Vanna DestLecturer in NursingAboutNewsVanna DestAboutCopy LinkTitlesLecturer in NursingDepartments & OrganizationsCenter for Thoracic CancersYale MedicineBoard CertificationsAdult Nurse PractitionerCertification OrganizationAmerican Nurses Credentialing CenterOriginal Certification Date2002NewsCopy LinkNewsSeptember 08, 2023New Immunotherapy Treatment Brings Hope to Patients With Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung CancerRead moreabout New Immunotherapy Treatment Brings Hope to Patients With Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung CancerJanuary 10, 2023Ruth McCorkle Oncology Advanced Practice Provider (APP) Award Presented to Erin Medoff, APRNRead moreabout Ruth McCorkle Oncology Advanced Practice Provider (APP) Award Presented to Erin Medoff, APRN
Adult Nurse PractitionerCertification OrganizationAmerican Nurses Credentialing CenterOriginal Certification Date2002
September 08, 2023New Immunotherapy Treatment Brings Hope to Patients With Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung CancerRead moreabout New Immunotherapy Treatment Brings Hope to Patients With Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
January 10, 2023Ruth McCorkle Oncology Advanced Practice Provider (APP) Award Presented to Erin Medoff, APRNRead moreabout Ruth McCorkle Oncology Advanced Practice Provider (APP) Award Presented to Erin Medoff, APRN