Robert I. Levy Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine) and Professor of Immunobiology; Associate Chief, Cardiovascular Medicine, Internal Medicine; Senior Vice Chief for Academic Development, Cardiovascular Medicine
Virology and Immunology
Assistant Professor of Medicine (Medical Oncology), Louis Goodman and Alfred Gilman Yale Scholar
Waldemar Von Zedtwitz Professor of Medicine (Rheumatology) and Professor of Pathology and of Epidemiology (Microbial Diseases); Chief, Rheumatology, Allergy, & Immunology; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health; Rheumatologist in Chief, Rheumatology, YNHH
Assistant Professor of Comparative Medicine and of Genetics
Paul B. Beeson Professor of Medicine (Rheumatology) and Professor of Immunobiology; Paul B. Beeson Professor of Medicine, Internal Medicine: Rheumatology; Program Director, Investigative Medicine, Internal Medicine: Rheumatology
William S. and Lois Stiles Edgerly Professor of Neurology and Professor of Immunobiology; Chair, Neurology; Neurologist-in-Chief, Yale New Haven Hospital
Gustavus and Louise Pfeiffer Research Foundation M.D.-Ph.D. Program Director and Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases) and of Microbial Pathogenesis; Professor, Microbial Pathogenesis; Director, MD-PhD Program, Yale University
Anthony N. Brady Professor of Pathology; Chair, Pathology; Chief, YNHH Pathology
Associate Professor; Director of Research in Kidney Transplantation, Nephrology; Steering committee member, Human and Translational Immunology Program
Professor of Medicine and Professor of Epidemiology (Microbial Diseases); Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs, Dept Clinical: Internal Medicine
Associate Professor of Pathology; Director, Translational Immuno-oncology Laboratory