Challenge 1: Why don’t antibiotics work against COVID-19?
Learning Targets:
- I can recognize the differences between bacteria and viruses.
- I can explain why antibiotics aren’t used to treat people with COVID-19.
Activity 1: Recognize the differences between bacteria and viruses.
Viruses and Bacteria: What’s the difference and who cares anyway?
Reflect & Discuss
- If viruses aren’t alive, how come they can make people so sick?
- What’s the downside of simply trying an antibiotic when someone is sick?
- What are some viruses other than coronavirus? What treatments can you think of for these other viruses?
With a partner, using online search tools, draw a diagram of a virus and a bacteria. Label the parts.
Your answers and diagram with the class. Be prepared to explain how you chose the websites you used to create your diagram.