1296-P: Omnipod Personalized MPC Algorithm at Target Glucose of 110mg/dl Is Safe in Children Aged 2-12 Years without Increasing Risk of Hypoglycemia
SHERR J, BUCKINGHAM B, FORLENZA G, GALDERISI A, EKHLASPOUR L, WADWA R, ZGORSKI M, KINGMAN R, BERGET C, LEE J, OCONNOR J, DUMAIS B, VIENNEAU T, HUYETT L, LY T. 1296-P: Omnipod Personalized MPC Algorithm at Target Glucose of 110mg/dl Is Safe in Children Aged 2-12 Years without Increasing Risk of Hypoglycemia. Diabetes 2020, 69 DOI: 10.2337/db20-1296-p.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDiabetes careGlucose targetsEli LillySerious adverse eventsHigh-fat mealRisk of hypoglycemiaAdvisory PanelType 1 diabetesChildren Aged 2MannKind CorporationHybrid closed-loop systemT1D durationAdverse eventsT1D ExchangeFat mealGlucose managementMean glucosePivotal studiesAged 2Bolus challengeDaily exerciseInvestigational deviceDlPercent timeTarget glucose978-P: Omnipod Personalized MPC Algorithm at Target Glucose of 110mg/dl Is Safe in Adults and Adolescents without Increasing Risk of Hypoglycemia
FORLENZA G, BUCKINGHAM B, SHERR J, WADWA R, GALDERISI A, EKHLASPOUR L, BERGET C, HSU L, ZGORSKI M, LEE J, OCONNOR J, DUMAIS B, VIENNEAU T, HUYETT L, LY T. 978-P: Omnipod Personalized MPC Algorithm at Target Glucose of 110mg/dl Is Safe in Adults and Adolescents without Increasing Risk of Hypoglycemia. Diabetes 2020, 69 DOI: 10.2337/db20-978-p.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDiabetes careMeal bolusEli LillyPercent timeRisk of hypoglycemiaAdvisory PanelType 1 diabetesHigh-fat dinnerMannKind CorporationHybrid closed-loop systemT1D durationGlucose targetsT1D ExchangeGlucose managementPivotal studiesDaily exerciseInvestigational deviceDlTarget glucoseCareLexicon PharmaceuticalsMedtronicBolusLower targetsAdults
215-OR: Safety and Performance of the Omnipod Hybrid Closed-Loop System in Young Children Aged 2-6 Years with Type 1 Diabetes
BUCKINGHAM B, FORLENZA G, SHERR J, GALDERISI A, EKHLASPOUR L, LEE J, OCONNOR J, DUMAIS B, HUYETT L, LAYNE J, LY T. 215-OR: Safety and Performance of the Omnipod Hybrid Closed-Loop System in Young Children Aged 2-6 Years with Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes 2019, 68 DOI: 10.2337/db19-215-or.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDiabetes careMedtronic MiniMedSevere hypoglycemic eventsChildren Aged 2Advisory PanelYoung childrenMin/dAge 4.2Oral carbohydrateHybrid closed-loop systemHypoglycemic eventsGlycemic outcomesMean glucoseAged 2CGM useTherapy phaseInvestigational deviceType 1T1D therapyPercent timeMiniMedLexicon PharmaceuticalsCareUsual routineAdult participants1054-P: Insulin Sensitivity from Sensor and Pump Data in Youths with Type 1 Diabetes: Hybrid Closed-Loop Validation
SCHIAVON M, GALDERISI A, KRAEMER K, COBELLI C, MAN C, CENGIZ E. 1054-P: Insulin Sensitivity from Sensor and Pump Data in Youths with Type 1 Diabetes: Hybrid Closed-Loop Validation. Diabetes 2019, 68 DOI: 10.2337/db19-1054-p.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchContinuous glucose monitoringInsulin sensitivityType 1 diabetesEuropean Medical Information FrameworkInsulin pump dataClosed-loop treatmentOral minimal modelMannKind CorporationSequential mealsInsulin therapyMeal studyPlasma glucoseGlycemic outcomesType 1Glucose monitoringSpeakers bureauMeal variationT1D.T1DInternational SocietyAdvisory PanelPump dataTreatmentSI indexDiabetes