Delusional depression and bipolar spectrum: evidence for a possible association from a family study of children.
Weissman M, Warner V, John K, Prusoff B, Merikangas K, Wickramaratne P, Gammon G. Delusional depression and bipolar spectrum: evidence for a possible association from a family study of children. Neuropsychopharmacology 1988, 1: 257-64. PMID: 3251505.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMajor depressionBipolar disorderDelusional depressionBipolar spectrumOffspring of probandsDirect interview studySubgroups of interestNormal controlsPossible associationHealth professionalsDelusional subtypesDepressionDisordersCyclothymiaFamily studiesChildrenSubtypesPedigree studiesThreefold increaseFamily membersPossible relationshipSocial impairmentProbandsFindingsEarlier findings
Angold A, Weissman M, John K, Merikancas K, Prusoff B, Wickramaratne P, Gammon G, Warner V. PARENT AND CHILD REPORTS OF DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMS IN CHILDREN AT LOW AND HIGH RISK OF DEPRESSION. Journal Of Child Psychology And Psychiatry 1987, 28: 901-915. PMID: 3436996, DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7610.1987.tb00678.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe Social Adjustment Inventory for Children and Adolescents (SAICA)
JOHN K, GAMMON D, PRUSOFF B, WARNER V. The Social Adjustment Inventory for Children and Adolescents (SAICA). Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 1987, 26: 898-911. PMID: 3429410, DOI: 10.1097/00004583-198726060-00015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMajor depressionSocial Adjustment InventorySchool-aged childrenAxis IEpidemiological studiesNew semistructured interviewDSM-IIIAdaptive functioningChild adaptive functioningPoor functioningAge 6Social functioningChildrenSemistructured interviewsMothers' reportsAdolescentsDepressionChild functioningTime activitiesDiscriminant validityAdjustment InventorySpare time activitiesSystematic assessmentReportChildren of Depressed Parents: Increased Psychopathology and Early Onset of Major Depression
Weissman M, Gammon G, John K, Merikangas K, Warner V, Prusoff B, Sholomskas D. Children of Depressed Parents: Increased Psychopathology and Early Onset of Major Depression. JAMA Psychiatry 1987, 44: 847-853. PMID: 3662741, DOI: 10.1001/archpsyc.1987.01800220009002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMajor depressionFemale subjectsProband's parentsYears of agePrepubertal depressionPrognostic significanceMean ageOverall prevalenceLower riskClinical strategiesPsychiatric diagnosisPsychiatric treatmentSymptom profilesDepressed probandsNormal probandsDepressed parentsPoor social functioningSubstance abuseEarly onsetDepressed childrenSubject diagnosisDiagnosisDepressionChild psychiatristsSocial functioningAssessing Psychiatric Disorders in Children: Discrepancies Between Mothers' and Children's Reports
Weissman M, Wickramaratne P, Warner V, John K, Prusoff B, Merikangas K, Gammon G. Assessing Psychiatric Disorders in Children: Discrepancies Between Mothers' and Children's Reports. JAMA Psychiatry 1987, 44: 747-753. PMID: 3632247, DOI: 10.1001/archpsyc.1987.01800200075011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPsychiatric disordersSeverity of illnessStructured diagnostic interviewStudies of adultsChild reportsClinical statusFamily informantsMore illnessesSymptom ScaleAffective disordersDiagnostic InterviewDSM-IIIChild's diagnosisDiagnostic assessmentParent informantsDisordersChildrenChild psychopathologyIllnessParent reportDiagnosisReportDiagnostic informationParent-child discrepanciesIndependent interviews
Depressed Parents and Their Children: General Health, Social, and Psychiatric Problems
Weissman M, John K, Merikangas K, Prusoff B, Wickramaratne P, Gammon G, Angold A, Warner V. Depressed Parents and Their Children: General Health, Social, and Psychiatric Problems. JAMA Pediatrics 1986, 140: 801-805. PMID: 3728409, DOI: 10.1001/archpedi.1986.02140220083038.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMajor depressionPsychiatric disordersDepressed parentsAdverse perinatal eventsMore medical problemsDirect clinical implicationsMore suicide attemptsMore convulsionsPerinatal eventsHead injuryGeneral healthChronic illnessPrevalent disorderPsychiatric problemsClinical implicationsMedical problemsSuicide attemptsSociodemographic backgroundDisordersFurther studiesSignificant differencesDepressionChildrenMore distressDevelopmental landmarks
Onset of Major Depression in Early Adulthood: Increased Familial Loading and Specificity
Weissman M, Wickramaratne P, Merikangas K, Leckman J, Prusoff B, Caruso K, Kidd K, Gammon G. Onset of Major Depression in Early Adulthood: Increased Familial Loading and Specificity. JAMA Psychiatry 1984, 41: 1136-1143. PMID: 6508504, DOI: 10.1001/archpsyc.1984.01790230022003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAge of onsetMajor depressionNormal control subjectsRelatives of probandsFamilial loadingControl subjectsEarly-onset depressionFirst-degree relativesYears of ageHigh familial loadingHigh riskNormal subjectsSpecificity of transmissionEarly adulthoodDepressionProbandsAgeMore studiesFamily studiesYoung personOnsetLater ageHomogeneous disorderSubjectsInverse relationshipDepression and Anxiety Disorders in Parents and Children: Results From the Yale Family Study
Weissman M, Leckman J, Merikangas K, Gammon G, Prusoff B. Depression and Anxiety Disorders in Parents and Children: Results From the Yale Family Study. JAMA Psychiatry 1984, 41: 845-852. PMID: 6466043, DOI: 10.1001/archpsyc.1984.01790200027004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPanic disorderAnxiety disordersChildren of probandsPrimary major depressionAdult first-degree relativesRisk of depressionFirst-degree relativesNormal control groupYale Family StudyAdult panic disorderMajor depressionRecurrent depressionPsychiatric illnessControl groupFamilial loadingAdditional riskDisordersDepressionProbandsYoung childrenChildrenFamily studiesRiskParental assortative matingAgoraphobiaA case of akinesia induced by amoxapine
Gammon G, Hansen C. A case of akinesia induced by amoxapine. American Journal Of Psychiatry 1984, 141: 283-284. PMID: 6691496, DOI: 10.1176/ajp.141.2.283.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPsychopathology in the Children (Ages 6–18) of Depressed and Normal Parents
WEISSMAN M, PRUSOFF B, GAMMON G, MERIKANGAS K, LECKMAN J, KIDD K. Psychopathology in the Children (Ages 6–18) of Depressed and Normal Parents. Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 1984, 23: 78-84. PMID: 6693680, DOI: 10.1097/00004583-198401000-00011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDSM-III diagnosesFirst-degree relativesMajor depressionPsychiatric disordersProbands' first-degree relativesChildren of probandsCommon psychiatric disordersDirect interview studyFamily history studyClinical statusPsychiatric illnessNormal controlsDepressed probandsPsychological symptomsSuicidal behaviorEarly onsetDiagnosisDepressionSignificant predictorsProbandsAttention deficitsChildrenRiskEmotional problemsNormal parents
Use of a structured diagnostic interview to identify bipolar disorder in adolescent inpatients: frequency and manifestations of the disorder
Gammon G, John K, Rothblum E, Mullen K, Tischler G, Weissman M. Use of a structured diagnostic interview to identify bipolar disorder in adolescent inpatients: frequency and manifestations of the disorder. American Journal Of Psychiatry 1983, 140: 543-547. PMID: 6846581, DOI: 10.1176/ajp.140.5.543.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDSM-III diagnosesBipolar disorderAdolescent inpatientsAffective disordersStructured diagnostic methodsAtypical bipolar disorderDSM-III criteriaMajor affective disordersStructured diagnostic interviewHospital chartsSchool-Aged ChildrenEpidemiological VersionNonaffective psychosisDiagnostic InterviewInpatientsDisordersDiagnosisDiagnostic methodsSemistructured interviewsPrevious findingsPsychosisSchizophrenia