Challenge 3: How Can We Amplify Our Signal?
Learning Targets:
- I can explain and use amplification.
- I can model amplification.
Activity 1: How does amplification work?
Answer the following:
Our sample may contain very few viruses and our test may not be sensitive enough to detect the presence of the virus RNA or protein. How can we design a test that increases the signal? How can we increase the amount of viral nucleic acid?
- Is there a way to copy nucleic acids?
- What do our cells need to do before dividing?
- Describe the process for how our cells copy their DNA.
- Could we use a similar process to copy viral RNA?
- How can we convert viral RNA into DNA?
- Reverse transcriptase (RT)
- Oligomer that anneals to our RNA
- Can we repeat the process to make several copies of the DNA?
- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
- How many new DNA copies are produced after each round of PCR?
- How can we convert viral RNA into DNA?
Share & Discuss
- Your responses.
Activity 2 - Design a RT-PCR Assay
- Using this sequence from the SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid gene, design a set of primers to perform an RT-PCR assay:
- Primers should be 20 nucleotides in length
- Forward primer: 5’-GAC CCC AAA ATC AGC GAA AT-3’
- Reverse primer: 5’-TCT GGT TAC TGC CAG TTG AAT CTG-3’
Outline a protocol for performing RT-PCR
- Reverse Transcription Step
- Purified RNA from our sample
- Reverse primer
- Reverse transcriptase
- Nucleotides
- Polymerase Step
- Sample from Reverse Transcription Step
- Reverse primer
- Forward primer
- TAQ polymerase (A thermostable DNA polymerase)
- Nucleotides
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- Examine each other’s designs, offering helpful suggestions if needed.
Activity 3: Using PCR
- The number of DNA molecules after 30 rounds of PCR. Assume our sample has 10 molecules of SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid RNA.
- The number of DNA molecules after each of the first 5 rounds of PCR. How would you characterize the line?
- A formula that would allow you to estimate the number of DNA molecules for any number of PCR cycles.
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- Your results.