Aaron White, PhD
Leader of the Epidemiology and Biometry Branch and Senior Scientific Advisor to the Director NIAAA.
Dr. White has a background in biological psychology and is interested in how alcohol affects health, from single cells to societies. He received a PhD from Miami University in Ohio, completed postdoctoral training at Duke University Medical Center, and then served as an Assistant Professor at Duke before being joining NIAAA in 2008. Dr. White has been studying alcohol for 30 years. Along the way, he helped develop several prevention strategies, including AlcoholEdu, a widely used online science-focused program for high school and college students. He has delivered several hundred presentations related to alcohol and health to academic and lay audiences around the globe, and has published more than 70 scientific articles and book chapters on the subject. Dr. White became interested in the topic of alcohol and women’s health after attending a presentation by author and therapist, Ann Dowsett Johnston, in 2012.