Claudia-Santi F. Fernandes, EdD, LPC, CHES
Founding Director of Youth4Wellness at Yale, General Internal MedicineAbout
Featured Publications
A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate a Cognitive Behavioral Videogame Intervention: empowerED
Fernandes C, Deng Y, Tran A, Hieftje K, Boomer T, Taylor C, Fiellin L. A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial to Evaluate a Cognitive Behavioral Videogame Intervention: empowerED. Games For Health Journal 2022, 12: 42-52. PMID: 36350349, PMCID: PMC10331148, DOI: 10.1089/g4h.2021.0118.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCognitive reappraisalBeliefs/attitudesVideogame interventionEmotion regulation strategiesCognitive reappraisal skillsSchool climateYouth mental health needsPilot RCTHigh school settingReappraisal skillsMental health needsRegulation strategiesYouth perceptionsPreliminary effectsSchool settingsControl conditionSkill developmentHealthy developmentPreliminary efficacyPerceptionReappraisalYouthAttitudesInterventionHealth needsEducator Perspectives: Selected Barriers to Implementation of School-Level Nutrition Policies
Fernandes CF, Schwartz MB, Ickovics JR, Basch CE. Educator Perspectives: Selected Barriers to Implementation of School-Level Nutrition Policies. Journal Of Nutrition Education And Behavior 2019, 51: 843-849. PMID: 30704936, DOI: 10.1016/j.jneb.2018.12.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSchool-level policiesBasic needsSchool food policiesNutrition policiesSchool nutrition policiesSense of belongingStudent hungerEducators' responsesAssistant principalsClassroom policiesLocal educatorsEducatorsFood policyQualitative interviewsCultural normsFood insecurityEqual partnersUrban districtsPolicyPrincipalsTeachersImplementationSchoolsNeedReformPromoting Student Health and Well-Being with Digital Games
Fernandes, C. S. F., Boomer, T. M. P., Hieftje, K., Evanko, A., & Fiellin, L. E. (2021). Promoting Student Health and Well-Being with Digital Games. In Teaching in the Game-Based Classroom (pp. 121-135). Eye on Education.ChaptersEffectiveness of a Web-Based Tobacco Product use Prevention Videogame Intervention on Young Adolescents’ Beliefs and Knowledge
Hieftje KD, Fernandes CF, Lin IH, Fiellin LE. Effectiveness of a Web-Based Tobacco Product use Prevention Videogame Intervention on Young Adolescents’ Beliefs and Knowledge. Substance Use & Addiction Journal 2021, 42: 47-53. PMID: 31825759, DOI: 10.1080/08897077.2019.1691128.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTobacco product useVideogame interventionE-cigarettesElectronic cigarettesProduct useMcNemar testKnowledge questionsSingle group pre-post studyTobacco product initiationPre-post studySignificant differencesCigarette smokingProduct initiationTobacco useUse preventionHealthy beliefsPromising effectsKnowledge surveyInterventionVapingCigarettesDescriptive statisticsAdolescentsCorrect answersAge differencesMultidisciplinary Strategies for Preventing Opioid Misuse and Escalation by Targeting Mental Health Symptoms and Conditions
Yule A, Fernandes C, Stormshak E, Yang Y, Shelley L, Fiellin L, Larkin K, Ridenour T, Saavedra L, Kelleher K, Feng X, Walton M, Bonar E. Multidisciplinary Strategies for Preventing Opioid Misuse and Escalation by Targeting Mental Health Symptoms and Conditions. Prevention Science 2023, 24: 77-87. PMID: 37266870, PMCID: PMC10236392, DOI: 10.1007/s11121-023-01556-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMental health conditionsOpioid use disorderOpioid misuseMental health symptomsHealth conditionsHealth symptomsMental healthSubstance useEarly substance usePrevention interventionsHigh riskUse disordersMultidisciplinary strategyPrevention effortsIdentification of youthNational InstituteSymptomsHealthInterventionRiskMisuseAssociationA Video Game Intervention to Prevent Opioid Misuse Among Older Adolescents: Development and Preimplementation Study
Aneni K, Fernandes C, Hoerner L, Szapary C, Boomer T, Fiellin L. A Video Game Intervention to Prevent Opioid Misuse Among Older Adolescents: Development and Preimplementation Study. JMIR Serious Games 2023, 11: e46912. PMID: 37921851, PMCID: PMC10656656, DOI: 10.2196/46912.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOpioid misuseVideo game interventionMental health crisisMental healthPreventive interventionsOlder adolescentsGame interventionHealth Belief ModelMental health risksHealth crisisComorbid conditionsCurrent opioidFocus groupsSubstance misuseMental disordersProtective factorsBelief ModelInterventionDigital interventionsAdolescentsHealth risksFormative workHealthMisuseRiskA Serious Video Game Targeting HIV Testing and Counseling: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Boomer T, Larkin K, Duncan L, Fernandes C, Fiellin L. A Serious Video Game Targeting HIV Testing and Counseling: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal Of Adolescent Health 2023, 74: 252-259. PMID: 37815773, PMCID: PMC10841098, DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2023.08.016.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHIV testingPrimary outcome measureSecondary outcomesControlled TrialsHIV statusParental consent formsVideo game interventionOutcome measuresAge groupsConsent formTrialsMonthsWeeksGame interventionControl conditionOutcomesParticipantsCounselingStudy conditionsAdolescentsGroupSubjects ANOVASessionsParticipants' attitudesIntroduction to Helping to End Addiction Long-Term Prevention Cooperative: Overview and Strategies
Ridenour T, Saavedra L, Fernandes C, Cance J, Graham P, Oudekerk B. Introduction to Helping to End Addiction Long-Term Prevention Cooperative: Overview and Strategies. Prevention Science 2023, 24: 1-7. PMID: 36870020, PMCID: PMC9985075, DOI: 10.1007/s11121-023-01503-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSystematic Review of Interventions with Some School Involvement for School Refusal in High School–Age Adolescents
Fernandes, C.S.F., Kannoth, S., Pendergrass Boomer, T. M., Hieftje, K. D., & Fiellin, L. E. (2024). Systematic Review of Interventions with Some School Involvement for School Refusal in High School–Age Adolescents. Children & Schools, cdae003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDeveloping CLOUT: A Longitudinal, Cross-Program Chief Resident Curriculum to Increase Psychological Safety in the Clinical Learning Environment
Dunne D, Asnes A, Berg D, Chen A, Dewey J, Gupta S, Fernandes C, Huot S. Developing CLOUT: A Longitudinal, Cross-Program Chief Resident Curriculum to Increase Psychological Safety in the Clinical Learning Environment. Academic Medicine 2024, 99: s87-s91. PMID: 39601612, DOI: 10.1097/acm.0000000000005871.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsClinical learning environmentLearning environmentPsychological safetyProfessional development curriculumSelf-regulation of emotionFaculty alliesIndividual self-efficacyDevelopment curriculumIncrease psychological safetyPromote psychological safetyChief residentsCurriculumCurriculum's impactSkills-based workshopInstitutional climateSelf-regulationSelf-efficacyEffective coachingEvidence of behavior changeRelationship buildingLeadership positionsWorkplace mistreatmentLongitudinal curriculumCohort modelBehavioral changes
Academic Achievements & Community Involvement
News & Links
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Mental Health Awareness Month: Born This Way Foundation
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Building Kinder Communities: Addressing Youth Mental Health with Born This Way Foundation
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Supporting the mental health of young people