Better verbal memory in women than men in MCI despite similar levels of hippocampal atrophy
Sundermann E, Biegon A, Rubin L, Lipton R, Mowrey W, Landau S, Maki P, Weiner M, Aisen P, Weiner M, Aisen P, Petersen R, Jack C, Jagust W, Trojanowki J, Toga A, Beckett L, Green R, Saykin A, Morris J, Liu E, Green R, Montine T, Petersen R, Aisen P, Gamst A, Thomas R, Donohue M, Walter S, Gessert D, Sather T, Beckett L, Harvey D, Gamst A, Donohue M, Kornak J, Jack C, Dale A, Bernstein M, Felmlee J, Fox N, Thompson P, Schuff N, Alexander G, DeCarli C, Jagust W, Bandy D, Koeppe R, Foster N, Reiman E, Chen K, Mathis C, Morris J, Cairns N, Taylor-Reinwald L, Trojanowki J, Shaw L, Lee V, Korecka M, Toga A, Crawford K, Neu S, Saykin A, Foroud T, Potkin S, Shen L, Kachaturian Z, Frank R, Snyder P, Molchan S, Kaye J, Quinn J, Lind B, Dolen S, Schneider L, Pawluczyk S, Spann B, Brewer J, Vanderswag H, Heidebrink J, Lord J, Petersen R, Johnson K, Doody R, Villanueva-Meyer J, Chowdhury M, Stern Y, Honig L, Bell K, Morris J, Ances B, Carroll M, Leon S, Mintun M, Schneider S, Marson D, Griffith R, Clark D, Grossman H, Mitsis E, Romirowsky A, deToledo-Morrell L, Shah R, Duara R, Varon D, Roberts P, Albert M, Onyike C, Kielb S, Rusinek H, de Leon M, Glodzik L, De Santi S, Doraiswamy P, Petrella J, Coleman R, Arnold S, Karlawish J, Wolk D, Smith C, Jicha G, Hardy P, Lopez O, Oakley M, Simpson D, Porsteinsson A, Goldstein B, Martin K, Makino K, Ismail M, Brand C, Mulnard R, Thai G, Mc-Adams-Ortiz C, Womack K, Mathews D, Quiceno M, Diaz-Arrastia R, King R, Weiner M, Martin-Cook K, DeVous M, Levey A, Lah J, Cellar J, Burns J, Anderson H, Swerdlow R, Apostolova L, Lu P, Bartzokis G, Silverman D, Graff-Radford N, Parfitt F, Johnson H, Farlow M, Hake A, Matthews B, Herring S, van Dyck C, Carson R, MacAvoy M, Chertkow H, Bergman H, Hosein C, Black S, Stefanovic B, Caldwell C, Robin Hsiung G, Feldman H, Mudge B, Assaly M, Kertesz A, Rogers J, Trost D, Bernick C, Munic D, Kerwin D, Mesulam M, Lipowski K, Wu C, Johnson N, Sadowsky C, Martinez W, Villena T, Turner R, Johnson K, Reynolds B, Sperling R, Johnson K, Marshall G, Frey M, Yesavage J, Taylor J, Lane B, Rosen A, Tinklenberg J, Sabbagh M, Belden C, Jacobson S, Kowall N, Killiany R, Budson A, Norbash A, Johnson P, Obisesan T, Wolday S, Bwayo S, Lerner A, Hudson L, Ogrocki P, Fletcher E, Carmichael O, Olichney J, DeCarli C, Kittur S, Borrie M, Lee T, Bartha R, Johnson S, Asthana S, Carlsson C, Potkin S, Preda A, Nguyen D, Tariot P, Fleisher A, Reeder S, Bates V, Capote H, Rainka M, Scharre D, Kataki M, Zimmerman E, Celmins D, Brown A, Pearlson G, Blank K, Anderson K, Saykin A, Santulli R, Schwartz E, Sink K, Williamson J, Garg P, Watkins F, Ott B, Querfurth H, Tremont G, Salloway S, Malloy P, Correia S, Rosen H, Miller B, Mintzer J, Longmire C, Spicer K, Finger E, Rachinsky I, Rogers J, Kertesz A, Drost D, Pomara N, Hernando R, Sarrael A, Schultz S, Boles Ponto L, Shim H, Smith K, Relkin N, Chaing G, Raudin L, Smith A, Fargher K, Ashok Raj B. Better verbal memory in women than men in MCI despite similar levels of hippocampal atrophy. Neurology 2016, 86: 1368-1376. PMID: 26984945, PMCID: PMC4831033, DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000002570.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRey Auditory Verbal Learning TestAmnestic mild cognitive impairmentVerbal memoryAuditory Verbal Learning TestBetter verbal memoryDiagnosis-stratified analysesVerbal Learning TestVerbal memory declineModerate hippocampal atrophyDisease Neuroimaging InitiativeRAVLT performanceLearning TestCognitive reserveHippocampal atrophyMemory declineMild cognitive impairmentAMCI groupAD dementia groupsHealthy participants× sex interactionCognitive impairmentAlzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging InitiativeΕ4 statusDementia groupSex differences
Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype has dissociable effects on memory and attentional–executive network function in Alzheimer’s disease
Wolk D, Dickerson B, Weiner M, Aiello M, Aisen P, Albert M, Alexander G, Anderson H, Anderson K, Apostolova L, Arnold S, Ashford W, Assaly M, Asthana S, Bandy D, Bartha R, Bates V, Beckett L, Bell K, Benincasa A, Bergman H, Bernick C, Bernstein M, Black S, Blank K, Borrie M, Brand C, Brewer J, Brown A, Burns J, Cairns N, Caldwell C, Capote H, Carlsson C, Carmichael O, Cellar J, Celmins D, Chen K, Chertkow H, Chowdhury M, Clark D, Connor D, Correia S, Crawford K, Dale A, de Leon M, De Santi S, DeCarli C, deToledo-Morrell L, DeVous M, Diaz-Arrastia R, Dolen S, Donohue M, Doody R, Doraiswamy P, Duara R, Englert J, Farlow M, Feldman H, Felmlee J, Fleisher A, Fletcher E, Foroud T, Foster N, Fox N, Frank R, Gamst A, Given C, Graff-Radford N, Green R, Griffith R, Grossman H, Hake A, Hardy P, Harvey D, Heidebrink J, Hendin B, Herring S, Honig L, Hosein C, Hsiung G, Hudson L, Ismail M, Jack C, Jacobson S, Jagust W, Jayam-Trouth A, Johnson K, Johnson H, Johnson N, Johnson K, Johnson K, Johnson S, Kachaturian Z, Karlawish J, Kataki M, Kaye J, Kertesz A, Killiany R, Kittur S, Koeppe R, Korecka M, Kornak J, Kozauer N, Lah J, Laubinger M, Lee V, Lee T, Lerner A, Levey A, Longmire C, Lopez O, Lord J, Lu P, MacAvoy M, Malloy P, Marson D, Martin-Cook K, Martinez W, Marzloff G, Mathis C, Mc-Adams-Ortiz C, Mesulam M, Miller B, Mintun M, Mintzer J, Molchan S, Montine T, Morris J, Mulnard R, Munic D, Nair A, Neu S, Nguyen D, Norbash A, Oakley M, Obisesan T, Ogrocki P, Ott B, Parfitt F, Pawluczyk S, Pearlson G, Petersen R, Petrella J, Potkin S, Potter W, Preda A, Quinn J, Rainka M, Reeder S, Reiman E, Rentz D, Reynolds B, Richard J, Roberts P, Rogers J, Rosen A, Rosen H, Rusinek H, Sabbagh M, Sadowsky C, Salloway S, Santulli R, Saykin A, Scharre D, Schneider L, Schneider S, Schuff N, Shah R, Shaw L, Shen L, Silverman D, Simpson D, Sink K, Smith C, Snyder P, Spann B, Sperling R, Spicer K, Stefanovic B, Stern Y, Stopa E, Tang C, Tariot P, Taylor-Reinwald L, Thai G, Thomas R, Thompson P, Tinklenberg J, Toga A, Tremont G, Trojanowki J, Trost D, Turner R, van Dyck C, Vanderswag H, Varon D, Villanueva-Meyer J, Villena T, Walter S, Wang P, Watkins F, Weiner M, Williamson J, Wolk D, Wu C, Zerrate M, Zimmerman. E. Apolipoprotein E (APOE) genotype has dissociable effects on memory and attentional–executive network function in Alzheimer’s disease. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2010, 107: 10256-10261. PMID: 20479234, PMCID: PMC2890481, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1001412107.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMedial temporal lobe pathologyLarge-scale brain networksParticular cognitive domainsDomains of cognitionSpecific large-scale brain networksTemporal lobe pathologyDisease Neuroimaging InitiativeMild Alzheimer's diseaseExecutive controlLexical accessCognitive processesCognitive dissociationCognitive domainsDissociable effectsRegional cortical atrophyPoor memoryNeuroanatomic findingsPerformance deficitsMemory retentionBrain networksPotential confoundsCortical networksPsychometric testsRegional brain atrophyGreater impairment
Elucidating the contributions of processing speed, executive ability, and frontal lobe volume to normal age-related differences in fluid intelligence
SCHRETLEN D, PEARLSON G, ANTHONY J, AYLWARD E, AUGUSTINE A, DAVIS A, BARTA P. Elucidating the contributions of processing speed, executive ability, and frontal lobe volume to normal age-related differences in fluid intelligence. Journal Of The International Neuropsychological Society 2000, 6: 52-61. PMID: 10761367, DOI: 10.1017/s1355617700611062.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPerceptual comparison speedFluid intelligenceExecutive abilitiesFrontal lobe volumeProcessing speedProcessing speed theorySimple processing speedHierarchical multiple regression analysisComparison speedFrontal brain structuresLobe volumeAge-related differencesAge-related declineNormal age-related differencesCognitive agingRegional brain volumesSpeed theoryMultiple regression analysisBrain structuresIntelligenceAge-related variationsBrain volumeNormal adultsMagnetic resonance imagingSame decline