Mepolizumab Reduces Systemic Corticosteroid Use in Chronic Rhinosinusitis With Nasal Polyps
Chupp G, Alobid I, Lugogo N, Kariyawasam H, Bourdin A, Chaker A, Smith S, Sousa A, Mayer B, Chan R, Matucci A. Mepolizumab Reduces Systemic Corticosteroid Use in Chronic Rhinosinusitis With Nasal Polyps. The Journal Of Allergy And Clinical Immunology In Practice 2023, 11: 3504-3512.e2. PMID: 37586475, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaip.2023.08.015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSevere chronic rhinosinusitisOral corticosteroid doseSystemic corticosteroidsNasal polypsChronic rhinosinusitisCorticosteroid doseSinus surgerySCS useTreatment responseLong-term adverse effectsPlacebo treatment responsePrior sinus surgeryPatient baseline characteristicsBlood eosinophil countsSystemic corticosteroid useMepolizumab efficacyCorticosteroid useWeek 52Baseline characteristicsEosinophil countClinical benefitCare treatmentMepolizumabRhinosinusitisPlaceboEfficacy of Tezepelumab in Severe, Uncontrolled Asthma: Pooled Analysis of the PATHWAY and NAVIGATOR Clinical Trials
Corren J, Menzies-Gow A, Chupp G, Israel E, Korn S, Cook B, Ambrose C, Hellqvist Ã…, Roseti S, Molfino N, Llanos J, Martin N, Bowen K, Griffiths J, Parnes J, Colice G. Efficacy of Tezepelumab in Severe, Uncontrolled Asthma: Pooled Analysis of the PATHWAY and NAVIGATOR Clinical Trials. American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 2023, 208: 13-24. PMID: 37015033, PMCID: PMC10870853, DOI: 10.1164/rccm.202210-2005oc.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAsthma exacerbation rateUncontrolled asthmaExacerbation rateSecondary outcomesClinical trialsOverall populationRelevant subgroupsMeaningful reductionEfficacy of tezepelumabExacerbation-related hospitalizationsSafety of tezepelumabPlacebo-controlled trialEmergency department visitsInflammatory biomarker levelsNitric oxide levelsAdverse eventsAllergy statusBaseline bloodClinical characteristicsDepartment visitsPooled analysisNAVIGATOR trialBiomarker levelsOxide levelsTezepelumab
Development of the Asthma Impairment and Risk Questionnaire (AIRQ): A Composite Control Measure
Murphy K, Chipps B, Beuther D, Wise R, McCann W, Gilbert I, Eudicone J, Gandhi H, Harding G, Coyne K, Zeiger R, Board P, Kobernick A, Mohammad A, Cherry A, Fein A, Gaines A, Ramsey A, Michaud A, Palmer A, Kim A, Smith A, White A, Ricci A, Kettelhut B, Modena B, Stone B, Rolston B, Schnapf B, Krajicek B, Kraft C, Hopkins C, Natalie C, Anderson C, Czajkowski C, Arce D, Hamlin D, Hill D, Mares D, Pham D, Liao D, Simmons D, Johnson D, Jhaveri D, Maselli D, Kerwin E, Schuman E, Sher E, Bleecker E, Rakowski E, Hsu F, Averill F, Barsanti F, Gross G, Chupp G, Head G, Nasir H, Lee H, Barjaktarevic I, Cook J, Krainson J, Pearl J, Bellak J, Perez-Fernandez J, Rehm J, Trevor J, Most J, Hanson J, Blessing-Moore J, Biller J, Gedell J, Southard J, Chancellor J, Ilowite J, Romeo J, Mercado J, Fisher J, Greiwe J, Gregory K, Nadeau K, Shenoy K, Tan L, Stefanowicz L, Humes L, Bowers L, O’Connor M, Perez M, White M, Hegewald M, Wilson M, Sikora M, Morganroth M, Smith M, Farooqui N, Lesch N, Jain N, Parikh N, Hartog N, Luthin P, Stewart P, O’Connor P, Schochet P, Goldberg P, Patel P, Chinthrajah R, Sidhu R, Ayinla R, Brown R, Stadtler R, Wachs R, Balkissoon R, Duplantier R, Puente R, Settipane R, Mustafa S, Surani S, Jawad S, Adams S, Villegas S, Al-Farra S, Subramanian S, Bains S, Kelsen S, Wise S, Estrella-Eades S, Smith S, Qureshi T, Chen T, Kelbel T, Miller T, Jain V, Soong W, Soler X, Mattar Z. Development of the Asthma Impairment and Risk Questionnaire (AIRQ): A Composite Control Measure. The Journal Of Allergy And Clinical Immunology In Practice 2020, 8: 2263-2274.e5. PMID: 32387166, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaip.2020.02.042.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAsthma controlAsthma Control Test scoresAsthma control toolPhysician-diagnosed asthmaCut pointsLogistic regression analysisAsthma impairmentExacerbation historyAsthma severityFuture exacerbationsTest-retest reliabilityRisk QuestionnaireSymptom impairmentAsthmaSpecialty practicePatientsRisk questionsGlobal InitiativeImpairmentAirQRisk increaseCharacteristic curveExacerbationRegression analysisComposite measure
Multiparameter Single Cell Profiling of Airway Inflammatory Cells
Yao Y, Welp T, Liu Q, Niu N, Wang X, Britto CJ, Krishnaswamy S, Chupp G, Montgomery RR. Multiparameter Single Cell Profiling of Airway Inflammatory Cells. Cytometry Part B Clinical Cytometry 2017, 92: 12-20. PMID: 27807928, PMCID: PMC5250532, DOI: 10.1002/cyto.b.21491.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSingle-cell methodsComplex trait diseasesSubgroup of asthmaticsSingle-cell analysisMultiparameter single cell analysisMillions of patientsTranscriptional analysisImmunologic underpinningsInduced sputumAirway diseaseAsthmatic patientsAirway samplesCell subsetsImmune statusFunctional statusClinical severityDistinct biologic mechanismsTreatment successPhysiologic manifestationsBiologic mechanismsCystic fibrosisCellular analysisPatientsCytometry studiesU.S. population
Pathways Activated during Human Asthma Exacerbation as Revealed by Gene Expression Patterns in Blood
Bjornsdottir US, Holgate ST, Reddy PS, Hill AA, McKee CM, Csimma CI, Weaver AA, Legault HM, Small CG, Ramsey RC, Ellis DK, Burke CM, Thompson PJ, Howarth PH, Wardlaw AJ, Bardin PG, Bernstein DI, Irving LB, Chupp GL, Bensch GW, Bensch GW, Stahlman JE, Karetzky M, Baker JW, Miller RL, Goodman BH, Raible DG, Goldman SJ, Miller DK, Ryan JL, Dorner AJ, Immermann FW, O'Toole M. Pathways Activated during Human Asthma Exacerbation as Revealed by Gene Expression Patterns in Blood. PLOS ONE 2011, 6: e21902. PMID: 21779351, PMCID: PMC3136489, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0021902.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPeripheral blood mononuclear cellsAsthma exacerbationsBlood mononuclear cellsMononuclear cellsAnalysis of PBMCsAntigen-independent T-cell activationMajor unmet clinical needHuman asthma exacerbationsBronchoalveolar lavage samplesUnmet clinical needT cell activationStable asthmaExacerbation episodesGene expression signaturesRespiratory infectionsAirway tissueLavage samplesAdaptive immunityExacerbationAnalysis of covarianceCell activationInnate immunityLymphocyte activationLevel of expressionClinical need
Effect of Variation in CHI3L1 on Serum YKL-40 Level, Risk of Asthma, and Lung Function
Ober C, Tan Z, Sun Y, Possick JD, Pan L, Nicolae R, Radford S, Parry RR, Heinzmann A, Deichmann KA, Lester LA, Gern JE, Lemanske RF, Nicolae DL, Elias JA, Chupp GL. Effect of Variation in CHI3L1 on Serum YKL-40 Level, Risk of Asthma, and Lung Function. New England Journal Of Medicine 2008, 358: 1682-1691. PMID: 18403759, PMCID: PMC2629486, DOI: 10.1056/nejmoa0708801.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdipokinesAdolescentAdultAgedAged, 80 and overAsthmaBiomarkersBronchial HyperreactivityCase-Control StudiesChildChitinase-3-Like Protein 1FemaleFounder EffectGenetic Predisposition to DiseaseGenotypeGlycoproteinsHumansLectinsMaleMiddle AgedPhenotypePolymorphism, Single NucleotidePulmonary VentilationConceptsSerum YKL-40 levelsYKL-40 levelsLung functionYears of ageBronchial hyperresponsivenessPulmonary functionSingle nucleotide polymorphismsYKL-40Elevated serum YKL-40 levelsBirth cohortChitinase-like protein YKL-40Presence of asthmaProtein YKL-40Risk of asthmaPromoter single nucleotide polymorphismsEuropean descentSubepithelial basement membraneCase-control populationCase patientsAsthma statusAsthmaHigh riskChitinase 3Same single nucleotide polymorphismCHI3L1
A Chitinase-like Protein in the Lung and Circulation of Patients with Severe Asthma
Chupp GL, Lee CG, Jarjour N, Shim YM, Holm CT, He S, Dziura JD, Reed J, Coyle AJ, Kiener P, Cullen M, Grandsaigne M, Dombret MC, Aubier M, Pretolani M, Elias JA. A Chitinase-like Protein in the Lung and Circulation of Patients with Severe Asthma. New England Journal Of Medicine 2007, 357: 2016-2027. PMID: 18003958, DOI: 10.1056/nejmoa073600.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSerum YKL-40 levelsYKL-40 levelsSeverity of asthmaYKL-40Chitinase-like proteinsParis cohortOral corticosteroid useCohort of patientsRescue inhaler useSubgroup of patientsCirculation of patientsCorticosteroid useSevere asthmaAirway remodelingClinical characteristicsExpiratory volumeAcidic mammalian chitinasePatient populationHigh serumAsthmaImmunohistochemical analysisPatientsAnimal modelsLocus of expressionMorphometric quantitation
Yoga intervention for adults with mild-to-moderate asthma: a pilot study
Sabina AB, Williams A, Wall HK, Bansal S, Chupp G, Katz DL. Yoga intervention for adults with mild-to-moderate asthma: a pilot study. Annals Of Allergy Asthma & Immunology 2005, 94: 543-548. PMID: 15945557, DOI: 10.1016/s1081-1206(10)61131-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsModerate asthmaYoga interventionOutcome measuresMasked clinical trialRescue inhaler useHealth care utilizationMini Asthma QualityQuality of lifeFinal followUsual careAsthma QualityExpiratory volumeInhaler useSymptom diaryTreat analysisCare utilizationSymptom scoresAsthma managementClinical indicesLife QuestionnaireClinical trialsIyengar yogaAsthmaControl groupPilot study