Associations Among Sleep, Pain, and Medications for Opioid Use Disorder: a Scoping Review
Hsaio C, DiMeola K, Jegede O, Funaro M, Langstengel J, Yaggi H, Barry D. Associations Among Sleep, Pain, and Medications for Opioid Use Disorder: a Scoping Review. Current Addiction Reports 2024, 11: 965-981. DOI: 10.1007/s40429-024-00606-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOpioid use disorderOUD severityUse disorderTreatment characteristicsOpioid use disorder treatment settingsTreatment of sleepDosing scheduleDisorder severityOpioidPainWeb of ScienceAssessed patientsCochrane LibraryMeasures of sleepMOUD treatmentCurrent evidenceMOUDSleepSleep disturbanceProvider preferencesPatientsStudy examined sleepDisordersTreatment settingsMedicationA Quantitative Examination of Illness Models Among People With Opioid Use Disorder Receiving Methadone Treatment
Gazzola M, Carmichael I, Thompson E, Beitel M, Madden L, Saeed G, Hoffman K, Hammouri M, Hsaio C, Barry D. A Quantitative Examination of Illness Models Among People With Opioid Use Disorder Receiving Methadone Treatment. Journal Of Addiction Medicine 2024, 18: 262-268. PMID: 38446859, DOI: 10.1097/adm.0000000000001282.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBrain disease modelMethadone treatmentTreatment beliefsIllness modelAssociated with beliefsOpioid use disorderUse disorderOutpatient opioid treatment programAddiction modelTreatment programsOpioid treatment programsAddictionMethadoneMultivariate analysisScale agreementIllnessDisordersCounselingBrainBeliefsDisease modelsOpioidPatientsStatistical significanceMultivariate regression
Correlates of Perceived Discrimination Related to Substance Use Disorders Among Patients in Methadone Maintenance Treatment
Nwanaji-Enwerem U, Beitel M, Oberleitner D, Gazzola M, Eggert K, Oberleitner L, Jegede O, Zheng X, Redeker N, Madden L, Barry D. Correlates of Perceived Discrimination Related to Substance Use Disorders Among Patients in Methadone Maintenance Treatment. Journal Of Psychoactive Drugs 2023, 56: 530-540. PMID: 37399330, PMCID: PMC10761588, DOI: 10.1080/02791072.2023.2230571.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMethadone maintenance treatmentSubstance use disordersLogistic regression modelsUse disordersMaintenance treatmentTreatment-related characteristicsOpioid use disorderFinal logistic regression modelBSI-18 depressionAge of onsetRegression modelsMMT programDepressive symptomsMeasures of demographicsPatientsBivariate analysisSubstance abuseSignificant correlatesDisordersCorrelatesMedian splitAgeParticipantsTreatmentLikert-type scaleThe impact of body image dissatisfaction on psychological distress and health‐related quality of life among patients in methadone treatment
Carr M, Mannes Z, Oberleitner L, Oberleitner D, Beitel M, Gazzola M, Madden L, Zheng X, Barry D. The impact of body image dissatisfaction on psychological distress and health‐related quality of life among patients in methadone treatment. American Journal On Addictions 2023, 32: 460-468. PMID: 37188650, PMCID: PMC10524388, DOI: 10.1111/ajad.13432.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBody mass indexMethadone maintenance treatmentBody image dissatisfactionAverage body mass indexNon-Hispanic white menPsychological distressLower physical HRQoLHealth-related qualityLong-term courseLower mental HRQoLHigh psychological distressMental HRQoL.Image dissatisfactionMMT patientsObese rangePhysical HRQoLMaintenance treatmentMass indexMental HRQOLMethadone treatmentNormal weightOverweight rangeHigher body image dissatisfactionMMT outcomesPatients
The impact of benzodiazepine exposure on treatment retention in an open-access methadone program: A retrospective cohort study
Morford K, Tetrault J, Zhou B, Li F, Gleeson B, Edelman E, Stein M, Barry D, Madden L. The impact of benzodiazepine exposure on treatment retention in an open-access methadone program: A retrospective cohort study. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2022, 241: 109707. PMID: 36423462, PMCID: PMC9777057, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2022.109707.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBenzodiazepine exposureRetrospective cohort studyKaplan-Meier analysisTreatment retentionCohort studyCox regressionTreatment durationMedian treatment durationMultivariable Cox regressionCohort of patientsOpioid treatment programsOpioid use disorderLog-rank testSame-day accessDrug Administration recommendationsTreatment discontinuationUrine toxicologyMeier analysisMethadone programsUse disordersPatientsAdministration recommendationsTreatment entryTreatment programTreatment barriersWhat’s in a Name? Terminology Preferences Among Patients Receiving Methadone Treatment
Gazzola MG, Maclean E, Beitel M, Carmichael ID, Cammack KM, Eggert KF, Roehrich T, Madden LM, Jegede O, Zheng X, Bergman E, Barry DT. What’s in a Name? Terminology Preferences Among Patients Receiving Methadone Treatment. Journal Of General Internal Medicine 2022, 38: 653-660. PMID: 36163526, PMCID: PMC9971370, DOI: 10.1007/s11606-022-07813-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderSubstance use disordersMethadone treatmentUse disordersOutpatient methadone treatment programMethadone treatment programsPresenting problemPreferences of patientsTerminology preferencesSubstance-dependent personsCross-sectional surveyAdult patientsMean ageUnivariate analysisMain MeasuresParticipantsPatientsTreatment programKey ResultsWeSubstance abuseSubstance useDisordersSignificant differencesTreatmentDemographic differencesAddiction counselorsA cohort study examining the relationship among housing status, patient characteristics, and retention among individuals enrolled in low-barrier-to-treatment-access methadone maintenance treatment
Gaeta Gazzola M, Carmichael ID, Madden LM, Dasgupta N, Beitel M, Zheng X, Eggert KF, Farnum SO, Barry DT. A cohort study examining the relationship among housing status, patient characteristics, and retention among individuals enrolled in low-barrier-to-treatment-access methadone maintenance treatment. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2022, 138: 108753. PMID: 35277307, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2022.108753.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMethadone maintenance treatmentPatient characteristicsChronic painMaintenance treatmentMMT programHousing statusPsychiatric distressCox proportional hazards modelCurrent chronic painPercent of patientsRetrospective chart reviewLog-rank testProportional hazards modelMann-Whitney U testSocial isolationTreatment discontinuationChart reviewCohort studyConsecutive patientsSignificant negative associationHazards modelMeasures of demographicsPatientsSmoking behaviorU testChapter 22 Cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic pain and opioid use disorder
Gazzola M, Beitel M, Cutter C, Barry D. Chapter 22 Cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic pain and opioid use disorder. 2022, 235-246. DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-820237-1.00022-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOpioid use disorderCognitive behavioral therapyChronic painUse disordersBehavioral therapyClinical management challengesComorbid chronic painPain management interventionsChronic medical conditionsCommon clinical problemPoor pain managementNonopioid pharmacotherapyPromising psychotherapyPain managementIllicit opioidsPsychiatric comorbidityOptimal treatmentMedical conditionsPainClinical problemPatientsSubstance useDisordersBiopsychosocial modelTherapyThe development and initial validation of the Russian version of the BASIS-24
Madden L, Farnum S, Bromberg D, Barry D, Mazhnaya A, Fomenko T, Meteliuk A, Marcus R, Rozanova J, Poklad I, Dvoriak S, Altice F. The development and initial validation of the Russian version of the BASIS-24. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 2022, 17: 65. PMID: 36435811, PMCID: PMC9701377, DOI: 10.1186/s13722-022-00343-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBASIS-24Addiction treatmentHIV prevention goalsSubset of patientsOpioid use disorderSymptom Identification ScaleMental health statusResultsCronbach’s alpha coefficientsMOUD patientsSeverity InstrumentTuberculosis epidemicEffective treatmentUse disordersHealth statusHealthcare professionalsMental healthPrevention goalsRelationships subscaleTreatment deliveryExploratory principal component analysisOpioidsHIVPatientsAlpha coefficientEECA region
Twelve-Month Retention in Opioid Agonist Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder Among Patients With and Without HIV
Wyse JJ, McGinnis KA, Edelman EJ, Gordon AJ, Manhapra A, Fiellin DA, Moore BA, Korthuis PT, Kennedy AJ, Oldfield BJ, Gaither JR, Gordon KS, Skanderson M, Barry DT, Bryant K, Crystal S, Justice AC, Kraemer KL. Twelve-Month Retention in Opioid Agonist Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder Among Patients With and Without HIV. AIDS And Behavior 2021, 26: 975-985. PMID: 34495424, PMCID: PMC8840957, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-021-03452-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid agonist therapyOpioid use disorderVeterans Aging Cohort StudyHIV statusUse disordersOpioid agonist treatmentAging Cohort StudyDiagnosis of HCVTwelve-month retentionPositive health outcomesOAT retentionAgonist therapyCohort studyHIV managementAgonist treatmentPredictors of retentionPatientsHealth outcomesHistory of homelessnessHIVLower likelihoodImproved likelihoodLikelihood of initiationBuprenorphineDisordersA Pilot Investigation of Nonpharmacological Pain Management Intervention Groups in Methadone Maintenance Treatment
DiMeola KA, Haynes J, Barone M, Beitel M, Madden LM, Cutter CJ, Raso A, Gaeta M, Zheng X, Barry DT. A Pilot Investigation of Nonpharmacological Pain Management Intervention Groups in Methadone Maintenance Treatment. Journal Of Addiction Medicine 2021, 16: 229-234. PMID: 34145187, PMCID: PMC8678387, DOI: 10.1097/adm.0000000000000877.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMethadone maintenance treatmentCurrent pain intensityPain intensityMaintenance treatmentAcute increaseIntervention groupCurrent chronic painMood statesCognitive behavioral therapyMMT clinicsChronic painAcute improvementAcute reductionAcute changesSpecific mood statesPainExergame interventionGroup attendanceUnvalidated measuresMonday-FridayPilot investigationBonferroni correctionPatientsT-testInterventionA First Look at the Working Alliance in Psychotherapy With American Indians
Beitel M, Gone JP, Myhra LL, Cutter CJ, Barry DT. A First Look at the Working Alliance in Psychotherapy With American Indians. Psychotherapy 2021, 58: 248-253. PMID: 32757575, DOI: 10.1037/pst0000338.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAmerican Indian patientsIndian patientsWorking Alliance InventoryTherapy-related variablesAlliance InventoryUrban outpatient clinicShort formCollection of patientsWorking allianceOutpatient clinicAmerican IndiansPatientsOutpatient psychotherapyTreatment deliveryPsychotherapeutic modalitiesImportant next stepPsychotherapyRobust predictorTherapistsRepresentative groupClinicNormative sampleComparison sample
Alexithymia and pain experience among patients using methadone-maintenance therapy
Morie KP, Potenza MN, Beitel M, Oberleitner LM, Roos CR, Yip SW, Oberleitner DE, Gaeta M, Barry DT. Alexithymia and pain experience among patients using methadone-maintenance therapy. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2020, 218: 108387. PMID: 33168339, PMCID: PMC8103623, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2020.108387.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderPain interferencePain acceptancePain experienceUse disordersMethadone maintenance therapySubset of patientsMethadone-treated patientsMethadone maintenance treatmentDrug use historyReporting painPain severityImportant intervention targetMaintenance treatmentMore painPain catastrophizingPainPatientsEffect of alexithymiaTreatment targetsDrug useIntervention targetsRole of alexithymiaRegression analysisSelf-report measuresCorrelates of Homelessness Among Patients in Methadone Maintenance Treatment
Gaeta M, Beitel M, Oberleitner LMS, Oberleitner DE, Madden LM, Tamberelli JF, Barry DT. Correlates of Homelessness Among Patients in Methadone Maintenance Treatment. Medical Care 2020, 58: 1030-1034. PMID: 32925463, PMCID: PMC7668351, DOI: 10.1097/mlr.0000000000001414.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderImportant public health roleLogistic regressionMethadone maintenance treatment programImportant public health issueTreatment-related correlatesCorrelates of homelessnessPercent of patientsMethadone maintenance treatmentFinal logistic regression modelMaintenance treatment programPublic health roleSymptoms of depressionBivariate logistic regressionPublic health issueLogistic regression modelsMaintenance treatmentUse disordersPatientsSignificant independent variablesHealth roleBivariate analysisTreatment programPast monthHigher symptomsAssociations Among Sleep Disturbance, Pain Catastrophizing, and Pain Intensity for Methadone-maintained Patients With Opioid Use Disorder and Chronic Pain
Martinez CP, Edwards KA, Roos CR, Beitel M, Eller A, Barry DT. Associations Among Sleep Disturbance, Pain Catastrophizing, and Pain Intensity for Methadone-maintained Patients With Opioid Use Disorder and Chronic Pain. The Clinical Journal Of Pain 2020, 36: 641-647. PMID: 32482968, PMCID: PMC7725378, DOI: 10.1097/ajp.0000000000000848.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderMethadone maintenance treatmentChronic painPain intensitySleep disturbancesMMT patientsUse disordersLarge cross-sectional studyGreater pain intensityCo-occurring chronic painCross-sectional studyCross-sectional associationsGreater sleep disturbanceMaintenance treatmentPain catastrophizingPain issuesKey mechanistic pathwaysPainPatientsGreater painIntensity pathwaySignificant mediation effectSelf-report measuresDisordersAssociation
Pain catastrophizing and pain acceptance are associated with pain severity and interference among methadone‐maintained patients
Mun CJ, Beitel M, Oberleitner L, Oberleitner DE, Madden LM, Bollampally P, Barry DT. Pain catastrophizing and pain acceptance are associated with pain severity and interference among methadone‐maintained patients. Journal Of Clinical Psychology 2019, 75: 2233-2247. PMID: 31454081, PMCID: PMC7213971, DOI: 10.1002/jclp.22842.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderMethadone maintenance treatmentPain severityPain acceptanceChronic painPain interferenceMMT patientsUse disordersCo-occurring opioid use disorderMethadone-maintained patientsMethadone doseImportant intervention targetMaintenance treatmentPain catastrophizingPainPsychosocial interventionsPatientsIntervention targetsPrevious weekSeverityEmotional distressImportant targetSelf-report measuresDisordersPresent study(295) Potential Targets for Pain Management among Patients with Co-Occurring Opioid Use Disorder and Chronic Pain
Mun C, Beitel M, Barry D. (295) Potential Targets for Pain Management among Patients with Co-Occurring Opioid Use Disorder and Chronic Pain. Journal Of Pain 2019, 20: s48. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpain.2019.01.452.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOpioid use disorderCo-occurring chronic painChronic painMethadone maintenance treatmentPain interferencePain acceptanceMMT patientsPain severityUse disordersCo-occurring opioid use disordersMethadone dosePain managementPain outcomesPain interventionsRegression modelsMaintenance treatmentPain catastrophizingPainPatientsClinical settingOutcome domainsIntervention targetsAnxiety symptomsPotential targetSignificant predictorsPredictors of timely opioid agonist treatment initiation among veterans with and without HIV
Wyse JJ, Robbins JL, McGinnis KA, Edelman EJ, Gordon AJ, Manhapra A, Fiellin DA, Moore BA, Korthuis PT, Gaither JR, Gordon K, Skanderson M, Barry DT, Crystal S, Justice A, Kraemer KL. Predictors of timely opioid agonist treatment initiation among veterans with and without HIV. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2019, 198: 70-75. PMID: 30878769, PMCID: PMC6836871, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2019.01.038.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid agonist therapyOpioid use disorderVeterans Aging Cohort StudyOAT initiationUninfected patientsClinical encountersNational observational cohortAging Cohort StudyAfrican American patientsImproved health outcomesAgonist therapyCohort studyObservational cohortTreatment initiationPredictive factorsEffective treatmentAdjusted modelUninfected controlsUse disordersPsychiatric diagnosisPWHClinical practicePatientsHealth outcomesRural residence
A randomized clinical trial of the Recovery Line among methadone treatment patients with ongoing illicit drug use
Moore BA, Buono FD, Lloyd DP, Printz DMB, Fiellin DA, Barry DT. A randomized clinical trial of the Recovery Line among methadone treatment patients with ongoing illicit drug use. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2018, 97: 68-74. PMID: 30577901, PMCID: PMC6310054, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2018.11.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultCognitive Behavioral TherapyCombined Modality TherapyFemaleHumansIllicit DrugsMaleMethadoneMiddle AgedNarcoticsOpiate Substitution TreatmentOutcome and Process Assessment, Health CareSelf ReportSelf-Help GroupsSelf-ManagementSubstance Abuse DetectionSubstance-Related DisordersTelephoneConceptsMethadone treatment patientsIllicit drug useDrug useTreatment patientsUrine screensOngoing illicit drug useDrug abstinencePrevious small trialsClinical efficacy trialsSelf-reported abstinenceRandomized clinical trialsIllicit drugsSubstance use disordersSelf-management systemCognitive behavioral therapyAdjunctive treatmentPrimary outcomeMethadone treatmentSmall trialsClinical trialsEfficacy trialsAbstinence outcomesUse disordersPatient engagementPatientsAn evaluation of the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy for opioid use disorder and chronic pain
Barry DT, Beitel M, Cutter CJ, Fiellin DA, Kerns RD, Moore BA, Oberleitner L, Madden LM, Liong C, Ginn J, Schottenfeld RS. An evaluation of the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy for opioid use disorder and chronic pain. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2018, 194: 460-467. PMID: 30508769, PMCID: PMC6312460, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2018.10.015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderCognitive behavioral therapyChronic painPreliminary efficacyDrug counselingUse disordersImproved pain outcomesProportion of patientsMethadone-maintained patientsNonmedical opioid useEnd of treatmentPrimary study aimPatient satisfaction ratingsManualized cognitive behavioral therapyOpioid usePain outcomesPain interferenceClinical trialsStandard drug counselingPatientsMean sessionSecondary aimStudy aimPainPilot study