Auguste H. Fortin, VI, MD, MPH, MACP, FACH, professor of medicine (general medicine) shared his career path, successes, and challenges in the October 18 Department of Internal Medicine’s Medical Grand Rounds: “The Scenic Road: A Primary Care Clinician-Educator's Journey at Yale." His inspiring and jovial talk recalled experiences during medical school at Tufts University, his residency at Bellevue Hospital, his service in the United States Navy, his fellowship at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and his time at Yale School of Medicine.
Fortin is a general internist and clinician-educator at Yale. He and his Yale colleagues developed a psychosocial curriculum to focus on relationship-centered communication between physicians and patients, as well as between clinicians. He believes being a patient is an emotional experience. If physicians fail to recognize that, they fail themselves and their patients. Fortin designed meaning in medicine retreats for residents, medical students and faculty where the group travels to an off-site location and bonds over shared career experiences. Fortin’s other interests include resident wellness and mindfulness.
Fortin advised the audience that “your road might be bumpy. It might take on unexpected turns. Be open to what comes, have an internal locus of control, and know that what you are doing brings value.”
Your road might be bumpy. It might take on unexpected turns. Be open to what comes, have an internal locus of control, and know that what you are doing brings value.
Dr. Auguste H. Fortin
However, he also noted that there is joy to be found. “Even during the hard times, the road can be scenic and enjoyable,” he said.