Photography & Video Support
Website Support & Publishing
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Read MoreYSM Publications
The School of Medicine publishes news and information for the 7,000 faculty, students and staff located on the medical campus west of downtown New Haven, and for alumni, friend, patients, the media and general public. Medicine@Yale, Yale Medicine Magazine, Facts & Figures and others appear online and in print form. The Weekly Digest is delivered by email each Friday morning. Content created for Yale Medicine, the School of Medicine’s clinical practice, appears online at MoreSocial Media & Media Relations
The Yale School of Medicine is active in multiple social media spaces all of which are updated daily. Media relations is responsible for thousands of interviews, quotes and features in print and broadcast channels each year. Our team uses enterprise software that allows us to monitor and respond in all channels in real time.Read MoreYale Medicine Marketing
Support for sponsored content, your YM profile and advertising.
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Submit Internal YSM News/Announcements and Digital Sign Requests
To share YSM news, updates, and announcements on the MyYSM home page (the online communication resource for YSM faculty and staff) and the YSM Events weekly newsletter (which is distributed to the YSM Community each Friday) and/or request a sign for the school-wide digital monitors, please complete the appropriate request form.
Communications Policies & Guidelines
Need a Web Edit?
If you see something that needs to be changed on the MyYSM website, send a request.
Resources to Publish Online
- ITS HelpdeskCall the helpdesk if you are having computer issues.
- YSM Writing Style GuideDo we capitalize job titles? Do we use "the" with YSM? Do we use the serial comma?
- Social Media PolicyContent considerations and negative publicity
- Digital SignageTouchscreens installed around campus that display recent news, upcoming events, the Yale Shuttle map, and more.
- Technology Tool & Training RecommendationsThe YSM Office of Communications uses various technologies for our work and we have descriptions, functionality, trainings, and recommendations for you.