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Hunter Radiation Therapy Center Dedicated
“The new Hunter Radiation Therapy Center was dedicated on Friday afternoon, October 10. Officials of the University and of the Grace-New Haven Community Hospital, faculty, staff, and guests attended the dedication ceremony, which was held in Fitkin Amphitheater with Dean Lippard presiding.
“The program was opened with a welcome by George S. Stevenson, president of the hospital. President A. Whitney Griswold spoke briefly on “The Medical Center and Yale.” This was followed by the introduction of Mr. Robert E. Hunter of Santa Barbara, California, who had made a generous gift to Yale for this building. Mr. Hunter is a Yale alumnus, Class of 1911 (Sheffield Scientific School). The new center is named in memory of his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Hunter. …
“The four-story, brick-faced structure has its entrance on Davenport Avenue, and corridors connect with the adjoining hospital units. High-voltage equipment is below ground level. The two-million electron volt Van de Graaff deep therapy machine was given by the Donner Foundation. Three other radiation machines of lesser voltage are also available, and there are facilities for eventual inclusion of additional high-voltage equipment which may be developed in the future.”