Alissa Chen, MD, MPH
Postdoctoral FellowAbout
Eligibility for Semaglutide 2.4 mg in US Adults with Obesity and Prediabetes, Based on the STEP-10 Trial Criteria
Chetty A, Khunte M, Lu Y, Chen A. Eligibility for Semaglutide 2.4 mg in US Adults with Obesity and Prediabetes, Based on the STEP-10 Trial Criteria. American Heart Journal 2024, 278: 10. DOI: 10.1016/j.ahj.2024.09.026.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchUS populationNational Health and Nutrition Examination SurveyHealth and Nutrition Examination SurveyPrevention of type 2 diabetesUnder-representation of malesNutrition Examination SurveyPeople of BlackExamination SurveyWaist circumferenceUS adultsHispanic race/ethnicityType 2 diabetesAnti-obesity medicationsDocumented BMIReversion to normoglycemiaStudy sampleNon-medicalWhite raceObesityPrediabetesAdultsBMIMean body weightParticipantsHbA1cEligibility for Anti-Obesity Medications through Medicare for Older Adults with Overweight or Obesity
Chetty A, Khunte M, Chen A, Jastreboff A, Krumholz H, Lu Y. Eligibility for Anti-Obesity Medications through Medicare for Older Adults with Overweight or Obesity. American Heart Journal 2024, 278: 8. DOI: 10.1016/j.ahj.2024.09.022.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAnti-obesity medicationsOlder adultsType 2 diabetesNational Health and Nutrition Examination SurveyHealth and Nutrition Examination SurveyCardiovascular diseaseNutrition Examination SurveyOlder ageMale sexExamination SurveyMinority race/ethnicitySociodemographic statusPopulation of beneficiariesMedicare beneficiariesPost-MarchLow-incomeMedicare Part D.Medicare coverageMedicareStudy sampleWhite racePre-marchEligibility ratesObesityPooled dataCost-Related Prescription Drug Rationing by Adults With Obesity
Chen A, Borden C, Canavan M, Ross J, Oladele C, Lipska K. Cost-Related Prescription Drug Rationing by Adults With Obesity. JAMA Network Open 2024, 7: e2433000. PMID: 39499520, PMCID: PMC11539006, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.33000.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEligibility for Anti-Obesity Medications Among Medicare Beneficiaries with Overweight or Obesity
Chetty A, Khunte M, Chen A, Jastreboff A, Krumholz H, Lu Y. Eligibility for Anti-Obesity Medications Among Medicare Beneficiaries with Overweight or Obesity. Journal Of General Internal Medicine 2024, 1-3. PMID: 39477867, DOI: 10.1007/s11606-024-09178-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFactors Associated With Influenza Vaccination in a National Veteran Cohort
Chen A, Farmer M, Han L, Runels T, Bade B, Crothers K, Bastian L, Bazan I, Bean-Mayberry B, Brandt C, Akgün K. Factors Associated With Influenza Vaccination in a National Veteran Cohort. AJPM Focus 2024, 4: 100290. PMID: 39611140, PMCID: PMC11602634, DOI: 10.1016/j.focus.2024.100290.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOdds of vaccinationInfluenza vaccineFemale veteransAmerican Indian/Alaskan Native raceFactors associated with influenza vaccinationReceipt of influenza vaccinationDocumenting influenza vaccinationReduced oddsRetrospective cohort studyElectronic health record dataMale veteransHealth record dataAmbulatory care utilizationInfluenza seasonRuralMale sexWhite male veteransWhite veteransAssociated with raceCohort studyBlack veteransBlack raceEthnic groupsRacial disparitiesInfluenza
An Internal Perspective: the Psychological Impact of Mistreatment
Yau B, Chen A, Montgomery K, Dubuque N, McDowelle D. An Internal Perspective: the Psychological Impact of Mistreatment. Academic Psychiatry 2021, 45: 308-314. PMID: 33709287, DOI: 10.1007/s40596-021-01430-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsImpact of mistreatmentMistreatment incidentsPsychological impactCoping mechanismsMental health outcomesPeer-to-peer interviewsNegative mental health outcomesComplex emotionsResultsThe interviewsHealth outcomesInterview transcriptsIdentifying mistreatmentMedical educationSemi-structuredMethodsMedical studentsGrounded theoryInductive analysisNegative emotionsInterviewsMistreatmentCopingWell screensEmotionsThemesTrainees
Soliciting feedback on the wards: a peer‐to‐peer workshop
Yau B, Chen A, Ownby A, Hsieh P, Ford C. Soliciting feedback on the wards: a peer‐to‐peer workshop. The Clinical Teacher 2019, 17: 280-285. PMID: 31452348, DOI: 10.1111/tct.13069.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMedical studentsDiscussion of case scenariosSoliciting feedbackImproving clinical performanceFear of negative feedbackPeer-to-peer formatImprove students' confidenceStudent-mentor relationshipThird-year studentsCase scenariosPost-surveyFeedback skillsStudent confidenceWardStatistically significant increaseInteractive discussionConfidenceHigh-quality feedbackClinical performanceSkillsWorkshopQuality feedbackSignificant increaseImplementation, evaluation, and outcome of TeamSTEPPS in interprofessional education: a scoping review
Chen A, Yau B, Revere L, Swails J. Implementation, evaluation, and outcome of TeamSTEPPS in interprofessional education: a scoping review. Journal Of Interprofessional Care 2019, 33: 795-804. PMID: 31009273, DOI: 10.1080/13561820.2019.1594729.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInterprofessional educationImplementation of TeamSTEPPSInterprofessional education researchHealth professions studentsSelf-assessed confidenceHealth professions educationTeamSTEPPS implementationTeamSTEPPS programInterprofessional teamSynthesis of resultsNursing studentsProfessions studentsTeamSTEPPSScoping reviewHealth professionsProfessions educationEvaluation surveyHealthCore competenciesUnique programTeaching modalitiesAttitude surveyEducationProgramStandard formHospital value based purchasing scores highly associated with prior year score and organizational characteristics
Chen A, Hussey C, Revere L, Large J, Ukanova M. Hospital value based purchasing scores highly associated with prior year score and organizational characteristics. Journal Of Hospital Administration 2019, 8: 50. DOI: 10.5430/jha.v8n1p50.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOrganizational characteristicsTotal performance scorePredictor of future performancePurchase programsFuture performanceValue Based Purchasing programHospital valuesValue Based PurchasingImprove costPurchaseCost of careAssociated with higher scoresPerformance scoresRegression analysisReward hospitalsHospital characteristicsHospitalization percentagesBased PurchasingTeaching statusBed sizeLower scoresHigher scoresHospitalYear scoresMedicare
A Comparative Analysis of Academic and Nonacademic Hospitals on Outcome Measures and Patient Satisfaction
Chen A, Revere L, Ratanatawan A, Beck C, Allo J. A Comparative Analysis of Academic and Nonacademic Hospitals on Outcome Measures and Patient Satisfaction. American Journal Of Medical Quality 2018, 34: 367-375. PMID: 30246541, DOI: 10.1177/1062860618800586.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNonacademic hospitalsAcademic hospitalPatient satisfactionReadmission ratesCatheter-associated urinary tract infection rateLevel of patient satisfactionHospital-level covariatesCentral line-associated bloodstream infectionsLine-associated bloodstream infectionsMortality ratePneumonia mortality ratesHealth carePatient carePressure ulcersMultivariate analysis of varianceOutcome measuresAnalysis of varianceHospitalReadmissionCarePelvic injuriesUrinary tract infection rateSatisfactionMultivariate analysisMortality
- February 19, 2025
New Study Finds Online Advertising for Compounded Diabetes and Weight-Loss Drugs May Mislead Consumers
- July 01, 2024Source: Alissa S. Chen
Medicare should wait on approving coverage for new obesity drugs
- August 16, 2023
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