Differences in the Delivery of Medications for Opioid use Disorder during Hospitalization by Racial Categories: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis;
Priest K, King C, Englander H, Lovejoy T, McCarty D. Differences in the Delivery of Medications for Opioid use Disorder during Hospitalization by Racial Categories: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis;. Substance Use & Addiction Journal 2022, 43: 1251-1259. PMID: 35670778, PMCID: PMC10292919, DOI: 10.1080/08897077.2022.2074601.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderVeterans Health AdministrationWhite patientsUse disordersMOUD deliveryBlack patientsDelivery of buprenorphineType of MOUDRetrospective cohort analysisAcute care hospitalsCOVID-19 pandemic continuesDelivery of medicationsOutpatient clinical environmentLogistic regression modelsMOUD accessAddiction treatment systemCare hospitalStudy cohortSurgical hospitalizationMean ageCohort analysisHospitalizationMOUDPatientsBuprenorphine
Correlates of days of medication for opioid use disorder exposure among people living with HIV in Northern Vietnam
Button D, Cook R, King C, Khuyen T, Kunkel L, Bart G, Thuy D, Nguyen D, Blazes C, Giang L, Korthuis P. Correlates of days of medication for opioid use disorder exposure among people living with HIV in Northern Vietnam. International Journal Of Drug Policy 2021, 100: 103503. PMID: 34768124, PMCID: PMC8810676, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103503.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMethadone maintenance therapyTreatment exposureMultivariate modelOpioid use disorderDisorder exposureHIV clinicMaintenance therapyPrimary outcomeUse disordersNegative binomial regressionMOUDHIVMedicationsBinomial regressionPatientsExposureDaysMonthsOUDParticipantsBuprenorphineMethadoneClinicReferralTherapyAssociations between fentanyl use and initiation, persistence, and retention on medications for opioid use disorder among people living with uncontrolled HIV disease
Cook R, Torralva R, King C, Lum P, Tookes H, Foot C, Vergara-Rodriguez P, Rodriguez A, Fanucchi L, Lucas G, Waddell E, Korthuis P. Associations between fentanyl use and initiation, persistence, and retention on medications for opioid use disorder among people living with uncontrolled HIV disease. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2021, 228: 109077. PMID: 34600253, PMCID: PMC8595584, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.109077.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUncontrolled HIV diseaseFentanyl useOpioid use disorderXR-NTXHIV diseaseUse disordersTreatment of OUDUncontrolled HIV infectionExtended-release naltrexoneHIV viral suppressionUrine drug screeningExposure of interestMultisite clinical trialPercent of participantsMethadone administrationMOUD initiationMOUD retentionViral suppressionBuprenorphine prescriptionsHIV infectionClinical trialsWeek 20First injectionAdministrationMOUDIncarceration and compulsory rehabilitation impede use of medication for opioid use disorder and HIV care engagement in Vietnam
King C, Cook R, Giang L, Bart G, Hoffman K, Waddell E, Korthuis P. Incarceration and compulsory rehabilitation impede use of medication for opioid use disorder and HIV care engagement in Vietnam. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2021, 134: 108451. PMID: 33962813, PMCID: PMC8558110, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2021.108451.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderMonth 9Use disordersClinic engagementAntiretroviral therapy prescriptionNon-prescribed opioid useCompulsory rehabilitationHIV treatment outcomesHIV viral suppressionHIV care engagementUse of medicationsNon-prescribed opioidsCompulsory rehabilitation centersEvidence-based strategiesHIV clinicViral suppressionOpioid useHIV treatmentCare engagementMonths 0Therapy prescriptionClinical trialsTreatment outcomesTreatment accessMOUDHIV clinic-based buprenorphine plus naloxone versus referral for methadone maintenance therapy for treatment of opioid use disorder in HIV clinics in Vietnam (BRAVO): an open-label, randomised, non-inferiority trial
Korthuis P, King C, Cook R, Khuyen T, Kunkel L, Bart G, Nguyen T, Thuy D, Bielavitz S, Nguyen D, Tam N, Giang L. HIV clinic-based buprenorphine plus naloxone versus referral for methadone maintenance therapy for treatment of opioid use disorder in HIV clinics in Vietnam (BRAVO): an open-label, randomised, non-inferiority trial. The Lancet HIV 2021, 8: e67-e76. PMID: 33539760, PMCID: PMC8082651, DOI: 10.1016/s2352-3018(20)30302-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAnti-HIV AgentsAntiretroviral Therapy, Highly ActiveBuprenorphineCD4 Lymphocyte CountDrug Therapy, CombinationFemaleHIV InfectionsHumansMaleMethadoneMiddle AgedNaloxoneNarcotic AntagonistsNarcoticsOpiate Substitution TreatmentOpioid-Related DisordersPatient ComplianceRandom AllocationRNA, ViralTreatment OutcomeVietnamViral LoadConceptsMethadone maintenance therapyOpioid use disorderHIV viral suppressionMaintenance therapySerious adverse eventsViral suppressionAdverse eventsNon-inferiority trialUse disordersHIV clinicNaloxone treatmentComputer-generated random number sequenceOpioid use disorder medicationsTreatment-emergent adverse eventsHIV clinic visitsQuarterly study visitsBuprenorphine adherenceCD4 countHIV careClinic visitsBuprenorphine treatmentHIV outcomesMiddle-income countriesPrimary outcomeMean age
HIV care continuum characteristics among people with opioid use disorder and HIV in Vietnam: baseline results from the BRAVO study
King C, Giang L, Bart G, Kunkel L, Korthuis P. HIV care continuum characteristics among people with opioid use disorder and HIV in Vietnam: baseline results from the BRAVO study. BMC Public Health 2020, 20: 421. PMID: 32228522, PMCID: PMC7106608, DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-08538-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAnalgesics, OpioidAnti-Retroviral AgentsBuprenorphineContinuity of Patient CareFemaleHIV InfectionsHumansLogistic ModelsMaleMethadoneMiddle AgedOpiate Substitution TreatmentOpioid-Related DisordersPatient Acceptance of Health CareRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicVietnamViral LoadConceptsHIV viral suppressionOpioid use disorderReceipt of ARTAntiretroviral therapyViral suppressionUse disordersART statusParticipant characteristicsHIV care continuumBaseline participant characteristicsGreater depression symptomsLogistic regression modelsART initiationHIV peopleHIV diagnosisPatient characteristicsClinical trialsCare continuumDepression symptomsStudy participantsCurrent prescriptionDisordersBaselineRegression modelsPrimary objective