Everyone (Public)Genetics Department Seminar Series: "Safeguarding germline immortality."The Anlyan CenterPassword: 080122https://yale.zoom.us/j/95111739312?pwd=aTVZZXFKYmtka0t2dm9DQWVNRTBldz09Add event to CalendarAdd event series to CalendarSpeakerThe University of EdinburghDónal O'Carroll ProfessorContactAgata Purcell203.785.2649agata.purcell@yale.eduHostHaifan Lin, PhDhaifan.lin@yale.eduAdmissionFreeTagLectures and SeminarsFoodSnacksNext upcoming occurrences of this eventApr 20251TuesdayEventGenetics Department Seminar Series: "Cell-Specific Targeted LNP-RNA for In Iivo Cellular Reprogramming."Speaker: Hamideh Parhiz11:30 AM12:30 PMApr 202515TuesdayEventGenetics Department Seminar Series: "Under control: multilayered suppression of transposable elements in mammalian reproduction."Speaker: Deborah Bourc’his, PhD 11:30 AM12:30 PMApr 202522TuesdayEventGenetics Department Seminar Series: “How to build a primate: Modelling postimplantation development in a dish.”Speaker: Thorsten Edwin Boroviak, PhD11:30 AM12:30 PMApr 202529Tuesday11:30 AM12:30 PM Use Ctrl + scroll to zoom the map Use two fingers to move the map The Anlyan CenterN-107300 Cedar StreetNew Haven, CTDownload FlyerEdit This Event