A prospective cohort study on stereotactic radiotherapy in the management of dural recurrence of olfactory neuroblastoma
Goodman C, DeMonte F, Nguyen T, Garden A, Wang C, Wang X, Diao K, Lee A, Reddy J, Moreno A, Spiotto M, Fuller C, Rosenthal D, Ferrarotto R, Raza S, Su S, Warner A, Hanna E, Phan J. A prospective cohort study on stereotactic radiotherapy in the management of dural recurrence of olfactory neuroblastoma. Head & Neck 2024, 47: 81-89. PMID: 39073252, DOI: 10.1002/hed.27887.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchStereotactic body radiotherapyOlfactory neuroblastomaOutcomes of stereotactic body radiotherapyTreated with stereotactic body radiotherapyTwo-year local controlHigher local control rateONB patientsPatient-reported quality of lifeLocal control rateProspective cohort studyPatient-reported qualityBrain radionecrosisStereotactic radiotherapyMedian doseTumor controlDural lesionsProspective registryRadiographic progressionControl rateMinimal toxicityCohort studyLocal controlQuality of lifePatientsRecurrenceAcupuncture for Chronic Radiation-Induced Xerostomia in Head and Neck Cancer
Cohen L, Danhauer S, Garcia M, Dressler E, Rosenthal D, Chambers M, Cusimano A, Brown W, Ochoa J, Yang P, Chiang J, Gordon O, Crutcher R, Kim J, Russin M, Lukenbill J, Porosnicu M, Yost K, Weaver K, Lesser G. Acupuncture for Chronic Radiation-Induced Xerostomia in Head and Neck Cancer. JAMA Network Open 2024, 7: e2410421. PMID: 38739392, PMCID: PMC11091764, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.10421.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSham acupunctureTrue acupunctureTreating radiation-induced xerostomiaHead and neck cancerFunctional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General scoresRadiation-induced xerostomiaBenefits of acupunctureQuestionnaire scoresCommunity-based cancer centerNeck cancerPatient-reported outcomesRisk of biasQuality of lifeTreated 2 timesAcupuncture studiesGroup differencesStatistically significant group differencesBetween-group differencesAcupunctureXerostomia questionnaire scoreMain OutcomesSignificant group differencesFunctional assessmentStudy armsCancer CenterDyadic Yoga for Head and Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemoradiation and their Family Caregivers
Milbury K, Rosenthal D, Li Y, Ngo-Huang A, Mallaiah S, Yousuf S, Fuller C, Lewis C, Bruera E, Cohen L. Dyadic Yoga for Head and Neck Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemoradiation and their Family Caregivers. Journal Of Pain And Symptom Management 2024, 67: 490-500. PMID: 38447621, PMCID: PMC11349719, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2024.02.565.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEmergency department visitsHead and neck cancerWaitlist controlHead and neck cancer patientsFamily caregiversYoga groupDepartment visitsYoga therapyHospital admissionPatient emergency department visitsPatient's last daysActive study participantsUnplanned hospital admissionsFeeding tube placementWaitlist control groupSupportive care strategiesQuality of lifeDyadic yogaYoga interventionYoga programCaregiver efficacyPilot RCTSF-36Care strategiesSymptom interference