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Module 7: Prevention

The Story...

Tash ends up quarantining in a motel with other patients after testing positive for COVID-19. His friends Ray and June research ways to protect themselves from the disease and contemplate getting tested. After all, they wouldn’t want to spread it to their families and friends like Tash may have.

While the two know that wearing face masks and using hand sanitizer can help, they don’t know what else they can do to prevent themselves from being infected.

How do human activities contribute to spreading COVID-19, and what can help decrease this spread?

Performance Expectations

  • Identify human activities that contribute to the spread of COVID-19.
  • Model the effects of soap on the novel coronavirus.
  • Formulate a claim about wearing masks based on evidence.
  • Identify patterns in positive COVID-19 cases using data tables and graphs.
  • Assess the risk of participating in a particular activity.
  • Communicate to the school community the necessary steps to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Module 7 Challenges