Differences in the Delivery of Medications for Opioid use Disorder during Hospitalization by Racial Categories: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis;
Priest K, King C, Englander H, Lovejoy T, McCarty D. Differences in the Delivery of Medications for Opioid use Disorder during Hospitalization by Racial Categories: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis;. Substance Use & Addiction Journal 2022, 43: 1251-1259. PMID: 35670778, PMCID: PMC10292919, DOI: 10.1080/08897077.2022.2074601.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderVeterans Health AdministrationWhite patientsUse disordersMOUD deliveryBlack patientsDelivery of buprenorphineType of MOUDRetrospective cohort analysisAcute care hospitalsCOVID-19 pandemic continuesDelivery of medicationsOutpatient clinical environmentLogistic regression modelsMOUD accessAddiction treatment systemCare hospitalStudy cohortSurgical hospitalizationMean ageCohort analysisHospitalizationMOUDPatientsBuprenorphine
Simulating the impact of Addiction Consult Services in the context of drug supply contamination, hospitalizations, and drug-related mortality
King C, Cook R, Wheelock H, Korthuis P, Leahy J, Goff A, Morris C, Englander H. Simulating the impact of Addiction Consult Services in the context of drug supply contamination, hospitalizations, and drug-related mortality. International Journal Of Drug Policy 2021, 100: 103525. PMID: 34837879, PMCID: PMC8810590, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103525.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAddiction consult serviceOpioid use disorderDrug-related deathsConsult serviceHospital dischargeCare systemDrug-related causesOpioid-related deathsDrug supplyRisk of overdoseDrug-related mortalityOpioid overdose deathsHarm reduction interventionsAdult patientsOUD patientsHospital admissionOpioid overdosesEffective treatmentOverdose deathsSimulated cohortPatientsUse disordersReduction interventionsHospitalizationDeathDesigning and validating a Markov model for hospital-based addiction consult service impact on 12-month drug and non-drug related mortality
King C, Englander H, Korthuis P, Barocas J, McConnell K, Morris C, Cook R. Designing and validating a Markov model for hospital-based addiction consult service impact on 12-month drug and non-drug related mortality. PLOS ONE 2021, 16: e0256793. PMID: 34506517, PMCID: PMC8432751, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0256793.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultCohort StudiesFemaleHospitalizationHumansMaleMarkov ChainsMiddle AgedOpioid-Related DisordersOregonConceptsAddiction consult serviceOpioid use disorderDrug-related deathsHospitalized patientsOUD careRelated mortalityPercent of patientsNon-drug related deathTrajectory of careSubstance use treatmentLogistic regression modelsACS careOUD treatmentPatient survivalRelated deathsSUD careConsult serviceMedicaid dataPatientsUse disordersMortalityUse treatmentCareBayesian logistic regression modelDeathUnderstanding the impact of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic on hospitalized patients with substance use disorder
King C, Vega T, Button D, Nicolaidis C, Gregg J, Englander H. Understanding the impact of the SARS-COV-2 pandemic on hospitalized patients with substance use disorder. PLOS ONE 2021, 16: e0247951. PMID: 33635926, PMCID: PMC7909702, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0247951.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSubstance use disordersSARS-CoV-2 pandemicHospitalized patientsUse disordersHospital policy changesAcademic medical centerExperiences of healthcareAcute illnessOutpatient careMedical CenterPatientsHospitalCommunity resourcesDisordersPandemicQualitative studyThematic analysisSemi-structured interviewsSurvival adaptationHospitalizationIllnessMain themesCare
Converging Crises: Caring for Hospitalized Adults With Substance Use Disorder in the Time of COVID‐19
Englander H, Salisbury‐Afshar E, Gregg J, Martin M, Snyder H, Weinstein Z, King C. Converging Crises: Caring for Hospitalized Adults With Substance Use Disorder in the Time of COVID‐19. Journal Of Hospital Medicine 2020, 15: 628-630. PMID: 32966196, PMCID: PMC7531943, DOI: 10.12788/jhm.3485.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPatterns of substance use before and after hospitalization among patients seen by an inpatient addiction consult service: A latent transition analysis
King C, Nicolaidis C, Korthuis P, Priest K, Englander H. Patterns of substance use before and after hospitalization among patients seen by an inpatient addiction consult service: A latent transition analysis. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2020, 118: 108121. PMID: 32972645, PMCID: PMC8244750, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2020.108121.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsHospitalizationHumansInpatientsOpioid-Related DisordersOregonProspective StudiesSubstance-Related DisordersConceptsAddiction consult serviceSubstance use disordersHospitalized patientsPolysubstance useUse disordersSubstance useOpioid useConsult serviceBaseline opioid useHalf of patientsProspective cohort studyOpioid use disorderSelf-reported substance useSubstance use scoresDays posthospitalizationCohort studyHospital admissionClinical managementDifferent followHealth centersAmphetamine useLatent transition analysisPatientsAcademic health centersHospital providers
Primary care and survival among American Indian patients with diabetes in the Southwest United States: Evaluation of a cohort study at Gallup Indian Medical Center, 2009–2016
King C, Atwood S, Brown C, Nelson A, Lozada M, Wei J, Merino M, Curley C, Muskett O, Sabo S, Gampa V, Orav J, Shin S. Primary care and survival among American Indian patients with diabetes in the Southwest United States: Evaluation of a cohort study at Gallup Indian Medical Center, 2009–2016. Primary Care Diabetes 2017, 12: 212-217. PMID: 29229284, DOI: 10.1016/j.pcd.2017.11.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultAge FactorsAgedAged, 80 and overCause of DeathChildCohort StudiesDatabases, FactualDiabetes MellitusFemaleHospitalizationHumansIndians, North AmericanKaplan-Meier EstimateMaleMiddle AgedPrimary Health CareProportional Hazards ModelsRetrospective StudiesRisk AssessmentSex FactorsSouthwestern United StatesStatistics, NonparametricSurvival AnalysisYoung AdultConceptsPrimary care providersLog-rank testAmerican Indian patientsCare providersIndian patientsCox proportional hazards analysisStudy periodProportional hazards analysisMedian survival timeCause mortalityCohort studyOverall survivalImproved survivalFirst admissionUnadjusted analysesPrimary careMedical CenterSurvival timePatientsAdmissionDiabetesSurvivalHealthcare deliverySignificant differencesHazard analysis