Jennifer Pope
Clinical Research ManagerCards
Parent management training for conduct problems in children: Enhancing treatment to improve therapeutic change
Kazdin AE, Glick A, Pope J, Kaptchuk TJ, Lecza B, Carrubba E, McWhinney E, Hamilton N. Parent management training for conduct problems in children: Enhancing treatment to improve therapeutic change. International Journal Of Clinical And Health Psychology 2018, 18: 91-101. PMID: 30487914, PMCID: PMC6225044, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijchp.2017.12.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchParent management trainingTreatment outcome measuresTherapeutic changeManagement trainingProsocial behaviorConduct problemsAntisocial behaviorPlacebo factorsNormative rangeParentsChildrenOutcome measuresTreatment conditionsProcess measuresCourse of treatmentTrainingTreatment outcomesMeasuresTherapistsPosttreatmentBehaviorExpectancyInterventionOutcomesFamily
Reducing Therapist Contact in Parenting Programs: Evaluation of Internet-Based Treatments for Child Conduct Problems
Rabbitt SM, Carrubba E, Lecza B, McWhinney E, Pope J, Kazdin AE. Reducing Therapist Contact in Parenting Programs: Evaluation of Internet-Based Treatments for Child Conduct Problems. Journal Of Child And Family Studies 2016, 25: 2001-2020. PMID: 27453678, PMCID: PMC4956080, DOI: 10.1007/s10826-016-0363-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchParent management trainingConduct problemsTherapist contactTherapeutic allianceChild conduct problemsOverall adaptive functioningPositive treatment outcomesMental health professionalsAdaptive functioningInternet-based versionParenting ProgramExternalizing symptomsAntisocial behaviorParents' adherenceParents' reactionsTreatment of childrenManagement trainingPerson treatmentTreatment outcomesSixty childrenSupplementary analysisTherapistsChildrenHealth professionalsTreatment groups
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