Associate Professor Adjunct; Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery; Assistant Professor of Psychology; Assistant Professor, Radiology and Biomedical Imaging
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Research Interests
Mark Loughridge and Michele Williams Professor of Neurology and Professor of Neuroscience and of Neurosurgery; Director, Yale Clinical Neuroscience Imaging Center (CNIC)
Research InterestsAssistant Professor of Neurology
Research InterestsProfessor of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging; Medical Director, Magnetic Resonance Research Center
Research InterestsProfessor of Pediatrics (Neurology); Associate Dean for Admissions and Financial Aid; Director, START Program
Research InterestsAssociate Professor of Neurology
Research InterestsCharles and Helen Schwab Professor of Pediatrics (Neurology); Co-Director, Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity
Research InterestsAssociate Professor of Neurology
Research Interests