October 1957 - Allumni Bulletin
New Integrated Course in Basic Neurology
“The extensive growth of knowledge concerning the nervous system resulting from work in the fields of anatomy, physiology, psychology, biochemistry and pharmacology in recent years is causing many medical schools to re-evaluate the organization of basic science courses related to the nervous system. This problem has been under discussion at Yale for several years, and this winter an integrated program in the teaching of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology will begin with the initiation of a first-year course, ‘Introduction to the Nervous System.’
“This course will be presented jointly by the Departments of Anatomy and Physiology with the cooperation of the Sections of Neurology and Neurosurgery. The program will consist of lectures, demonstrations, laboratory exercises, conferences and correlation clinics covering the basic structure and function of the nervous system. In addition to the presentation of fundamental concepts of normal morphology and activity, the program will endeavor to introduce the first-year medical students to the use of quantitative analytical methods and the rudiments of experimental design through laboratory experiments applied to the nervous system.”