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William Tyler Frantz, MD, PhD

Hospital Resident

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William Tyler Frantz, MD, PhD


William “Tyler” Frantz is a Pediatrics Resident in the American Board of Pediatrics Integrated Research Pathway at the Yale School of Medicine. He completed his MD/PhD at the University of Massachusetts Medical School’s Medical Scientist Training Program. There, under the mentorship of Dr. Craig Ceol, he leveraged zebrafish to model melanocyte stem cells during regeneration. In addition to his clinical work as a pediatrics resident, Tyler studies hematopoiesis and leukemia predisposition genomics under the mentorship of Dr. Markus Müschen.

Education & Training

  • MD
    University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School (2023)
  • PhD
    University of Massachusetts Morningside School of Biomedical Science, Molecular, Cell, and Cancer Biology (2023)

Departments & Organizations