Greco R, Haimovich B. Neutrophil Adhesion to Vascular Prosthetic Surfaces Triggers Nonapoptotic Cell Death. Annals Of Surgery 2000, 231: 587-599. PMID: 10749621, PMCID: PMC1421037, DOI: 10.1097/00000658-200004000-00019.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
A comparison of pediatric and adult trauma patients transported by helicopter and ground EMS: Managed-care considerations
Tortella B, Sambol J, Lavery R, Cudihy K, Nadzam G. A comparison of pediatric and adult trauma patients transported by helicopter and ground EMS: Managed-care considerations. Air Medical Journal 1996, 15: 24-28. PMID: 10154059, DOI: 10.1016/s1067-991x(96)90015-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHelicopter emergency medical servicesInjury Severity ScoreHigher Injury Severity ScoreLevel 1 trauma centerPediatric patientsTrauma patientsTrauma centerAdvanced life supportAdult patientsUrban level 1 trauma centerAdult trauma patientsPediatric trauma patientsMechanism of injuryPaucity of dataEmergency medical servicesHEMS patientsSeverity scoreGround EMSGround ambulancePatientsSimilar cohortPrehospital proceduresTriage protocolPhysiologic parametersLife support