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Massive Yale-Led Genome Analysis Reveals New Genetic Risks for Aneurysms

April 04, 2010

In the largest genome-wide study of brain aneurysms ever conducted, an international team led by researchers at the Yale University School of Medicine have identified three new genetic variants that increase a person’s risk for developing this deadly disease.

The massive study of intracranial aneurysms involved more than 20,0000 subjects and was published in the April 4 online edition of the journal Nature Genetics. The new genomic analysis, the second by Yale researchers published within the last 15 months, brings to five the number of regions of the genome they have been found to contribute to the nearly 500,000 cases of this devastating disorder diagnosed worldwide annually.

“These findings provide important new insights into the causes of intracranial aneurysms and are a critical step forward in the development of a diagnostic test that can identify people at high risk prior to the emergence of symptoms,” said Murat Gunel, Professor of Neurosurgery, Genetics and Neurobiology at Yale and senior author of the paper. “Given the often-devastating consequences of the bleeding in the brain, early detection can be the difference between life and death.”

The ambitious international collaboration was headed by Gunel and Richard Lifton, Sterling Professor and Chairman of the Department of Genetics at Yale and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator. The team analyzed 5,891 aneurysm patients from Japan and Europe and 14,181 unaffected subjects. They searched across the entire genome for changes in the genetic code that were shared more often by aneurysm patients than by unaffected individuals. The researchers determined that if a person carries all of the risk variants discovered by the Yale-led team, they are five to seven times more likely to suffer an aneurysm than those individuals that carry none.

Gunel and Lifton noted that such huge studies are only possible only because of dramatic improvement in speed and efficiency of genomics technology and the cooperation from more than 70 international researchers who recruited thousands of subjects and collected DNA samples.

“It is clear that the key to unlocking the biology of this disorder is the combination of massive numbers of patients and the availability of state of the art genomics infrastructure,” Gunel said.

While these findings have transformed the understanding of the genetic risks for intracranial aneurysms, considerable work remains. “These five findings explain about 10 percent of genetic risk of suffering an aneurysm” Gunel said. “This is 10 percent more than we understood just a couple of years ago, but there is a long way to go.”

The median age when aneurismal hemorrhagic stroke occurs is 50 years old, and there are typically no warning signs. In the majority of cases, the resulting strokes cause death or severe brain damage. Without a way to diagnose aneurysms prior to these events, physicians have been mostly left to respond after the fact, once the damage has largely been done.

"While much remains to be done, this study provides fundamental new clues about the causes of this catastrophic disease that point to new opportunities for early diagnosis and therapeutic intervention,” Lifton said.

The work was supported by the National Institutes of Health, the Yale Center for Human Genetics and Genomics and the Yale Program on Neurogenetics, the Keck Foundation Biotechnology Resource Laboratory and a Clinical & Translational Science Award.