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    Paula Zimbrean, MD, FAPA, FACLP

    Professor of Psychiatry
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    Additional Titles

    Director, Transplant Psychiatry Services at Yale New Haven Hospital

    Director, Inpatient Psychological Medicine, Psychiatry



    Professor of Psychiatry

    Director, Transplant Psychiatry Services at Yale New Haven Hospital; Director, Inpatient Psychological Medicine, Psychiatry


    BOARD CERTIFICATION: Psychiatry, Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, Addiction Psychiatry

    CLINICAL INTERESTS: Consultation Liaison Psychiatry, Addiction Psychiatry, Transplant Psychiatry, 

    RESEARCH INTEREST: intensive psychiatric interventions in general hospital, psychiatric disease and organ transplantation, graduate medical education


    Other Departments & Organizations

    Education & Training

    Yale School of Medicine (2005)
    Yale University School of Medicine (2004)
    Columbia University, St. Luke's - Roosevelt Hospital (2003)
    Iuliu Hatieganu University (1998)



    My main area of research is that of psychiatric disease and organ transplantation. My publication on patients with psychotic disorder and organ transplantations has significantly influenced the discussion about the candidacy of this group towards not excluding patients with severe mental illness from transplantation listing. The description of eating behaviors in transplant patients is important given the obesity epidemics and the increased prevalence of non-alcoholic-steatosis-hepatitis (NASH), one of the main indications for liver transplantation. There is a significant need for a better understanding of eating habits, beliefs and behavioral strategies to address obesity in these patients. Understanding body image concerns is becoming relevant in the transplantation world as more non-urgent transplantation are becoming available (face and hand transplantation). I was recently interviewed for the European journal Science et vie about the impact of regenerative medicine upon body image concerns . In addition to studying psychiatric aspects of organ recipients, I am also PI for a study that evaluates prospectively the psychological status of liver donor candidates at Yale Transplantation Center. The study is performing psychiatric assessments of living donor candidates at their initial visits and follow up assessments including in candidates do not donate.

    I am also evaluating the impact of the Transplant psychiatry rotation upon the trainees’ knowledge level and communication skills.

    My work with Wilson Disease patients is a unique opportunity to study the psychiatric aspects of a rare genetic disease and to further inquire about mechanism of psychiatric symptoms. Being theat the underlying physiology of WD revolves around the role of copper in the organism, understanding the psychiatric presentations in WD can lead to a better appreciation of the role of microelements in the human brain.

    Wilson Disease Registry is a longitudinal multidisciplinary evaluation study that follows patients with this rare disease with hepatology, neurological and psychiatric assessments. In addition to providing information on the psychiatric aspects of Wilson disease, the project can also serve as an inspiration for multidisciplinary registries for other rare diseases in which psychiatry can play a role. Overseeing the longitudinal psychiatric monitoring of these patients at 5 research centers in the US and Europe has allowed me to focus on shared and accepted views of psychiatric evaluation and care.

    Medical Research Interests

    Mental Health Services

    Public Health Interests

    Substance Use, Addiction; Mental Health

    Research at a Glance

    Yale Co-Authors

    Frequent collaborators of Paula Zimbrean's published research.





    Clinical Trials

    Current Trials

    Academic Achievements & Community Involvement

    • activity

      Wilson Disease International

    • activity

      European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine

    • activity

      Academy of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry

    • activity

      Yale School of Medicine

    • activity

      Academy of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry

    Clinical Care


    Paula Zimbrean, MD, is a psychiatrist who specializes in treating patients with adjustment disorders, mood disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, drug and alcohol addiction, and delirium. She specializes in evaluation and treatment of patients with co-morbid medical illness and psychiatric symptoms. Among them, she has a special interest in organ transplant candidates and recipients and in organ donors.

    “One of the most satisfying parts of my job is seeing patients who are hospitalized in critical condition improve and go back to their lives,” Dr. Zimbrean says. “Sometimes I don’t recognize them at a follow-up appointment because they look so much better.”

    “For my organ transplant patients, I often have to reassure them that strong emotions are expected and transient,” Dr. Zimbrean says.

    Her research focuses on intensive psychiatric interventions for hospitalized patients and mental health disorders associated with organ transplantation

    Dr. Zimbrean is the director of transplant psychiatry services at Yale New Haven Hospital and an associate director of the Consultation Liaison Psychiatry fellowship.

    Clinical Specialties

    Psychiatry; Addiction Medicine; Psychosomatic Medicine

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