Special Programs
Integrated Graduate Program in Physical and Engineering Biology (IGPPEB)
The Integrated Graduate Program in Physical and Engineering Biology combines traditional training in the biological sciences with skills and techniques employed in physics and engineering.CAPES
Fall 2023: The CAPES-Yale Graduate Scholars Program is on hold for the upcoming 2024-25 academic year.
Yale University and the BBS Program entered a partnership with Brazil and the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES). The CAPES-Yale Graduate Scholars Program is intended to train the most promising Brazilian students and prepares you to become international leaders in academia and industry. Your training will be jointly funded by CAPES and Yale, and you are eligible to join any BBS Track. You will participate in all regular BBS academic activities and additionally participate in specialized professional development programs exclusively for CAPES-Yale Scholars. Yale has helped to train Brazilian leaders for almost 200 years and looks forward to training a new generation of scientists and scholars.
University of Puerto Rico and Yale Cooperative Program
The Yale-UPR MD-PhD Cooperative Program allows students to obtain an MD from the University of Puerto Rico-Medical Science Campus (UPR-MSC) and a PhD from Yale School of Medicine’s Biomedical and Biological Sciences (Yale BBS) Program in approximately eight years.China Scholarship Council-Yale World Scholars Program
The CSC-Yale World Scholars in Biomedical Sciences recruits top applicants from eight of China's best universities for specialized training in the BBS Program.PhD/MBA Joint Degree Program
Recognizing the long-standing applicability of the Ph.D. beyond the academy and the increasing relevance of sophisticated management analysis in positions held by many Ph.D. recipients, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) and School of Management (SOM) now offer a joint MBA/Ph.D.