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Spring Yale Service Tour to Mexico

Yale Medicine Magazine, 2010 - Winter


Yale Service Tours provide a vehicle for Yale alumni, students, and their families to join in global service. Service Tours allow alumni to apply their diverse skills to projects in medical clinics, clinical home/community assessment and support, education, consulting, sustainability programs, public works, arts enrichment, athletics, and more. The Association of Yale Alumni collaborates with local partners and alumni leaders to utilize the skills of alumni volunteers in meeting each community’s needs. Yale Service Tours programs also provide unparalleled opportunities to connect with people in the local community, learn in depth about the populations we serve, and form close bonds with fellow alumni who share a passion for service.

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2010 Yale Service Tour to Monterrey, Mexico
March 13–21, 2010
In collaboration with Tecnológico de Monterrey, a private Mexican educational institution founded in 1943.

For more information
Service Tour Coordinator
Association of Yale Alumni

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