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    Accolades, Awards & Honors

    December 31, 2024

    Yale Cancer Center & Smilow Cancer Hospital Community

    This page contains 2024 awards, accolades and honors for the YCC/Smilow community previously posted in the Direct Connect newsletter for the YCC and Smilow communities. Similar honors in 2025 can be found here.


    The Center for Community Engagement and Health Equity (CEHE) announced the first two recipients of the YCC Catchment Area Research Awards. These awards fund cancer research on the YCC catchment area (i.e. state of Connecticut), specifically for Yale cancer investigators researching the fundamental cause of, or an effective cure or prevention of, cancer. The awardees are: Hermine Poghosyan, PhD, MPH, FAAN, Associate Professor, Yale School of Nursing, received funding for her project "Examining the Effects of Stigma and Mistrust as Barriers to Lung Cancer Screening Utilization" and Guannan Gong, PhD, Associate Research Scientist, who received funding for his project, "Using AI-based Clinical Trial Patient Matching (CTPM) System to Address and Reduce Enrollment Disparities in Therapeutic Clinical Trials in YCC Catchment Area." Funding for these awards was made possible for a grant from the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, with matching funds from CEHE.

    A special discussion meeting of The Royal Society in London—organized and chaired by co-director of the Yale Cancer Biology Institute, Mark Lemon, PhD, FRS on "Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) after 40 years"—also included Yale Cancer Center's (left) Roy S. Herbst, MD, PhD and Katerina Politi, PhD, and Kate Ferguson, PhD. Additionally, there were experts from Austria, England, Israel, and the University of California. The two-day meeting aimed to illuminate new perspectives on EGFR signaling in health and disease, 40 years after sequencing revealed how oncogenic viruses hijack cell growth control processes in cancer.

    Members of the Center for Breast Cancer at Smilow Cancer Hospital and Yale Cancer Center joined more than 11,000 physicians, scientists, and trainees focused on advancing research and clinical care in breast cancer attending the annual SABCS Dec. 10-14, 2024. Yale Cancer Center members led six panel presentations/education sessions, moderated four concurrent poster sessions, and shared research during 13 posters presentations this year. Among them were Lajos Pusztai, MD, DPhil David Rimm, MD, PhD Maryam Lustberg, MD, MPH Ian Krop, MD, PhD, Adriana Khan, MD, Maryam Lustberg, MD, MPH, and Mariya Rozenblit, MD, Pat LoRusso, DO. For more and a photo gallery go here.

    The ASH annual conference in San Diego (Dec. 7-10) was attended by thousands of clinicians and experts in the classical and malignant hematology, including more than four dozen from Yale Cancer Center and Smilow Cancer Hospital alone. The annual meeting is the premier hematology event of the year for basic, translational, clinical and population science including panel discussions, podium talks and poster presentation. This year they included:
    Zhangliang Cheng, of Yale’s Muschen Lab, who presented on the three stages of B Cells and oscillations between MYC and BCL6 dependent states in B Cell lymphoma
    Jennifer Afranie-Sakyi, MD, presented Implementation of American Society of Hematology (ASH) Neuro-Related Guidelines at a Sickle Cell Center: How Are We Doing? Cece Calhoun, MD
    Archibald Enninful, (left) a PhD student in the FanLab, shared insights into the mechanisms underlying the epigenetic, transcriptional & proteomic landscape of Angioimmunoblastic T-Cell Lymphoma from research with Mina Xu, MD and Rong Fan, PhD.
    Ahmad Kiwan, PhD, presented a review of patients with large granular lymphocytic leukemia revealed specific markers that are strongly associated with cytopenias, therefore leading to more personalized treatment for patients. For more on the conference go here

    Yale Cancer Center leadership has selected Seth Herzon, PhD, Milton Harris ’29 Ph.D. Professor of Chemistry, Yale School of Medicine and Smita Krishnaswamy, PhD, Associate Professor of Genetics and of Computer Science, Yale School of Public Health as recipients of the 2024 Class of ‘61 Cancer Research Awards. The annual awards recognize significant accomplishments in cancer research at YCC by young faculty members, coupled with expectation for future outstanding contributions to understanding the causes and cures for cancer.
    In their nomination letters, Dr. Herzon was cited as an engaging and enthusiastic research partner, and a key contributor to the YCC mission, and Dr. Krishnaswamy as having demonstrated significant accomplishments in the field of data science and being poised for future outstanding contributions to the understanding of cancer biology.
    The Class of ’61 Cancer Research Awards are supported through the Yale Class of 1961 Cancer Center Endowment, which was established in 2016 by the Yale College class. Read more about the awards.

    Sajid Khan, MD, Chief of Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary & Mixed Tumors, and co-Principal Investigator Caroline Johnson, PhD Associate Professor of Epidemiology (Environmental Health Sciences) at Yale School of Public Health, have been awarded a highly competitive R01 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-National Cancer Institute (NCI) for the study titled “Role and Regulation of Asparagine in Colorectal Cancer.” This groundbreaking research aims to uncover the mechanisms by which asparagine influences sex-specific differences in the progression of advanced colorectal cancer. This is the duo’s third NIH-funded grant as Co-Principal Investigators, all of which have emphasized the importance of collaborative, interdisciplinary research. Read more about this grant here.

    Congratulations to the awardees for the 2024 Retrospective Oncology Research Award (RORA) supported by Foundation Medicine. Researchers from across the Yale Cancer Center were invited to propose projects where real-world data could potentially provide tangible, valuable insights resulting in immediate impact to clinical care. Awarded projects will follow a collaborative research model with Foundation Medicine scientists, including indirect access to the Foundation Medicine—Flatiron Health Clinico-Genomic Database (CGDB). The awardees and their projects:
    Michael Cecchini (top left), MD for "The Role of Splicing Factors SF3B1 and RBM10 in TP53 Wildtype PDAC"
    • Wayne Wong (top right), MD, Xiao Wang (bottom right), MD and So Yeon Kim (bottom left), MD for "STK11/KEAP-mutant aNSCLC on dual ICI and chemotherapy regimens vs. dual ICI alone or single ICI and chemo."

    The non-profit Lion Heart Foundation, wrapping up 18 years of support for Yale breast cancer research, recently announced its final three research awards to Yale investigators for 2025. In its nearly two decades, the foundation has raised more than $1.6 million and 100% of it was donated to YCC and Smilow Cancer Hospital for research. In addition to the walk, donations have been raised by dozens of high school and university swim teams in New York and Connecticut. Those chosen for the $52,000 grants were:
    Thazin Aung (top left), PhD, Associate Research Scientist, Pathology for " Mapping the Spatial Landscape of Immune Response and Tumor Heterogeneity to PredictImmunotherapy Efficacy in Triple Negative Breast Cancer."
    Tianxiang Zhang (top right), PhD, Associate Research Scientist, Immunobiology for "Mechanism of PLA2G10 in Inducing the Immune Evasion and Resistance to Immunotherapies of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer."
    Wei Hu (bottom left), PhD, Assistant Professor of Immunobiology, YSM for "Novel Treg inactivating approach for breast cancer immunotherapy via targeted protein degradation."


    At the Innovation Gala of The Chemotherapy+ Foundation in mid-November Roy S. Herbst, MD, PhD, was awarded its prestigious Ezra Greenspan Award. Dr. Herbst is a deputy director of the Yale Cancer Center and Ensign Professor off Medicine (Medical Oncology). The annual award is named for the oncologist who founded The Chemotherapy+ Foundation in 1968, was awarded to Dr. Herbst, in part, because "His mission is the enhanced integration of clinical, laboratory, and research programs, making him a pioneer in identifying biomarkers to bring novel targeted treatments and immunotherapies to patients with advanced stage lung cancers. This work led to the approval of several therapies such as gefitinib, cetuximab, bevacizumab, axitinib, which have revolutionized the field and greatly enhanced patient survival," a foundation release said. For more.

    Pamela Kunz, MD, associate professor of internal medicine (medical oncology), was honored with the Distinguished Mentor Award at the 2024 Multidisciplinary North American Neuroendocrine Tumor (NANET) Society Medical Symposium in November.

    Tracy Battaglia, MD, MPH, who is YCC Associate Director, Cancer Care Equity, was recently congratulated and thanked by the U.S. President’s Cancer Panel in its report Enhancing Patient Navigation with Technology to Improve Equity in Cancer Care. The report presented four priorities and recommendations to implement and ensure digital solutions to minimize cancer disparities, improve health equity and support patients and their families, navigators, care teams and healthcare systems. A release from the White House said it was especially appreciative of the members, including Dr. Battaglia, of the Working Group on Addressing Inequities in Cancer Care Through Innovative Navigation Models that devoted time to the report. Also, she is Founding Chair of the National Navigation Roundtable.

    Daniel Boffa, MD, professor of surgery (thoracic), has been chosen to serve as Vice Chair of the Commission on Cancer (CoC). The CoC is one of the largest cancer organizations in the world, with almost 75% of newly diagnosed cancer patients in the United States receiving care at a CoC-accredited hospital. The CoC works to ensure all cancer patients receive high quality care, by having hospitals comply with quality standards and supporting hospitals with educational and quality improvement resources.

    The Gastric Cancer Foundation has awarded a $100,000 seed grant to Raghav Sundar, MD, PhD, for a research project aimed at understanding the differences between early-onset and average-age onset gastric cancer. Sundar, associate professor of medicine (medical oncology) at YSM, believes the insights he gains could inspire novel treatment approaches that will improve outcomes in young patients. This grant—one of two $100,000 grants the Gastric Cancer Foundation awarded recently—is part of its mission to bridge the funding gap for researchers focused on gastric cancer who are in the early- and mid-stages of their careers. Read more here.

    Abhijit Patel, MD, PhD, associate professor of Therapeutic Radiology in YSM, was awarded the 2024 Lung Cancer Early Detection Award from LUNGevity and Rising Tide Foundation for Clinical Cancer Research. Dr. Patel and his close collaborator Dr. Steven Skates from Massachusetts General Hospital, received the research award to create a routine blood test that could revolutionize the detection of lung cancer in its earliest stages, when it is most treatable. Read more about the 2024 Lung Cancer Early Detection Award.

    Pamela Kunz, MD, leader of the Gastrointestinal Cancers Program at Smilow and director of GI Medical Oncology, was recently named as one of the chairs of Committee on the Status of Women in Medicine (SWIM) along with Tamar Taddei, MD, chief of Gastroenterology at VA Connecticut Healthcare System. SWIM was founded in 1979 to address issues related to gender equality at YSM and to raise awareness and advocate for issues relevant to women who are faculty including building a supportive environment for women at Yale, increasing leadership roles for women, recruitment and retention of female faculty and compensation equity. They assume leadership of SWIM in July 2025. More about SWIM here.

    The Goshua Lab, led by George Goshua, MD, MSc, FACP, took home the 2024 Outstanding Paper of the Year award at the 46th annual Society for Medical Decision Making meeting for their Yale-Harvard collaboration on the first quantification of health equity for any decision within hematology-oncology, on the query of gene therapy utilization in the care of people living with sickle cell disease. Read more here.


    At an October ceremony in the Medical Historical Library, Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences Elena Ratner, MD, was presented with the 2024 David and Cindy Leffell Prize for Clinical Excellence. Ratner, who is co-chief of the Section of Gynecologic Oncology in Ob/Gyn and a member of Yale Cancer Center, is an internationally recognized gynecologic oncologist with special interests in chemotherapy-targeted drug development, patient quality of life programs, and early cancer detection. Read more including YSM Dean Nancy Brown’s comments.

    A Yale Spinout company, Modifi Biosciences, has been acquired by Merck. A leader in the development of direct DNA modification enabled cancer therapeutics, it was founded by Ranjit S. Bindra, MD, PhD, Harvey and Kate Cushing, Professor of Therapeutic Radiology at Yale School of Medicine, and Scientific Director of the Yale Brain Tumor Center at Smilow Cancer Hospital along with Seth Herzon, PhD, the Milton Harris ’29 PhD Professor of Chemistry in Yale’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Pharmacology and Therapeutic Radiology at the Yale School of Medicine. Read more

    The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) elected Haifan Lin, PhD, as a new member. He is Eugene Higgins Professor of Cell Biology; professor of genetics; of obstetrics, gynecology & reproductive sciences; and of dermatology; director of the Yale Stem Cell Center; and a Yale Cancer Center member. He was honored “for making key contributions to the validation of two hallmark stem cell theories: asymmetric division and niche hypotheses." Read more.

    Patricia LoRusso, DO, Chief of Experimental Therapeutics at Yale Cancer Center and Smilow Cancer Hospital, participated this month in The White House Global Cancer Fund Roundtable: Leveraging Partnerships for a Global Response. The roundtable explored how to design a global cancer fund with collective efforts from governments, the private sector, non-profits, and international organizations to address challenges in advancing cancer treatment.

    Prasanna Ananth, MD, PhD an associate professor of pediatrics (Hematology-Oncology) at YSM, gave a plenary talk at the 6th Maruzza International Congress on Pediatric Palliative Care, in Rome, Italy in mid-October. The congress theme was "Roots and Horizons: Learning From Yesterday, Living Today, Shaping The Future.” Next, Dr. Ananth is headed to Memphis, Tenn. to participate in the inaugural Symposium on Applied Qualitative Research for Pediatric Catastrophic Disease, hosted by St. Jude, in cooperation with The Lancet Oncology.

    Renee Moye, MSN, APRN, BC, OCN, of the Smilow Cancer Hospital Care Center, Fairfield was among those honored at the Ninth Annual 100 Women of Color Gala & Awards at the Bushnell Performing Arts Center in Hartford. Moye, an oncology nurse for 30 years, is also a cancer survivor. The gala honors 100 influential women of color from Connecticut to western Massachusetts, celebrating their achievements in business, education, entrepreneurship, entertainment, and government, as well as their positive impact on their communities. It was founded by June Archer, an entrepreneur.

    Two Yale Cancer Center members were among six Yale researchers awarded prestigious National Institutes of Health grants for their exceptional and creative research with the potential to transform biomedical science. Salil Garg, MD, PhD and Xialolei Su, PhD are among 67 recipients recognized by NIH’s High-Risk, High-Reward (HRHR) Research program, which supports “visionary and broadly impactful” behavioral and biomedical research projects. Dr. Garg, an assistant professor of laboratory medicine at YSM, received a New Innovator Award, which support “unusually innovative research” from early career investigators who are within 10 years of their final degree or clinical residency and have not yet received a large NIH grant. Dr. Su, an associate professor of cell biology at YSM, received a Transformative Research Award for a collaborative research project with Julien Berro, PhD, an associate professor of cell biology at YSM and of molecular biophysics and biochemistry in Yale’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and Jonathan A. Green from Boston University.

    Yale Palliative Care Program team members Trinh Bui, PharmD and Leah Tenebaum, DMin, BCC have been selected to attend the two-day Interprofessional Train-the-Trainer Spiritual Care Education Curriculum (ISPEC) Course at George Washington University. The program helps clinicians, spiritual care professionals, and others working in health settings to recognize, address, and attend to the suffering and spiritual health of patients and their families.

    David Braun, MD, PhD, assistant professor of Medicine (Medical Oncology) and a member of the Center of Molecular and Cellular Oncology at YCC, will receive the Christopher G. Wood Rising Star Award by the Kidney Cancer Association at the 2024 International Kidney Cancer Symposium next month in Louisville.

    Kurt A. Schalper, MD, PhD, received the 18th annual Michaele C. Christian Oncology Development Award at this year’s NCI's Early Drug Development Meeting in September. He is an associate professor of medicine at YSM and director of the Translational Immuno-oncology Laboratory, YCC.

    Hari A. Deshpande, MD associate professor of medicine at YSM and Clinical Research Team Leader Sarcoma, recently moderated a session on biomarkers in sarcoma at an event in Boston, sponsored by the American Journal of Managed Care.

    YSM Department of Surgery appointed Paris Butler, MD, MPH, FACS as the new Vice Chair of Education and Inclusive Excellence to provide strategic oversight of the department’s five ACGME-accredited residency programs, fellowships, and the clerkship program. Dr. Butler succeeds Mehra Golshan, MD, MBA, who served as Interim Vice Chair of Education for over two years. In future, Dr. Golshan will refocus on his duties as Executive Vice Chair of Operations and as Deputy Chief Medical Officer for YCC.

    Welcome to Yuenan (Nancy) Wang, PhD, as a new member of our Radiobiology and Genome Integrity Research Program. Dr. Wang is a Clinical Medical Physicist and Assistant Professor in the Department of Therapeutic Radiology.


    Tara Sanft, MD, chief, Patient Experience Officer at Smilow Cancer Hospital, was recently named an Associate Editor for the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI). Dr. Sanft is medical director of the Cancer Survivorship Clinic.

    • At the American Society of Clinical Pathology meeting in Chicago in early September Yale experts — Xuchen Zhang, MD, PhD and Dhanpat Jain, MD, MD — presented.

    • Xuan “Novak” Yang, a current PhD student and Cancer Biology Training Program graduate, was one of 23 researchers to receive the National Institutes of Health F99/K00 Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Transition Award. that aims to encourage and retain outstanding graduate students interested in research careers.

    •The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) hosted a Special Conference: Advances in Pancreatic Cancer Research in Boston in mid-September that included Yale researchers Diana Martinez-Saucedo, PhD; Cathy Garcia; Christian Ruiz, PhD: and Sherry Agabiti, PhD.

    • Investigators from YCC recently were awarded a research grant from the American Cancer Society (ACS) and Yosemite, an oncology-focused venture capital firm. YCC's proposal “Artificial Intelligence to reduce breast cancer overtreatment among older women," will develop ways to identify older women with low-risk breast cancer, who might benefit from active surveillance rather than immediate treatment. Dr. Winer is joined in this research with co-investigators Sanjay Aneja, MD; Ilana Richman, MD, MHS, Elizabeth Berger, MD, MS, FACS, and Rachel Greenup, MD, MPH. Lucila Ohno-Machado, MD, MBA, PhD, is a collaborator on the grant.

    • Smilow/Yale experts recently presented in Barcelona, Spain at the annual meeting of the European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO). They included physician-scientists Sara Pai, MD, PhD, a surgeon at Smilow who also leads several immunotherapy clinical trials; Patricia LoRusso, DO, Chief of Experimental Therapeutics involved with multiple clinical trials; David Braun, MD, PhD, a kidney cancer specialist and a member of the Center of Molecular and Cellular Oncology (CMCO) at YCC; Barbara Burtness, MD, Chief Translational Research Officer at YCC and Chief Head & Neck Cancers/Sarcoma; Maryam Lustberg, MD, PhD, who is Director of the Center for Breast Cancer and Chief of Breast Medical Oncology; and Hermine Poghosyan, PhD, MPH, BSN, an associate professor at the School of Nursing.

    The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology gave its Herbert Tabor Research Award to Joseph Schlessinger, PhD, a professor of pharmacology at Yale University School of Medicine, whose research provided the conceptual foundation for targeted cancer therapies. His lab explores the mechanism of activation of receptor tyrosine kinase and their signaling pathways during homeostasis as well as in cancer and other diseases. He is a member of YCC’s Cancer Signaling Networks Research Program.

    The 2024 Yale Lung Cancer SPORE Awards Developmental Research awardees included Anne Chiang, MD, PhD and Arnaud Augert, PhD: Generation and characterization of novel preclinical models to identify tumor intrinsic biomarkers for a novel drug combination in SCLC; Sanja Dacic, MD, PhD: Determination of oncogenic EGFR mutations and prediction of treatment-specific outcomes in patients with resectable non-small cell lung carcinoma using digital pathology and computational models; Nadya Dimitrova PhD and Andrew Xiao, PhD: A long noncoding RNA-dependent mechanism promoting epigenetic plasticity and TKI resistance; Daryl Klein, MD, PhD: Development of biologics targeting ROS1+ fusion proteins in lung cancer; Yansheng Liu, PhD: Glycoproteomic alterations & biofluid markers for lung cancer metastases in the central nervous system. For Career Enhancement the awards went to Maurizio Chioccioli, PhD: Alveolar intermediate progenitor cells as the cellular origin of lung adenocarcinoma; Michael Chiorazzi, MD, PhD: Testing novel interventions for HIV-associated NSCLC; So Yeon Kim, MD: Uncovering the biological drivers of CNS metastasis in KRAS-mutant NSCLC; Mark N. Lee, MD, PhD: The development of T cell receptor therapeutics targeting public NSCLC antigens.

    The Center for Gastrointestinal Cancers chose three YCC teams for its 2024-2025 CGIC Seed Grant Program. The intramural grants aim to spur interdisciplinary team-based basic, translational, clinical, or population health research in GI cancers and to support new or early stage projects. Awardees: Michael Girardi, MD, and W. Mark Saltzman, PhD: Biocompatible and bioadhesive nanoparticles for intraperitoneal treatment of gastrointestinal cancers with peritoneal metastasis; Bubu Banini, MD, PhD, and Xuchen Zhang, MD, PhD: Spatial transcriptomic analysis of immune microenvironment of metabolic dysfunction associated steatohepatitis-related hepatocellular carcinoma; Dennis Shung, MD, PhD, and John Onofrey, PhD: Multimodal Language-Augmented Foundation Vision Model to Personalize Care for Pancreatic Cysts.

    Dr. Christopher Tien, PhD, DABR, FAAPM, Associate Professor and Lead Physicist for Brachytherapy in the Department of Therapeutic Radiology at the Yale School of Medicine, has been elected a fellow of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine. A designation as fellow honors members who have distinguished themselves by their contributions in research, education, or leadership in the medical physics community. The award was presented at the 2024 AAPM 66th Annual Meeting & Exhibition on July 22.


    Kenneth Roberts, MD, has been elected a Fellow of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (FASTRO), a prestigious award that recognizes outstanding members for their leadership role in radiation oncology and service to ASTRO. He is a Professor of Therapeutic Radiology and cares for patients with pediatric malignancies, lymphomas, leukemias, sarcomas, colo-anal cancers, and benign inflammatory conditions.

    Pam Kunz, MD, has been chosen for the 2024-2025 Public Voices Fellowship at Yale. Yale Women Faculty Forum offers 20 such fellowships each academic year with the expectation that each fellow will write a minimum of two opinion (“op-ed”) pieces and identify as a Fellow of the program. Earlier this year, Dr. Kunz was named the inaugural editor-in-chief of a new open-access and interdisciplinary journal launched by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). JCO Oncology Advances will be dedicated “to accelerating progress in the global fight against cancer by providing a platform where innovation in cancer research meets accessibility.”

    Michael Cecchini, MD has been appointed Co-Director of the GI Clinical Research Team. He completed his Internal Medicine residency and Hematology/Oncology fellowship at Yale. He joined the faculty in 2018 and has quickly established himself as an expert and leader in colorectal cancer and developmental therapeutics. He also serves as the Co-Leader of the Colorectal Cancer Program within the Center for GI Cancers.

    A four-member research team, including co-principal investigator Daniel Boffa, MD, FACS of Yale, recently was awarded R01 funding by the National Cancer Institute for its study, “Implementation and Effectiveness of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) Operative Standards Program.” The five-year grant is to evaluate adoption of the Commission on Cancer’s “Operative Standards for Cancer Surgery” implemented in 2020 and expected to be adhered to by 1,400 accredited facilities by the end of 2024. The standards are meant to address the differences in cancer surgery technical qualities across institutions.

    Jacquelyne Gaddy, MD, MSc, MSCR received the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Medical Association (NMA) provide travel awards to participate in the NIH/NMA Academic Career Development Workshop. Recipients of the NIH/NMA Travel Award are senior residents, fellows, and junior faculty who are interested in pursuing careers in biomedical research and/or academic medicine. Participants are encouraged to attend the NMA’s Annual Convention and Scientific Assembly

    Barbara Burtness, MD, chief Translational Research Officer at YCC and chief of Head and Neck Cancers/Sarcoma, and Maryam Lustberg, MD, MPH, chief of Breast Medical Oncology, have been named Fellows of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (FASCO). The FASCO distinction honors ASCO members for their volunteer service and dedication to the organization and for their contributions to the oncology community in transforming cancer care.


    A few weeks ago, George Goshua, MD, MSc, accepted the NOMIS & Science Young Explorer Award in a ceremony in Switzerland. Dr. Goshua’s award-winning essay published in Science, "Napkin math can change the world", is about how data-driven improvements in value-based and equitable healthcare need to be driven by healthcare providers to make significant change. The Goshua Lab at YCC uses quantitative decision modeling methods to fill gaps in clinical guidelines, impact health resource allocation, and inform health policy decisions. > MORE

    The June 26 White House Clinical Trials Forum included Patricia LoRusso, DO, YCC Chief of Experimental Therapeutics. Also, Dr. LoRusso presented "The Making of a Clinical Researcher: A Personal Journey" late in June at the Association of American Cancer Institute’s Clinical Research Innovation Meeting.

    Michael Cecchini, MD, was recently promoted to Associate Professor, Internal Medicine (Medical Oncology) in the Clinician Educator-Scholar Track. He is Co-Director, Colorectal Program in the Center for Gastrointestinal Cancers; and Medical Oncology Section Lead for National Accreditation Program for Rectal Cancer.

    Surgical oncologists Drs. Mehra Golshan and Elena Ratner are Exceptional Care Awardees of the Healthnetwork Foundation, which honor “hospital staff who share in our mission to provide outstanding care...We celebrate their dedication and outstanding service with ($10,000 each) to support their department operations.”

    At the HemOnc Fellowship Program graduation, Jessica M Stempel, MD and Curtis Perry, MD, PhD received Research Awards and Rory Shallis, MD, Michael Cecchini, MD, and Michal Rose, MD, got Teaching Awards.

    Tarun Tyagi, PhD, a YSM Associate Research Scientist, received the 2024 JH Milstone Award. The $10,000 yearly award goes to early-stage investigators whose research improves understanding of bleeding or thrombosis.

    The Yale Head and Neck SPORE recently announced five awards. The Career Enhancement Program award went to Yash Chhabra, PhD, Fox Chase Cancer Center. Four Developmental Research Programs (DRP) awards went to YSM associate professors, Samuel Katz, MD, PhD and Michael Chiorazzi, MD, PhD. Other awardees include Oneida Arosarena, MD, Temple University and Travis Schrank, MD, PhD, University of North Carolina.


    Jennifer Afranie-Sakyi, MD, has been selected by the American Society of Hematology (ASH) to participate as one of nine outstanding fellows in the 2024 ASH Minority Hematology Fellow Award (MHFA). A fellow in the Yale Medical Oncology-Hematology Fellowship Program, Dr. Afranie-Sakyi is mentored by Cece Calhoun, MD, MPHS, MBA, and Alfred Lee, MD, PhD. Her research focuses on understanding neurocognitive outcomes in adults with sickle cell disease. The ASH awardees receive $100,000 for a two- to three-year period to guarantee protected time for clinical or laboratory-based hematology research projects.

    Amos S. Espinosa, a PhD Candidate in Experimental Pathology, was recently named a winner of the American Society of Hematology (ASH) Minority Hematology Graduate Award. Espinosa is a member of the Krause Lab, led by Diane Krause, MD, PhD, Anthony N. Brady Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Professor of Pathology. His doctoral research focuses on the molecular mechanisms of cancer development, specifically, acute megakaryoblastic leukemia. Amos is one of nine graduate students selected for the award, which includes an annual $40,000 stipend for a two-year period.

    Kelly Olino, MD, assistant professor of surgery (oncology) at the Yale Department of Surgery and clinical director of the Smilow Melanoma Program, received the 2024 Leah M. Lowenstein Award for excellence in the promotion of humane and egalitarian medical education. The honor is awarded each year at the Yale School of Medicine’s commencement ceremony in recognition of a faculty member whose humane teaching reaches and influences all students regardless of gender, race, or socioeconomic background.

    On May 15, at the opening ceremony for the annual American Head and Neck Society Meeting, Barbara Burtness, MD, Anthony N. Brady Professor of Medicine (Medical Oncology), was awarded an American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) Presidential Citation in recognition of her contributions to the field of head and neck surgery. Dr. Burtness is the founding director of the Yale Head and Neck Cancer Specialized Program of Research Excellence (SPORE) .

    A former director of YCC (1993-2003), Vincent DeVita Jr., MD, Amy and Joseph Perella Professor of Medicine (Medical Oncology) and Professor of Epidemiology (Chronic Diseases), was named the Giants of Cancer Care® Michael J. Hennessy Visionary Award Winner for 2024. He was honored for his lifelong achievements in cancer care, which included being director of the NCI starting in 1980, one of three editors of "Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology," in its 11th edition, and of The Cancer Journal.


    Abhijit Patel, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Therapeutic Radiology, has been appointed the role of Medical Director in the Lawrence & Memorial Radiation Oncology Center in Waterford effective July 1.

    Pamela Kunz, MD, Associate Professor (Medical Oncology), Director of the Center for Gastrointestinal Cancers at Yale/Smilow and Chief of GI Medical Oncology, was named a Fellow of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (FASCO). The FASCO distinction honors ASCO members for their extraordinary volunteer service, commitment, and dedication. Dr. Kunz was one of 10 recipients nationwide to earn the FASCO designation this year. She joins nine other YCC members who have earned FASCO distinction. More here

    Harriet Kluger, MD, needs your vote in her run for an At-Large candidate position on the board of directors of the Society for Immunology of Cancer (SITC). Dr. Kluger is the Harvey and Kate Cushing Professor of Medicine in Medical Oncology at YSM and a YCC member. She is an internationally recognized expert on the treatment of advanced melanoma and renal cell carcinoma and is director of the Yale SPORE in Skin Cancer. Read Dr. Kluger’s election platform statement and vote for her here.

    Recently, the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) named its five member board of directors for 2024-2027 including Katerina Politi, MD Professor of Pathology; Co-Leader, Cancer Signaling Networks, Yale Cancer Center; Scientific Director, Center for Thoracic Cancers.

    In news from the Hem/Onc fellowship program, three fellows earned American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Young Investigator Awards—Rebecca Forman, MD; Yiduo Hu, MD, PhD; Tendai Kwaramba, MD, MSc. Also, the ASCO Education Scholars Program year-long program has selected Thejal Srikumar, MD; and the following fellows are to be 2024 presenters at two prestigious conferences in June —ASCO in Chicago and the European Hematology Association in Milan. They are Philippos Costa, MD; Rebecca Forman, MD; Ted Getz, MD; Yiduo Hu, MD, PhD; Tendai Kwaramba, MD, MSc; Curt Perry, MD, PhD; Amin Nassar, MD; Tariq Kewan, MD; Thejal Srikumar, MD; Melissa Taylor, MD; Jess Stempel, MD, FACP; Poy Theprungsirikul, MD.


    Lisa Arnel, Senior Administrative Assistant in Palliative Care at Smilow Cancer Hospital, was honored with an Out of the Blue Award for her work on the Yale Serious Illness Communication Skills Faculty Training Course held in February. Pictured with Lisa are Dr. Laura Morrison, director of Palliative Medicine Education, and Dr. Dmitry Kozhevnikov, director of Smilow Ambulatory Palliative Care. Dr. Morrison said: “Lisa went beyond in helping us put on this new course. Her preparation and creative solutions led to a very fruitful learning experience for our participants.”

    At a recent ceremony at the Yale School of Medicine's historic library, YCC member Joachim Baehring, MD, professor of neurology and of neurosurgery was presented with a Distinguished Clinical Career Award. Dr. Baehring is associate chief of neurology; director of the Neuro-Oncology Fellowship Program; and vice chair of clinical affairs for Neurology. He joined YSM in 2002, and he built the medical Neuro-Oncology Program within Yale Cancer Center from the ground up. He established a practice for patients with primary and metastatic brain tumors, neurologic complications of cancer, and neurologic disorders of the highest complexity. For more than 15 years, Baehring led the multidisciplinary Brain Tumor Center — now named the Chênevert Family Brain Tumor Center after one of his patients. He established a Neuro-Oncology Patient Data Repository at the Brain Tumor Center, which serves as the basis for epidemiological, clinical, quality control studies, and basic science studies requiring correlation with clinical data. In 2009, Baehring established the Medical Neuro-Oncology Fellowship program at Yale and served as its director for over a decade.

    Jun Deng, PhD, professor of Therapeutic Radiology and Director of Physic Research, recently was selected as one of the 15 experts for the NIH's Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Consortium to Advance Health Equity and Researcher Diversity (AIM-AHEAD) Program for Artificial Intelligence Readiness (PAIR). PAIR will connect institutions with AIM-AHEAD resources, AI/ML and health equity experts, and grant-writing coaches to help establish AI/ML Health Equity Research Labs that host cross-disciplinary teams for research projects and grant writing.

    YCC Deputy Director Roy S. Herbst, MD, PhD, Ensign Professor of Medicine (Medical Oncology) and Professor of Pharmacology as well as Chief of Medical Oncology, recently was honored at a gala benefitting the Ezra Academy and its fundraising goal of $200,000.


    Yale Cancer Center’s Annual Conclave was held March 26, 2024, to recognize scientific and clinical accomplishments by faculty and staff in 2023. Dr. Eric Winer, YCC Director and Smilow Cancer Hospital President and Physician-in-Chief, hosted the event and awards were presented to 18 members of the YCC and Smilow Cancer Hospital communities.
    • The YCC Clinical Cancer Research Award was presented to Pamela Kunz, MD, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine (Medical Oncology); Director, Center for Gastrointestinal Cancers; and Chief, GI Medical Oncology.
    • The YCC Translational Cancer Research Award was presented to Katerina Politi, PhD Professor of Pathology, Co-Leader, Cancer Signaling Networks, and Scientific Director, Center for Thoracic Cancers
    • The YCC Population Science Research Award was presented to Ilana Richman, MD, MHS, an assistant YSM professor.
    • The YCC Basic Cancer Research Award was presented to Jason Sheltzer, PhD, Assistant Professor of Surgery (Oncology) and of Genetics.
    • The Ruth McCorkle Oncology Advanced Practice Provider (APP) Award was presented to Gineesha Abraham, APRN
    • The prestigious Class of '61 Cancer Research Award was presented to Nadya Dimitrova, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology and to Sarah Goldberg, MD, MPH Associate Professor of Internal Medicine (Medical Oncology), Chief, Thoracic Oncology; Associate Director, Medical Oncology-Hematology Program; and Research Director, Center for Thoracic Cancers
    Kelly Olino, MD, FACS, Assistant Professor of Surgery (Oncology), Leader, Skin Cancer Surgery, Melanoma Program; Clinical Director of the Smilow Melanoma Program and James Clune, MD, Associate Professor of Surgery (Plastic); Leader, Multidisciplinary Care, Melanoma Program, received the Yale Cancer Center Clinical Excellence Award.

    For more details and more Conclave awards please go here.

    Pamela Kunz, MD, has been named the inaugural editor-in-chief of a new open-access and interdisciplinary journal launched by the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).
    JCO Oncology Advances will be dedicated “to accelerating progress in the global fight against cancer by providing a platform where innovation in cancer research meets accessibility.”
    “I am committed to shaping this platform into the foremost oncology open-access journal. By publishing a wide array of content, we aim to engage a diverse audience, encompassing academics, community practitioners, international colleagues, and patient partners,” said Dr. Kun, who leads the Center for Gastrointestinal Cancers at Smilow Cancer Hospital and Yale Cancer Center and is chief of GI Medical Oncology.
    "Our accessible online format empowers us to be innovative, agile, and impactful, extending our reach far beyond conventional boundaries,” she said. The journal will open for submissions in Spring of 2024.

    Dr. Anthony Daniels, an ocular oncologist and vitreoretinal surgeon by training, will join the faculty March 1. He will see ocular oncology patients in ophthalmology and ocular oncology patients at Smilow and throughout the Yale Hew Haven Health system. Simultaneously, he is serving as Therapeutic Area Head of Ocular Oncology at Aura Biosciences, where he is responsible for leading the ocular oncology program and driving future strategy.
    Dr. Daniels previously was an Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Radiation Oncology, and Cancer Biology at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville. He served as Chief of the Division or Ocular Oncology and Pathology at Vanderbilt. He majored in molecular biology at Princeton University and then earned a master’s degree in public health policy from the London School of Economics. Then he attended the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine as the recipient of the institution’s most prestigious full scholarship. After his intern year at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, he completed both his ophthalmology residency and vitreoretinal fellowship at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary at Harvard Medical School, followed by additional tumor training at the Mayo Clinic and at MSKCC.
    As an ocular oncologist and physician-scientist, his research has focused on drug discovery and development. His lab developed novel animal models of adult and pediatric eye cancers, and identified novel antineoplastic therapies, and his research techniques and models are now being used by centers around the world. In addition, he brings expertise in clinical trial design.

    Recently, Jensa Morris, MD, Erin Gombos, MD,and Irene Piazza, DNP, RN, AOCNS, were recognized for their work.
    Irene Piazza, who is clinical program manager for Smilow Greenwich, was awarded the annual Greenwich Hospital Breast Center Award. Each year, the Breast Center selects an outstanding individual who continuously goes above and beyond to uphold its mission, vision, and values, and inspire the care center clinicians and staff.
    • Dr. Morris
    was honored with the Department of Medicine Voluntary Faculty Inpatient Medicine Award. The award was given in recognition of outstanding contribution to the education of trainees through the Smilow Hospitalist Service.
    Dr. Gombos was honoroed by the Society of Hospital Medicine Connecticut Chapter Award for Excellence in Education. The chapter celebrates one physician, one APP, and one resident, each of whom who go beyond clinical expertise to actively shape the next generation of clinicians.

    In its first issue on telehealth, The Cancer Journal chose Anne Chiang, MD as its guest editor. Her article "Telemedicine and Cancer: Shifting a Paradigm of Care" was published in the January/February 2024 edition. It summarizing and commenting on much of the content in this issue of the journal, Dr. Chiang noted the need for further study and that "the National Cancer Institute recently created the Telehealth Research Centers of Excellence supported by the Cancer Moonshot to study and develop evidence-based and innovative approaches to cancer telehealth in the future.... Truly understanding the barriers and challenges to care as well as available data on efficacy and patient-reported outcomes provides the opportunity to substantively improve telecare in the future." » READ MORE

    Earlier this month, the American Association for Cancer Research elected its new class of fellows, including Yale’s Craig M. Crews, PhD. It cited his breakthrough cancer research, describing it as “trailblazing research involving the use of small molecules to manipulate intracellular protein levels via targeted protein degradation, pioneering the development of proteolysis-targeting chimeras (PROTACs), and leading critical investigations concerning synthetic proteasome inhibitors such as carfilzomib, approved for the treatment of multiple myeloma.”
    Dr. Crews is John C. Malone Professor of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology; professor of chemistry, pharmacology, and management; and executive director, Yale Center for Molecular Discovery, Yale School of Medicine and Yale Cancer Center.
    Academy fellows serve as a global brain trust of top contributors to cancer science and medicine who help advance AACR’s mission to prevent and cure all cancers through research, education, communication, collaboration, science policy and advocacy, and funding for cancer research.

    Dr. Giulia Biancon, currently a member in the laboratory of Dr. Stephanie Halene, was chosen by the The RNA Society for the award. Dr. Biancon obtained her PhD in 2018 from the University of Milan in the lab of Dr. Paolo Corradini. During her post-doctoral work, Dr. Biancon has used eCLIP to study the binding of mutant RNA splicing factor U2AF identified in a number of blood cancers. Using these data and additional high-throughput analysis such as TimeLapse-seq and single-cell RNA-seq, she was able to unravel the consequence of the altered U2AF binding profile on pre-mRNA splicing, linking U2AF1 mutations to enhanced stress granule response in these blood cancer cells. She currently serves as a Coordinator of the Yale Center for RNA Science and Medicine.

    Gavitt Woodard, MD, received the AZ Lung Cancer Research award at the 60th annual meeting of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons in San Antonio in January. At the meeting she presented on immune cell infiltration and function after neoadjuvant chemo-immunotherapy in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer.

    The Breast Cancer Alliance announced that Sarah K. Merkel MD has been selected for a 2024-2025 BCA Breast Surgery Fellowship at Yale University. Dr. Merkel is Chief Resident at University of South Florida Health in Tampa. She is a 2019 graduate of the Tulane University School of Medicine.