With over 400 registrants from around the world, the July 2022 Yale Autism Summer Institute was the largest to date hosted by the Yale Child Study Center (YCSC) Social and Affective Neuroscience of Autism (SANA) Program and Autism Center of Excellence (ACE). This was the first time the annual event was offered in a hybrid format, taking place both in person at the YCSC Cohen Auditorium and via Zoom.
The three-day event featured 15 presentations delivered by researchers, parents of children with autism, and clinical service providers from the YCSC and beyond. “We were delighted to be able to interface with such a wide-reaching and varied community that is passionate about improving the lives of children with autism and complex neurodevelopmental disorders,” commented Yale SANA Program and ACE Director Kasia Chawarska, PhD.
Presentations covered stakeholder perspectives on autism and autism services, trauma in neurodiverse children, prenatal and neonatal brain development, and co-occurring conditions in children and adults with autism. Speakers included Yale faculty from the Child Study Center and the departments of Pediatrics, Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, and Statistics and Data Science, as well as staff from the State of Connecticut Office of Early Childhood and a parent of a child with autism.
We were delighted to be able to interface with such a wide-reaching and varied community that is passionate about improving the lives of children with autism and complex neurodevelopmental disorders.
“The Institute was enthusiastically received by the attendants and the presentations elicited insightful questions from the audience around the world,” said Chawarska. A symposium-style event focused on current research and clinical practices in autism and related neurodevelopmental disorders, this annual event is free to attend, with registration open to researchers, clinicians, service providers, and families. Students, postdoctoral associates, and trainees at all levels are welcome each year.
Dates and details for the 2023 institute will be posted on the YCSC website when available. To receive notification about this and other YCSC events in your inbox, please subscribe to YCSC Connections.