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Slide 12

Computational model of the effect of endogenous electric fields confirms that these may guide cortical network activity

Figure 12. Computational network model supports global small somatic depolarization as mechanism for activity modulation by EFs.

  • (A) Network model with 2D layers of pyramidal neurons (PYs, green) and inhibitory interneurons (INs, blue). Constant, sinewave and feedback fields were simulated by according somatic current injections into both PYs and INs to cause depolarization that mimicked the measured effect of EFs on the somatic membrane voltage of neurons.
  • (B) Sine-wave EF entrains slow oscillation. Top: Raster plot of PY cell spiking (two-dimensional network structure was linearized for presentation purposes). Red: Applied sine-wave EF waveforms. Black: “Virtual extension”. Bottom: Representative PY membrane voltage trace.
  • (C) Average PY membrane voltage Vm. No field applied (control, top) and sine-wave field application with different oscillation periods (2nd from top to bottom). Entrainment occurs for oscillation periods close to intrinsic oscillation period.
  • (D) Feedback field enhances slow oscillation structure. Top: Sample membrane voltage trace (black: control, red: with feedback field). Bottom: Average PY Vm (left: control, right: with feedback field).