YSPH Dissertation Presentation-Jiping Wang (BIS), PhD candidate
Please join us for Jiping Wang's (BIS) dissertation presentation on March 18, 2025 at 10 am on zoom.
Ms. Wang will be presenting her research entitled, "Network Analysis of Disease Outcomes and Comparative Effectiveness Research via Mining Registry and Administrative Claims Data.
The zoom link is: yale.zoom.us/j/94202371312
Or Telephone:203-432-9666 (2-ZOOM if on-campus) or 646 568 7788
One Tap Mobile: +12034329666,92185327317# US (Bridgeport)
Meeting ID: 94202371312
International numbers available: yale.zoom.us/u/acMrO3Scc4
YSPH values inclusion and access for all participants. If you have questions about accessibility or would like to request accommodation, please contact Katie Doucet. Requests should be made by March 13, 2025.
Student Events