Yale Psychiatry Grand Rounds: April 22, 2022
Yale Psychiatry Grand Rounds: April 22, 2022
April 22, 2022Ribicoff Lecture: "Translating Addiction: Molecular Insights to Risk and Therapeutic"
Yasmin Hurd, PhD, Professor, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- ID
- 7750
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- DCA Citation Guide
- 00:03Marina, thank you so much for that
- 00:06really great introduction and I'm let
- 00:08me share my screen and I do that.
- 00:10You know, it's it's quite an honor to
- 00:14be given this opportunity to be the.
- 00:18Ribicoff speaker for for this year and
- 00:21especially that great list of of previous
- 00:24speakers and just for me, I think.
- 00:27And obviously everybody.
- 00:28I think Yale has a great reputation
- 00:30of understanding the importance of
- 00:32evidence based medicine and the only
- 00:35way for us to really get there and
- 00:38move the field forward is having
- 00:39this close interaction between basic
- 00:41scientists and clinical and the
- 00:43and the clinical and clinicians.
- 00:46So again, thanks for this opportunity.
- 00:49So I'm going to move all the lovely
- 00:53pictures of everyone and the first
- 00:55thing I will say is that you know
- 00:58I don't have anything to dispose
- 01:00in terms of the the work that I'll
- 01:03be talking to you about today.
- 01:05And basically you know for me,
- 01:07the Addiction Institute of Mount
- 01:09Sinai that I direct is.
- 01:13It brought home the critical nature of
- 01:15of of research and where we are today,
- 01:18and the reason is in large part
- 01:21when we think about a lot of the
- 01:23substance use disorders at Mount Sinai,
- 01:25we treat over 6000 people with
- 01:27an opiate use disorder.
- 01:28So you can imagine the the challenges
- 01:30there and it really reflects the
- 01:32opioid crisis that we are still in.
- 01:35And as many of you know,
- 01:36you know the economic burden
- 01:38of the opioid crisis.
- 01:40The healthcare system under
- 01:42siege because it's.
- 01:43It does cost a lot,
- 01:45is it's costing nearly three times more
- 01:47than other medical disorders to trade,
- 01:49and the treatments that are that
- 01:51are available are often not used,
- 01:52and some of them not suitable and we
- 01:56still have so many overdose deaths
- 01:59today and that has been the crisis
- 02:02have been exacerbated by covid's.
- 02:04COVID has exacerbated so many things,
- 02:07but the stress and social isolation
- 02:09has increased drug use.
- 02:10And of course,
- 02:11you see that a lot with opioids,
- 02:12and especially unfortunately.
- 02:14With fentanyl,
- 02:15that 4th wave of opioids that
- 02:19contribute significantly to to dread
- 02:21to drug overdose and so that you know.
- 02:24During COVID you've seen so many
- 02:27more people dying of opioid overdose,
- 02:29so you know.
- 02:31So for me, the question has always been,
- 02:33you know, how can we improve?
- 02:35What's what we're doing and a part
- 02:37of that comes back to treatments.
- 02:39And when you look at treatments
- 02:41for substance use disorders,
- 02:42you know there is actually a long history.
- 02:44And it's interesting that there were
- 02:47morphine maintenance clinics already in 1919,
- 02:49and as you look across the years of the
- 02:52medications that have been developed.
- 02:55There've been a number.
- 02:56I'm going to focus on the opioids
- 02:58because most of the the treatments
- 03:00that have been developed and hear
- 03:02from 1964 with methadone to today.
- 03:05They are all focused on the opioid system.
- 03:08So opioid agonist in large part,
- 03:11not only methadone, buprenorphine,
- 03:13and of course,
- 03:14we have naltrexone,
- 03:16especially for trying to reduce overdose.
- 03:20And there are, of course
- 03:22behavioral therapies as well,
- 03:24but as I mentioned earlier,
- 03:26the problem that we have with a lot
- 03:27of the treatments is that only about
- 03:2920% of the people who need opioid
- 03:32use treatment actually receive it,
- 03:33and the the reasons are numerous
- 03:35things start with even the stigma,
- 03:38because unfortunately,
- 03:39even though these medications do work,
- 03:41they've saved millions of lives.
- 03:43The stigma associated with with opioid
- 03:47agonist and many programs not wanting
- 03:49to quote UN quote their their their
- 03:52clients to be on any medication.
- 03:54That might be have an addictive
- 03:57potential itself,
- 03:58so there are these challenges as well.
- 04:00And ironically,
- 04:01the governmental regulations
- 04:03of using these opioid.
- 04:05Treatments make it very challenging,
- 04:08clinically and for patients to
- 04:09even access these treatments,
- 04:11sometimes in places in the US
- 04:13where people have to drive or find
- 04:15a way to get to them for hours.
- 04:17And as I said, from 19 six to four,
- 04:20we really have had this one size fit
- 04:23all approach to treating opiate use disorder.
- 04:26So for me, when you look at
- 04:28the neurobiology of addiction,
- 04:29you know the question is what
- 04:31have we learned?
- 04:32We have learned a lot really a lot.
- 04:34We have learned a lot about.
- 04:36Different brain regions and
- 04:38neural circuits relevant to
- 04:40phenotypes important for addiction.
- 04:42For example,
- 04:43the ventral steroidal area that which is
- 04:45a nucleus accumbens important for reward,
- 04:47expectation, goal directed behavior.
- 04:49The dorsal striatum.
- 04:51Important for habit, habitual formation,
- 04:54the prefrontal cortex,
- 04:55and the number of the it's sub regions
- 04:58such as the orbital frontal region.
- 05:00Cognitive control goal, directed behavior.
- 05:04Cognitive flexibility.
- 05:06Emotional regulation and so on.
- 05:08And we do know that for the most
- 05:11drugs of abuse that the use acute
- 05:13use of the drug does lead to,
- 05:15for example,
- 05:16this increasing dopamine that's
- 05:18associated with business phoria and
- 05:21so many research has gone into this.
- 05:24This acute changes that occurs with drug use.
- 05:28So for me,
- 05:29a quick question that I asked many
- 05:31many years ago that then became the
- 05:33foundation for my research was really
- 05:35what have we learned about the human brain,
- 05:37especially the molecular level.
- 05:39Because it was so challenging
- 05:41to get that kind of insights.
- 05:43And so I thought,
- 05:45OK,
- 05:45let's start studying the
- 05:47postmortem human brain.
- 05:48And I mean clearly it's very complicated.
- 05:51But you know,
- 05:53we know that you know studying
- 05:55gene expression looking at aspects
- 05:57of genetics of individuals,
- 05:58and I'll come back to epigenetic
- 06:01mechanisms that Marina mentioned that
- 06:03altogether this leads to changing
- 06:05proteins in the function and the
- 06:07phenotype of events of the disease so.
- 06:09That's where I'm going to start and
- 06:11and spend like the first few part.
- 06:13The first half I've been going
- 06:15north of my talk in terms of what
- 06:17have we learned about the human
- 06:19brain that guides our animal
- 06:20models to then see if we can start
- 06:23developing new treatments.
- 06:24So when we looked for
- 06:26example here in the striatum
- 06:28of human heroin users.
- 06:30Using approaches that were agnostic,
- 06:35Welsh and unbiased in a way of
- 06:38looking at thousands of genes,
- 06:40whether it initially was microarray
- 06:42strategies or more recently RNA
- 06:45sequencing of the transcriptome,
- 06:47we could see clearly that the gene
- 06:50expression signature inhering users
- 06:52differed from normal controls and
- 06:55where it differed was interesting
- 06:58because we saw much greater.
- 07:00This regulation of glutamatergic genes
- 07:03and perhaps not really surprising of
- 07:06the synaptic plasticity related genes.
- 07:08This the striatum receives really
- 07:10strong innovations from the prefrontal
- 07:13cortex and we know from a number of
- 07:16animal studies that that is really
- 07:18critical for especially aspects
- 07:20of even of drug seeking behavior.
- 07:22But we were surprised when we saw these
- 07:25really profound changes of epigenetics.
- 07:28And, importantly,
- 07:29these epigenetic marks were were.
- 07:33Opened up a new line of research for us,
- 07:35also in some aspects of our
- 07:37developmental cannabis studies.
- 07:38Because we focused a lot initially
- 07:41in trying to understand the
- 07:44individual vulnerability that.
- 07:46Why do some people?
- 07:48Many people may take a drug,
- 07:50but only a certain percentage
- 07:51may develop that disorder and
- 07:53we focus initially on genetics.
- 07:55But the environment of this complex
- 07:58disorder addiction plays a critical
- 08:01role and it plays a critical role in
- 08:03being able to change gene expression.
- 08:06And and in fact sometimes can
- 08:08override these genetic blueprints.
- 08:10So genes that should be closed are
- 08:12now turned on and genes that are that
- 08:14should be turned on and now turned off.
- 08:16And there are numerous epigenetic
- 08:20Marks and epigenetic mechanisms.
- 08:21Trust me,
- 08:22we've only touching the surface
- 08:24of it right now,
- 08:26but we had a fundamental understanding
- 08:28of what some of these epigenetic
- 08:30marks may mean on a functional level.
- 08:33So, for example, if you have methylation.
- 08:36DNA often that was a repressive
- 08:39mark and would reduce transcription,
- 08:42while for example,
- 08:44assimilation of the histones
- 08:46around that wrap around the DNA,
- 08:49the DNA wrapped around these histone
- 08:52proteins that regulate transcription
- 08:54and assimilation would open up
- 08:56those the those regions of the
- 08:58gene and turn on transcription.
- 09:00And depending on where methylation
- 09:01of histones occur,
- 09:02you could also have transcriptional
- 09:05repression.
- 09:06And what we saw in the brains of heroin
- 09:08users in Australia and predicted in
- 09:11particular of these epigenetic remodelers,
- 09:13it was predictive of this
- 09:15enhanced transcriptional state.
- 09:17But it was specific to certain gene.
- 09:21Gene regulators and often came
- 09:24back to the synaptic plasticity,
- 09:26so these epigenetic marks
- 09:28would correlate very strongly.
- 09:30Inherent users with glutamatergic
- 09:32genes or synaptic plasticity genes
- 09:35and it was very specific where these
- 09:39epigenetic tags were predicted to occur,
- 09:42and a lot of the the genetic
- 09:44changes related to, for example,
- 09:47a civilation and assimilation
- 09:49of the the lysine.
- 09:52In a region,
- 09:53and I'm not going to get too detail
- 09:55on the molecular related to enhancer
- 09:57regulation of gene transcription and it
- 10:01related to their years of heroin use.
- 10:04We were able to look at this in many
- 10:07different using many different techniques,
- 10:09and we saw consistently this.
- 10:11This opening of the transcriptome in in
- 10:15relation to the years of heroin news
- 10:17and especially cassette around these
- 10:20synaptic plasticity related genes.
- 10:22But because humans have such a very
- 10:24life and we don't know that much about
- 10:26all their lives just about their
- 10:27toxicology and often like I said,
- 10:29some of the people we knew their
- 10:31history of of hearing news,
- 10:32we use our animal models where animals
- 10:35will self administer heroin and we
- 10:37could actually replicate where in the
- 10:39genome or in the in the transcription.
- 10:41Say that we saw this gene expression
- 10:43changes and when we looked at the
- 10:45epigenetic tags in these regions,
- 10:47they correlated exactly to what we saw in,
- 10:49for example,
- 10:50their civilation of these these
- 10:53synaptic plasticity related genes and
- 10:55this acetylation of lysine 27 and I'm
- 10:59I'm not getting as as detail I know
- 11:01because even more broad clinical audience.
- 11:04But what is?
- 11:06What does that epigenetic change really mean?
- 11:10So for for the the histones in terms
- 11:13of we have tags that are put on these
- 11:17histones and they're they're called writers.
- 11:20These enzymes and we have others
- 11:22that take the these tags off,
- 11:24and we then have a readers that must
- 11:27give information to the system as to
- 11:29what these signals mean, and and they're.
- 11:31As I said, they're called readers.
- 11:33And for assimilation the bromodomain
- 11:35are the readers.
- 11:37They bind these assimilated lysine residues,
- 11:39and there are.
- 11:41About four families of these BT.
- 11:43These bromodomain proteins 32,
- 11:45three and four.
- 11:47And there's also one in the testes,
- 11:48but we only have 3 at least so far
- 11:51that was identified in the brain,
- 11:53and these are expressed in numerous
- 11:56brain regions.
- 11:57BRD 2-3 and four.
- 11:58But when we look in the brains both in in
- 12:00human hair and users and and animal models,
- 12:03we didn't see changes in BRD two or three.
- 12:05What we saw were changes in beer D4 and
- 12:09in different cohorts that we study.
- 12:12So.
- 12:12The thing that was also fascinating
- 12:15for us was that the again,
- 12:17the changes in in BRD 4 correlated
- 12:21very strongly with synaptic markers
- 12:23of markers of synaptic plasticity,
- 12:27such as DLG 4,
- 12:28which is the gene that encodes
- 12:30PSD 95 this postsynaptic density.
- 12:34Proteins.
- 12:34So again,
- 12:35every single thing told us that there
- 12:38was something really interesting about
- 12:40the BRD 4, the Bromodomain readers.
- 12:43So the thing that's very important
- 12:46about epigenetics and and at
- 12:48least at the time when we started
- 12:50studying this was although now in
- 12:53neuroscience more and more focus is
- 12:55looking at epigenetic mechanisms.
- 12:58The greatest information that we know
- 13:00really comes from the cancer field.
- 13:02And there they've been able to identify many,
- 13:05many different.
- 13:10Chemicals that can inhibit specific
- 13:13epigenetic mechanisms or promote
- 13:16certain epigenetic mechanisms.
- 13:18Because the cancer is definitely a
- 13:20disorder of epigenetic gone awry,
- 13:22so we were able to leverage what was
- 13:25being developed at that time in terms
- 13:27of some of the the chemicals to see
- 13:29whether or not if we could inhibit BRD,
- 13:31we had hoped to inhibit bird for,
- 13:34specifically.
- 13:35Could that itself decrease or heroin self?
- 13:40Administration and at the time,
- 13:42the prototypical BRD inhibitor,
- 13:44they would promote it as BRD.
- 13:474 inhibitor.
- 13:47It really was not selected because
- 13:50it also could bind to the R.
- 13:52D2 and D3,
- 13:54so we nevertheless looked at the JQ
- 13:57one was approachable the inhibitor
- 13:59at a time in our animal models,
- 14:01and interestingly,
- 14:02when we gave it into the striatum,
- 14:06we could reduce heroin self administration
- 14:09and heroin seeking behavior.
- 14:10But the goal long term goal is to
- 14:13be able to develop medications.
- 14:15So we we know we're not going to
- 14:17infuse it into the brain of of people,
- 14:19and so even giving it systemically,
- 14:21we could significantly reduce heroin
- 14:24self administration behavior in the animals.
- 14:27So.
- 14:29The the leveraging you know the
- 14:32looking at the postmortems brains
- 14:34of heroin users you were able to
- 14:37see that these epigenetic changes,
- 14:38especially those that related to
- 14:41genes as part of synaptic plasticity,
- 14:44especially these little mergent genes,
- 14:46they correlated significantly
- 14:47with the years of heroin use and
- 14:50inhibiting it we could inhibit
- 14:52harrowing self administration
- 14:53behavior and more importantly,
- 14:55heroin seeking behavior.
- 14:59Unfortunately we have tried for many
- 15:01years to try to develop a or to obtain
- 15:05even a specific beauty for inhibitor and
- 15:08we still have not been able to do that.
- 15:11So you know, I I feel every time I
- 15:15give these this talk of what our our,
- 15:18you know these BT family of inhibitors,
- 15:22how they're being developed
- 15:23in the cancer field.
- 15:24But we still have not been able to
- 15:26find some that actually penetrate
- 15:27the brain on these the BRD.
- 15:29What specific purity for inhibitors that
- 15:33passes the blood brain barrier effectively?
- 15:35And so we're still trying,
- 15:38but it's important to also emphasize
- 15:40that it's not only our group that
- 15:42has seen these changes in beard for
- 15:44relevant to substance use disorders,
- 15:46other groups have seen that.
- 15:48In fact you cocaine self administration will
- 15:52also increase variety for and inhibiting.
- 15:56Giving the JQ one inhibitor the B
- 15:58inhibitor also will decrease cocaine,
- 16:00place preference and cocaine self
- 16:02administration and I think that that's
- 16:03really important because when we
- 16:05think about substance use disorders
- 16:06often we think OK we must get the
- 16:08most selective thing or I think in
- 16:11psychiatry in general I think you know
- 16:13the the strongest antagonists of the
- 16:16dopamine receptor and and selectivity,
- 16:18but for substance use disorders we know
- 16:21that many people are polysubstance users.
- 16:24So for me the fact that
- 16:25we see some commonality.
- 16:26Between the different substances of abuse,
- 16:29I think it's important so you know
- 16:32we're still optimistic about BRD 4.
- 16:36I'm still saying on this this,
- 16:39you know, in developing medications
- 16:40based on what we've seen,
- 16:42the human brain and how
- 16:43animal models can help us,
- 16:45I'm still going to focus on aspects of
- 16:47epigenetics and synaptic plasticity,
- 16:49and the reason is once again.
- 16:52When we look at the the brains
- 16:55of heroin users, as I said,
- 16:57you know when we we looked at the
- 17:00gene expression that transcriptome
- 17:02we were able to see these epigenetic
- 17:05genes related to epigenetic mechanisms
- 17:07and the synaptic plasticity.
- 17:08But you can also look at the epigenome
- 17:11itself in an agnostic manner.
- 17:12You can actually sequence the the
- 17:15epigenome and you can do that with
- 17:17a technique called a taxi which is
- 17:20assay for transposase accessible.
- 17:22Something basically,
- 17:23you're looking at chromatin state looking
- 17:26at where in the where in the epigenome,
- 17:29maybe in the chromatin is open,
- 17:31and therefore would be associated with gene
- 17:34transactivation and where it may be closed.
- 17:37And importantly, it's agnostic,
- 17:39because normally when you look at
- 17:42the epigenetic tags you actually
- 17:45choose a specific epigenetic mark.
- 17:48So for example,
- 17:49we might have chosen,
- 17:50like acetylation of lysine.
- 17:5227 that we showed that was changed
- 17:54in the brains of heroin users,
- 17:56but we know it's the combination of a
- 17:59number of epigenetic marks that will lead
- 18:01to these changes in gene transcription
- 18:03and therefore obviously downstream
- 18:05changes in in protein and function.
- 18:08So if we look agnostically using this,
- 18:11a taxi that has actually been extremely
- 18:14informative and finding out where which
- 18:16loci where in the in the epigenome is
- 18:19most significantly changed with hearing news.
- 18:22And importantly,
- 18:23this technique allows a something
- 18:25for me that's important for
- 18:26studying the human brain.
- 18:27It uses very little tissue,
- 18:31and this way we can look at different cells.
- 18:34Cell types in the human brain.
- 18:36Here in this particular study we
- 18:37look mainly at neurons and glia,
- 18:39not looking at specific neurons and
- 18:41specific non glia non neuronal subtypes.
- 18:44But even in doing that it was able to help
- 18:47us a lot and it was able to help us in here.
- 18:49A previous student who's now.
- 18:52Going for his first independent position,
- 18:56America Avari in in using the taxi we could
- 19:00see that indeed we were able to dissociate.
- 19:04Which epigenetic signatures that
- 19:07dissociated neurons from glia.
- 19:09But we could also see those that dissociated.
- 19:14Up here with disorders heroin use this.
- 19:17The dissociated heroin use in neurons
- 19:19and what we saw specifically was that
- 19:21the gene ontology of where these
- 19:24epigenetic changes were occurring again
- 19:26shows really strong dysregulation on an
- 19:28epigenetic level of synaptic plasticity.
- 19:32Again,
- 19:32these little meteorologic postsynaptic
- 19:35density dendritic changes and
- 19:37what were the genes changed?
- 19:40The top gene was Finn.
- 19:42And that was fascinating for us,
- 19:45because we had never studied fan and
- 19:47obviously it yellow come to that.
- 19:48You guys have been studying it for
- 19:50a while and the thing also was
- 19:53that the this this.
- 19:55The epigenetic changes that we saw for Finn.
- 19:58It actually explained Signal 6 to 8%
- 20:01of the variance for identifying heroin users.
- 20:05We were able to to show that my student Tony
- 20:07Roman was able to show that it's functional.
- 20:10The change this this enhancer region that
- 20:12we saw had the greatest chromatin change
- 20:15in Harry Newsers in the stratum and we were
- 20:18able to see also that it was self specific,
- 20:21at least that we didn't see these changes
- 20:23in glia, but it was mainly in neurons.
- 20:27And So what is Finn?
- 20:28As I said, you know.
- 20:29For Yale, I know many of you Vandyke and
- 20:34and me had been studying fit in relation
- 20:38to Alzheimer's and alcohol use disorders.
- 20:41For me, even though we had been getting
- 20:43more and more interested in the postsynaptic
- 20:46density in the glutamatergic signaling.
- 20:48Based on our postmortem results,
- 20:50it was interesting because we've never looked
- 20:52at fit and finish a stark tyrosine kinase,
- 20:55and it is a member of this group.
- 20:57Detergent, postsynaptic density and it
- 21:00regulates the cytoarchitecture dynamics.
- 21:02And we've found this in the
- 21:04nucleus accumbens,
- 21:05but my student run the Ellis also in
- 21:07using machine learning strategies,
- 21:09and I'll come to that a little later
- 21:10in the orbital frontal cortex.
- 21:12Another brain region critical in substance
- 21:14use disorders also identified as being
- 21:17part of a network predictive of heroin users.
- 21:21So in looking at Finn,
- 21:23we not only saw fin changes on the
- 21:26epigenetic level.
- 21:27We also saw it on the gene expression
- 21:29level in in the striatum.
- 21:31We saw it also change in animals
- 21:33that self administered heroin and
- 21:35we also even saw it in animals that
- 21:37self administered heroin.
- 21:38It correlated with their harrowing
- 21:40intake because here and at least
- 21:42the animals we know exactly how much
- 21:44hearing they take over their lives.
- 21:46We also saw it in cell cultures
- 21:50in with morphine.
- 21:51So.
- 21:53Thin as a kinase,
- 21:55it's activity in regulating
- 21:57downstream signaling relates to
- 21:59it being an phosphorylated and
- 22:01its phosphorylated active form.
- 22:03Inherent users was significantly
- 22:06increased as compared to the
- 22:08inactive form of first decreased.
- 22:10And indeed spin correlated with
- 22:12the years of heroin use in humans.
- 22:15So altogether,
- 22:16Finn was became very interesting for us and.
- 22:22As I mentioned, many people as I said,
- 22:25including you know a lot of the colleagues,
- 22:28your colleagues you know had shown
- 22:31Finn related to aspects of Alzheimer's
- 22:33because Finn phosphorylates the important
- 22:36downstream target of Finn is Tau,
- 22:39and hyperphosphorylated Tau is a
- 22:41pathological feature of Alzheimer's
- 22:43and another among other tauopathies,
- 22:46these neurodegenerative disorders.
- 22:48And years before we had seen
- 22:51these epigenetic changes,
- 22:52we had actually seen increase phosphorylate.
- 22:55Towel in the brains of heroin.
- 22:56Users in streaming, especially in Cortex.
- 23:00So the question is, you know,
- 23:03can you see the same things in animal models?
- 23:05So because humans,
- 23:06and especially I'd said at the time when
- 23:09we had found the increased phosphorylated
- 23:11Tau in the brains of heroin users
- 23:13before we started studying epigenetics,
- 23:15I thought that they had just hit their hats
- 23:17because you know when they're toxicated,
- 23:19maybe they had fallen.
- 23:20But we when animals self administered heroin,
- 23:23in addition to seeing increased fan it also.
- 23:26They also had hyperphosphorylated
- 23:28Tau that we could also replicate.
- 23:31You are in our cell culture model.
- 23:33Importantly,
- 23:34thin phosphorylated Tau phosphorylates
- 23:36toward a specific sites on Tau,
- 23:40and when you look at other sites that are
- 23:43phosphorylated by other kinases and Tau,
- 23:45we did not see those changes,
- 23:46so there was for Tau.
- 23:49There were five specific changes in regard
- 23:51to its phosphorylation and function.
- 23:56So. When we see these changes and said,
- 24:00you know, many, many years ago we
- 24:03see these hyperphosphorylated towel
- 24:04and like I said, I brushed it away.
- 24:07We see these changes in regard
- 24:09now to these epigenetic changes
- 24:11that really is not due to hitting.
- 24:14You know people hitting their heads
- 24:16or you know taking other substances
- 24:19but might be very, you know,
- 24:21newer toxic because we could also see
- 24:23that as I said in our animal models,
- 24:25so is opioid use predictive?
- 24:28Often your Commissioner type
- 24:30and so my student Brandy.
- 24:32We've been looking at this in
- 24:33a number of ways and I'm only
- 24:35going to show like one thing.
- 24:36So if we look at electronic health
- 24:40records and track opioid exposure.
- 24:43And your cognitive diagnosis later in life.
- 24:46Indeed, we actually see that if
- 24:48we look at people and look at we
- 24:50and if anybody wants to know,
- 24:52we can talk about it and the
- 24:54Q eight time period.
- 24:56But in looking at retrospectively
- 24:58and looking at 5 and 10 year
- 25:01follow-up following opioid exposure,
- 25:03we could see that indeed those individuals
- 25:05that had substance use disorder,
- 25:07especially opiate use disorder.
- 25:10It increased their diagnosis
- 25:12for neurocognitive their
- 25:14neurocognitive diagnosis.
- 25:15Later on in life.
- 25:17So, but back to our final story so.
- 25:22In animals, such self administered heroin,
- 25:24just like our heroin users.
- 25:26Like I said,
- 25:26we saw this increase in Finn and
- 25:28it made us interested to think of
- 25:30whether or not Finn may be important,
- 25:33for indeed directly causally regulating
- 25:35heroin self administration behavior.
- 25:37So we,
- 25:37we changed the expression of Finn
- 25:39by using viral media to minute
- 25:41manipulations and the animals,
- 25:43and we could see that indeed,
- 25:44if you're not down Finn,
- 25:46you could actually reduce heroin
- 25:48seeking behavior in these animals.
- 25:51But since our long term goal
- 25:54is medication development,
- 25:56we wanted to see whether or not
- 25:58a pharmacological inhibition
- 25:59of fan could also work,
- 26:01and there now this time we are lucky
- 26:05because then there was a inhibitor
- 26:07offence or ketamine that was being
- 26:10tested in Alzheimer's disease,
- 26:11and so we could use it in our animal
- 26:13models and we really made sure
- 26:15that animals were quite motivated.
- 26:17We increased increasing the work effort
- 26:19for them to self administer heroin.
- 26:21And then gave them sarcasm.
- 26:23And during those days that
- 26:24they have received sarcastic,
- 26:25it had reduced their currency and
- 26:29self administration behavior.
- 26:30In your when you're trying to
- 26:32develop medications for substance
- 26:34use disorders is really critical.
- 26:36Not to impact all aspects of
- 26:39their reward because, you know,
- 26:41we need to still have a regular
- 26:43hypnotic state.
- 26:44And when we gave a sarcastic name
- 26:46while their self administering food,
- 26:49for example, it didn't change that behavior.
- 26:52So when we look at the the human brain
- 26:54and our translational animal models,
- 26:57we see that there are specific
- 26:59epidemic and synaptic dysregulation,
- 27:01and a lot of that synaptic
- 27:03Goodman Turkic pathology.
- 27:05Really,
- 27:06the some of the targets that we
- 27:08have identified may be important
- 27:10for treatment development.
- 27:11But just as the epigenetic,
- 27:13the BRD the the Bromo domain family that we
- 27:16think is important for developing medication,
- 27:19others have and we saw and they saw
- 27:22other substances being impacted.
- 27:23It's like the the intake of other drugs.
- 27:26Other groups have been looking at then here
- 27:30dorid Bronze group at UCSF was able to see
- 27:33that in animals that are consumed alcohol,
- 27:36it also increased fat in the striatum and
- 27:39if they use their cabinet it could decrease
- 27:43the animals alcohol intake behavior.
- 27:45But at Yale, you guys have?
- 27:49They've been clinical studies,
- 27:51carried out with individuals,
- 27:52alcohol use disorder,
- 27:54and have not seen any significant
- 27:56changes with alcohol consumption.
- 27:58But it was really nice because it
- 28:00was a translational study and they
- 28:02also had a mouse model where they
- 28:03could see that perhaps perhaps the
- 28:05habitual responded for for ethanol,
- 28:08maybe what may be affected by
- 28:11our cabinet and there's and those
- 28:13of course may be important.
- 28:15So here we did not see, at least for alcohol.
- 28:18Just sort of carry that by.
- 28:21Work, you guys,
- 28:22that circadian pattern effect?
- 28:24But I think that there's still a
- 28:26long way because we still think then
- 28:28see on so many levels that thing is
- 28:31really important for a number of at
- 28:34least opiate use changes that we saw.
- 28:36So I'm gonna go back to the orbital
- 28:39frontal cortex where if you remember
- 28:41we had seen this changes in fan
- 28:43and the overall frontal cortex.
- 28:44As I said earlier,
- 28:45is is a critical brain region
- 28:47also for substance use disorder,
- 28:49especially in terms of guiding
- 28:52decision making.
- 28:53The values of reward,
- 28:55goal directed behavior and even
- 28:57in reversal learning aspects so.
- 28:59Although we saw Finn,
- 29:01Finn was not the primary.
- 29:03Significantly changed gene hub
- 29:06using machine learning approaches.
- 29:09It was shesa 7. And she's just seven.
- 29:13We solved that all models that Randy
- 29:16used and our colleagues in terms of
- 29:19machine learning models predicted
- 29:21so predicted that she's a seven
- 29:24was really key in dissociating.
- 29:28Differentiating the gene expression
- 29:31pattern of parent users from control.
- 29:33So basically that's what you're asking.
- 29:35You know, these machine learning algorithms,
- 29:38how? How well do these these?
- 29:41Transcriptional signatures tell you who's a.
- 29:45Maybe a heroin user and who is
- 29:47a control subject.
- 29:48And as I said,
- 29:49she's a 17 up all the time,
- 29:51so once she's a 7.
- 29:54It's usually 7 is an auxiliary
- 29:57subunit and the the.
- 29:59Unfortunate thing is that actually a
- 30:01good thing and an unfortunate thing.
- 30:03The good thing is that for us is that
- 30:05it's something novel because very,
- 30:07very few people have studied Chester 7.
- 30:10It's considered an auxiliary subunit,
- 30:13not only at the Ampang
- 30:15glutamatergic receptor,
- 30:16but even at the GABA a receptor
- 30:18and different researchers
- 30:20have evidence on both sides,
- 30:22so that's why we are working with the
- 30:25Yale your proteomics core and being
- 30:27able to see where is Jesus 7 binding,
- 30:31at least in our models,
- 30:32and so hopefully we'll be
- 30:34able to get some insights
- 30:36for that, but in the meantime,
- 30:37what we've done is to try to
- 30:39see is sheets of seven, really.
- 30:41Critical for parents,
- 30:42self administration and parents seeking
- 30:45behavior and here Randy and Jackie,
- 30:47Jackie Fuller and postdoc in a group.
- 30:49You could see that indeed it
- 30:52replicated that her she's a 70
- 30:54and the cohorts of heroin users
- 30:56is reduced in rats is reduced.
- 30:58But actually it correlates
- 31:00significantly with the the the
- 31:02rest heroin seeking behavior.
- 31:05So we could we wanted to see if
- 31:08overexpressing she's a seven could change
- 31:11was relevant to Q induced behavior
- 31:14so we had animals self administer
- 31:16heroin and also saline as comparison
- 31:20groups and then we overexpressed.
- 31:21She's a seven in the animals and we
- 31:24could see that in those animals that
- 31:25had heroin and she's the seven we can
- 31:28push that heroin seeking behavior.
- 31:29So she's a 7 augments human
- 31:32induced parents seeking behavior.
- 31:35As I mentioned,
- 31:36the orbital frontal cortex is
- 31:38important for reversal learning and
- 31:40indeed overexpressing she's a 7 in.
- 31:42Also change sucrose reversal
- 31:44learning so animals that first
- 31:47learn to self administer heroin,
- 31:50we would switch and give
- 31:51them a different reward.
- 31:53They're the conditions under which the
- 31:54levers and we could see that it was a.
- 31:56She's a 7 overexpression could
- 31:59promote reversal learning more
- 32:01versus the heroin animals.
- 32:02So the question is what is happening?
- 32:05In the brain, on a transcriptional level.
- 32:08With she's a 7.
- 32:09And so here what we did was to
- 32:13look at what gene expression
- 32:15patterns is similar in heroin,
- 32:18self administration and under
- 32:20conditions of no heroin,
- 32:22self administration.
- 32:23Just she's a 7 overexpression of
- 32:25the orbital frontal cortex and
- 32:27this is a strategy using rank rank.
- 32:29It's called hypergeometric overlap.
- 32:32In comparing 2 gene expression sets,
- 32:35it's a little convoluted.
- 32:37It's not,
- 32:37I mean that it's just the opposite
- 32:39in terms of.
- 32:40Where we see significant overlaps
- 32:43in genes that are downregulated
- 32:47in one comparison group.
- 32:49And over here these are genes
- 32:51that are upregulated,
- 32:52but there was a complete concordance
- 32:54between whether or not complete a
- 32:57very strong concordance between the
- 32:59gene genes that are upregulated in
- 33:02hiring users and those that are
- 33:04are also upregulated by she's a 7
- 33:06overexpression and the same thing.
- 33:08Those that are downregulated so there.
- 33:10This there is this.
- 33:11She's a 7 overexpression mimics a
- 33:13lot of the patterns in the in the
- 33:15orbital frontal cortex that we see
- 33:17with parents often ministration.
- 33:19So and not in the discordant genes.
- 33:22This is just the the odds ratio
- 33:24and this this significance.
- 33:26So what are the biological features
- 33:29that are that are changed in relation
- 33:33to the genes that are that she's
- 33:36a 7 regulates?
- 33:37Once again not surprising we see
- 33:40changes related to postsynaptic density,
- 33:42the synaptic plasticity,
- 33:44the cytoskeletal organization.
- 33:46Also we see a number of of
- 33:50of disorders related to,
- 33:52for example, Alzheimer's disease,
- 33:54Huntington's disease,
- 33:56these neurodegenerative disorders
- 33:57come into the gene transcriptional
- 34:01profile that she's a seven is inducing.
- 34:04And even going back to the machine learning,
- 34:06I'm not going to show a lot of it.
- 34:07We can see that other genes that have
- 34:09been identified even though they were
- 34:10not as strong as sheets of seven,
- 34:12for example, here this product could here,
- 34:14is it also in she's a 7.
- 34:17And when you change she's a 7 expression.
- 34:19It also changes a number of these
- 34:21genes that the machine learning
- 34:23strategies had shown to relate to heroin
- 34:27seeking behavior in in particular.
- 34:30So using these unbiased computational
- 34:33strategies, we were able to
- 34:36identify molecular alterations,
- 34:39again emphasizing synaptic
- 34:41dysregulation and also this aspect
- 34:44of heightened neurocognitive risk.
- 34:52So the last part of you know the
- 34:56strategies that we've been using to try
- 34:59to develop new treatments or potential
- 35:02new treatments for opiate use disorder.
- 35:05The first strategies, as I mentioned,
- 35:08started with our human subjects and
- 35:10looking at postmortem tissue and then
- 35:13going to our preclinical animal models
- 35:15and trying to manipulate them and
- 35:17moving them into the clinical studies.
- 35:21What we are. Also did was using our
- 35:26animal models in general to see what
- 35:29they may help to identify and here this
- 35:32was an unusual start because we've
- 35:35been looking at the developmental
- 35:36effects of cannabis for many years,
- 35:38both from the prenatal and analysing
- 35:41exposure and we had looked in in humans
- 35:45in terms of fetal samples for example,
- 35:47but even our animal models because
- 35:49our animal models we could allow
- 35:51them to grow into adults and really
- 35:52see doesn't impact on behavior.
- 35:54And one behavior that we we spend a lot
- 35:56of time looking at because initially,
- 35:58especially with the adolescent exposure,
- 35:59was this gateway hypothesis of cannabis
- 36:03exposure increasing addiction risk even
- 36:05to other substances later in life.
- 36:07And here we looked at opioids and.
- 36:11And then we can go into QA as to
- 36:13why we looked at opioids,
- 36:14but there is a they share a number
- 36:17of signaling mechanisms with the
- 36:20endogenous cannabinoid receptors.
- 36:22And we could see in animals that
- 36:24had been exposed to THC prenatally,
- 36:27that they would self administer
- 36:29heroin more than controls,
- 36:31and even on their conditions,
- 36:32when they we had them,
- 36:34they would take the same amount of heroin.
- 36:36If you just looked at even the first,
- 36:38they're running to the first letter lever
- 36:41to get that first hit of of of heroin.
- 36:44In those adult animals, with penalty, etc.
- 36:47It was much faster,
- 36:48and they had a greater drug seeking behavior,
- 36:50especially under stressful.
- 36:52Conditions similarly,
- 36:54when we gave adult animals have
- 36:56had adolescent exposure to to TFC.
- 36:59They also self administered this
- 37:02black line here that's missing.
- 37:04They also self administered more heroin.
- 37:07But when we?
- 37:09When we have our human studies,
- 37:11we're talking about cannabis and
- 37:13when we have our animal studies
- 37:15we're talking about THC.
- 37:17And we know that the cannabis
- 37:18plant is very complex,
- 37:19containing over 500 chemicals,
- 37:22many of them over 140, are cannabinoids.
- 37:25So THC yes is the primary psychoactive
- 37:29cannabinoid in cannabis plant,
- 37:31but other cannabinoids such as CBD,
- 37:33cannabidiol is.
- 37:35You know,
- 37:36also have from ecological and
- 37:39and and psychoactive properties,
- 37:42so one of the things we wanted to
- 37:44look at was that we said let's look
- 37:46at at least another cannabinoid.
- 37:47CBD, it's used to be well.
- 37:49It still technically is the second
- 37:52highest cannabinoid in the cannabis plant.
- 37:55The you know the normal cannabis plant.
- 37:57Today it's decreased dramatically
- 37:59as compared to the concentrations
- 38:01of THC that have gotten higher.
- 38:03And when we looked in our animal
- 38:06models that had been given CBD,
- 38:08we saw a different pattern to
- 38:10what we saw with THC.
- 38:11As I said earlier,
- 38:12with THC animals would invariably
- 38:14self administer more heroin is
- 38:15given to you to earlier and what we
- 38:18saw with CBD was that it decreased
- 38:20heroin seeking behavior,
- 38:21and it was very specific it
- 38:23was decreasing Q and juice.
- 38:25Currently seeking behavior so animals
- 38:27when they self administer heroin,
- 38:29just like humans,
- 38:31the environmental context becomes important.
- 38:34And for example if you showed
- 38:36them a cue or
- 38:37an odor when they get the drug then
- 38:39they will start to associate those cues.
- 38:41And if you only show them those
- 38:43cues they will press the lever.
- 38:44A lot of that's what we we call it.
- 38:46Seeking behavior and CBD was
- 38:48able to reduce that. So.
- 38:52Is CBD you know relevant?
- 38:54Could CBD be an A potential treatment?
- 38:58So as I emphasized when we look in
- 38:59the brains of human hearing users,
- 39:01we see all these changes in regard to
- 39:03synaptic plasticity in glutamatergic genes.
- 39:05We also see those in animals
- 39:08that self administer heroin and
- 39:09when we gave those animals CBD to
- 39:12actually reverse those changes,
- 39:14we could also see changes,
- 39:15for example with with heroin supply,
- 39:17administration of the cannabinoid receptor,
- 39:19and the cannabinoid receptor is
- 39:21very critical for regulating.
- 39:22About the transmission and
- 39:25CBD normalized those changes.
- 39:27So the question was,
- 39:30could it be effective in clinically?
- 39:32And so we ran a number of pilots
- 39:35here as a double.
- 39:36All of them were double blinded
- 39:38and randomized placebo controls,
- 39:39and those are things I think that
- 39:41are really critical when you're
- 39:42talking about cannabinoids,
- 39:43and especially today where everybody
- 39:45thinks that cannabis in general
- 39:47may be treatment for everything but
- 39:49those cannabis studies are difficult
- 39:51because especially if they're THC,
- 39:53people know when they're getting THC
- 39:55with CBD, it doesn't have intoxicating.
- 39:57Properties so at least we can have you know,
- 40:00good placebo control studies.
- 40:02So here we looked at individuals who
- 40:05had a heroin use disorder and when
- 40:08the individuals had been shown in
- 40:10heroin Q and then received placebo,
- 40:13they crave and CBD reduced that.
- 40:15So replicating what we saw in the
- 40:17animals in the in terms of their
- 40:20drug seeking behavior.
- 40:21One of the things that animals
- 40:23study had also showed us was that
- 40:25even weeks after the last CBD
- 40:27administration to the animals,
- 40:28it was still reducing their
- 40:30heroin seeking behavior.
- 40:31So when we brought people back
- 40:33into the lab about a week later,
- 40:35we could see that it was still
- 40:37reducing their their craving.
- 40:40One thing that we also saw,
- 40:41at least the our study participant would
- 40:44clear was CBD was also impacting on anxiety,
- 40:48so when they had gotten the heroin,
- 40:50Hugh and and been given placebo,
- 40:52they they were anxious and when
- 40:54they got to CBD it reduced the
- 40:56anxiety that cue induced again.
- 40:58Cue induced angularity and a week later
- 41:01it's still reduced their anxiety.
- 41:04We hadn't studied anxiety in
- 41:05our animal models,
- 41:06but we did try to look at other
- 41:08aspects of in terms of, you know,
- 41:10in our human studies in not just the
- 41:13self reports of craving and anxiety,
- 41:15but also these physiological
- 41:17measures of stress.
- 41:18For example, cortisol levels.
- 41:19So when when people had been given
- 41:23the drug queue and had gotten placebo,
- 41:26their cortisol levels went up
- 41:28and CBD reduced that.
- 41:29Similarly,
- 41:30their heart rate went up when given the
- 41:33drug queue and placebo and CBE reduce that.
- 41:36As I said,
- 41:37we hadn't really looked at anxiety in
- 41:39our animal models, but based on what
- 41:41we we were we saw in our humans,
- 41:43we've now gone back to look at that
- 41:46and to also try to understand what's
- 41:48the mechanism of action by which
- 41:50CD may be working here in my post
- 41:53that Jackie Ferlin we looked at,
- 41:55we tried to induce anxiety in our
- 41:58animals plastic with in terms of shocking
- 42:00animals and when the animals are shocked,
- 42:03they're given a queue.
- 42:04Here we give them this lemon odor
- 42:06and then we assess their anxiety.
- 42:08Related behavior here.
- 42:09This is using the light dark spots
- 42:12and we could see that in those
- 42:14animals that when they've been given
- 42:16vehicle and they had were exposed
- 42:18to the lemon queue and they showed
- 42:22increased anxiety related behavior.
- 42:24But given CBD CBD completely reduced,
- 42:28that Q induced limit.
- 42:31Behavioral response.
- 42:32We're now, as I said,
- 42:34trying to understand how CBD
- 42:36might be having its effects,
- 42:37so that we can perhaps identify
- 42:41even non CBD related development.
- 42:44Non CBD related medications based on
- 42:46the the biology of what's happening.
- 42:49Not going to tell you some of the
- 42:51the specific mechanisms that we see,
- 42:54but one of the things that's clear is
- 42:56that there are disturbances in these
- 42:58circuits related to the nucleus accumbens.
- 43:00The basolateral amygdala and prelimbic.
- 43:03Facts, not surprisingly,
- 43:05but interestingly,
- 43:06if we just, for example,
- 43:07within the nucleus accumbens,
- 43:08here is just a shell.
- 43:09We can see that there is a
- 43:11significant changes where some genes
- 43:12are downregulated in other genes,
- 43:13upregulated when in animals when
- 43:16they're exposed again to this,
- 43:18this queuing juice stressor and
- 43:20they show this anxiety behavior,
- 43:22and when you look at the animals
- 43:24that had gotten CBD and their
- 43:26behaviors were normalized.
- 43:28It's just it shows that CBD
- 43:30reverses or even eliminates these
- 43:32particular genes that are changed.
- 43:35So. Does cannabidiol hold promise?
- 43:38At least here,
- 43:39we've been able to do clinical trials.
- 43:41We're still working on one of
- 43:43the effective doses,
- 43:44and the formulations and
- 43:45the delivery systems,
- 43:47but similar to what we you know
- 43:50I mentioned in terms of the other
- 43:53strategies that we're looking at in
- 43:56translating to developing potential
- 43:57medications for opiate use disorder.
- 44:00It may not be specific CBD for just opioids.
- 44:03Other groups have shown,
- 44:04for example, with alcohol again.
- 44:06And here weeks after their
- 44:09last alcohol intake animals,
- 44:11CBD still reduce their alcohol
- 44:13seeking behavior.
- 44:14And even when they're the stress induced
- 44:17against here, it's just a shock.
- 44:19Again.
- 44:19You can also see that CBD still
- 44:22reduce their alcohol seeking behavior.
- 44:24But there may be some things that would sex.
- 44:27For example,
- 44:28a group looking at binge drinking
- 44:31in in the mouse model found that
- 44:34although CBD did reduce alcohol
- 44:36intake in the mail animals,
- 44:38it did not do that in the female until
- 44:41they increased the dose of CBD significantly.
- 44:44So there's still a lot that we have
- 44:47to learn and doses are important,
- 44:50but at least now we're able to
- 44:53expand our our small studies.
- 44:55And now we're also looking at in terms of a
- 44:58big clinical trial with CANNABIDOL to see.
- 45:01Indeed again, you know, placebo,
- 45:03randomized placebo control,
- 45:04and to see also doing your imaging
- 45:07studies to see if we can start in
- 45:09humans like our animal models to
- 45:11understand what are the neural
- 45:13systems that are changed with CBD.
- 45:16So clearly in looking at the human brain,
- 45:21it has taught us a lot that you know,
- 45:24although initially we have focused
- 45:26on dopamine and and even the opioid
- 45:29system in targeting for medication,
- 45:31but it's about epigenetics and
- 45:34synaptic plasticity and these to
- 45:37me and also those those neural.
- 45:41Networks and those systems that really
- 45:44relate as well to cognition in part,
- 45:47and those are things that we're
- 45:49definitely trying to develop,
- 45:50and the important thing about
- 45:52all of these epigenetic changes
- 45:54is that they are reversible.
- 45:56So yes,
- 45:57the epigenetic mechanisms maintain these
- 45:59long term sensitivity of the brain,
- 46:02but it's because we really haven't found
- 46:03the right targets to reverse them,
- 46:05because these tags are like genetics,
- 46:07are reversible.
- 46:08So I had mentioned a lot of the people.
- 46:11Who had you know,
- 46:12contributed to a lot of the
- 46:14work that we're doing?
- 46:16I didn't show like Alex **** where
- 46:18working on CBD and or heroin users,
- 46:21and a lot of our clinical
- 46:22team and Karen backing,
- 46:24and in large part in running the
- 46:26operations of our clinical trials
- 46:28and doctor and soul systems of
- 46:31Amazing Addiction medicine physician
- 46:33who's been great to work with.
- 46:35So with that I will take any
- 46:37questions that you might have.
- 46:38Thank you.