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More about Profile Banner Images

Available Images

The image at the top of your profile is a banner shape--long and not very tall. The images should be work-related--such as images of your research or you lecturing, and you should have rights to post the image online. It can therefore be challenging to find a good image to fill this space. We are here to help you with this! If you think the Office of Communications might have some photographs from a shoot, email and we'll go look for it!

Choose and Download an Image for Your Banner

Finding Your Own Image

Example of a tall banner with a photograph of people at work.

The images should be related to your work at Yale, and you should have rights to post the image online. There are two options, short and tall.

Short: The aspect ratio is 36x5, and the image should be at least 1,000 pixels wide.

The short banner is conducive to imagery that is more abstract, such as microscopy or data visualizations, rather than photographs of people.

Tall: The aspect ratio is 36x11, and the image should be at least 1,000 pixels wide.

The tall banner can include people, but you'll want everyone's face to be included in the image (don't cut off anyone's eyes or mouth!). The best way to do this is make sure everyone's heads are all lined up, so no one is shorter or taller than the others.