The Modules
COV-Ed is organized into ten learning modules. Each module is focused on a topic related to the pandemic and can stand alone, so it’s possible to pick and choose modules, or complete all ten. A narrative tells the story of three high school students as they encounter the challenges of the pandemic. "Challenges" function as learning activities and include the following components:
- Story episode – a narrative of how the students encounter the pandemic
- Performance Expectations– learning goals
Challenges – lessons and activities
- Professional Opportunities – learn about the professionals working to combat the pandemic
Teacher Guides
are available for addressing Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
Module 1: What is a Pandemic?
Module 2: Know Your Sources
Module 3: Testing
Module 4: Treatment
Module 5: Social Isolation & Stress
Module 6: The Virus
Module 7: Prevention
Module 8: Contact Tracing
Module 9: Vaccine Development
Module 10: U.S. Public Health System and COVID-19