Inflammatory bowel disease is associated with greater odds of complications following posterior lumbar fusion and further amplified for patients exposed to monoclonal antibody biologics
Seddio A, Katsnelson B, Smith-Voudouris J, Gouzoulis M, Day W, Jabbouri S, Vasudevan R, Rubio D, Grauer J. Inflammatory bowel disease is associated with greater odds of complications following posterior lumbar fusion and further amplified for patients exposed to monoclonal antibody biologics. North American Spine Society Journal (NASSJ) 2024, 20: 100574. DOI: 10.1016/j.xnsj.2024.100574.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPosterior lumbar fusionInflammatory bowel diseaseOdds ratioNational Inpatient SampleElixhauser Comorbidity IndexLumbar fusionBowel diseaseKaplan-Meier survival analysisEmergency departmentInflammatory bowel disease patientsLog-rank testMinor adverse eventsNon-IBD patientsIn-hospital dataMultivariate logistic regressionAssociated with greater oddsElevated odds ratiosReoperation rateSurgical complicationsSpine surgeryInferior outcomesPearlDiver databasePost-discharge outcomesAdult patientsAdverse eventsPreoperative Anxiety: An Important Risk Factor of Postoperative Adverse Events and Increased Reoperation Rates in Patients Undergoing Single-Level Anterior Cervical Diskectomy and Fusion
Katsnelson B, Rancu A, Winter A, Grauer J. Preoperative Anxiety: An Important Risk Factor of Postoperative Adverse Events and Increased Reoperation Rates in Patients Undergoing Single-Level Anterior Cervical Diskectomy and Fusion. JAAOS Global Research And Reviews 2024, 8: e24.00204. PMCID: PMC11473058, DOI: 10.5435/jaaosglobal-d-24-00204.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRevision surgery ratesAnterior cervical diskectomyAdverse eventsACDF patientsCervical diskectomySurgery ratesSingle-level anterior cervical diskectomyAdverse outcomesPreoperative anxietyCervical spine surgeryIncreased reoperation rateAssociated with adverse eventsFusion (ACDFSingle-level ACDFPostoperative adverse eventsPrevalence of mental health disordersImportant risk factorsMultivariate regression analysisReoperation rateMental health disordersSpine surgerySurgical outcomesElixhauser Comorbidity IndexHistory of anxietySurgical proceduresP31. Testosterone replacement therapy associated with increased 90-day postoperative adverse events and 5-year reoperation following lumbar discectomy
Seddio A, Gouzoulis M, Smith-Voudouris J, Rubio D, Day W, Grauer J. P31. Testosterone replacement therapy associated with increased 90-day postoperative adverse events and 5-year reoperation following lumbar discectomy. The Spine Journal 2024, 24: s78. DOI: 10.1016/j.spinee.2024.06.052.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTestosterone replacement therapyAcute kidney injuryLumbar discectomyAdverse eventsMale patientsOdds ratioCurrent Procedural TerminologyReoperation ratePostoperative outcomesElixhauser Comorbidity IndexPostoperative recoveryMultivariate analysisSingle-level lumbar discectomyTestosterone replacement therapy patientsMyocardial infarctionOrthopedic surgeryKaplan-Meier survival analysisEmergency departmentLumbar spinal proceduresLog-rank testMonths of surgeryRetrospective cohort studyPostoperative adverse eventsEnhanced postoperative recoveryMinor adverse eventsRobotic-Assisted Versus Navigation-Assisted Posterior Lumbar Fusion
Gouzoulis M, Seddio A, Winter A, Jabbouri S, Zhu J, Rubio D, Varthi A, Grauer J. Robotic-Assisted Versus Navigation-Assisted Posterior Lumbar Fusion. Spine 2024, 49: 1483-1487. PMID: 38717329, DOI: 10.1097/brs.0000000000005032.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPosterior lumbar fusionLumbar fusionAdverse eventsLevel posterior lumbar fusionsCPT codesKaplan-Meier survival analysisRate of reoperationNavigation-assisted surgeryRobotic-assisted casesNavigation-assistedMinor adverse eventsPerioperative adverse eventsMultivariate logistic regressionICD-10 procedure codeRobotic cohortRobotic assistanceSpinal navigationReoperation rateAnterior fusionElixhauser Comorbidity IndexPearlDiver databaseNo significant differenceIncremental advantageAdverse outcomesComorbidity indexA 10-year perspective on the question of whether surgeries for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis are “one and done”?
Gouzoulis M, Joo P, Jeong S, Jabbouri S, Moran J, Zhu J, Grauer J. A 10-year perspective on the question of whether surgeries for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis are “one and done”? Spine Deformity 2024, 12: 903-908. PMID: 38555557, DOI: 10.1007/s43390-024-00858-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAdolescent idiopathic scoliosisIdiopathic scoliosisRisk factorsAssociated with male sexTime of surgeryLong-term outcomesYear follow-upMultivariate regressionMonths to 2Reoperation incidenceReoperation ratePSF patientsExcellent outcomesPediatric surgeonsReoperationMale sexFollow-upStudy cohortPatient characteristicsPatient counselingSurgeryConclusionsThe current studyInterquartile rangeScoliosis fusionResultsIn total
The correlation of psoriasis and its treatment medications with lumbar discectomy postoperative infections
Day W, Ch'en P, Ratnasamy P, Jeong S, Varthi A, Grauer J. The correlation of psoriasis and its treatment medications with lumbar discectomy postoperative infections. The Spine Journal 2023, 23: 1623-1629. PMID: 37355045, DOI: 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.06.392.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSurgical site infectionRisk of SSIPostoperative surgical site infectionElixhauser Comorbidity IndexMultivariable logistic regressionTopical therapyComorbidity indexReoperation rateSite infectionTreatment medicationsMultivariable analysisDiscectomy patientsGreater oddsFive-Year Reoperation RatesSingle-level lumbar discectomyLogistic regressionCorrelation of psoriasisOral systemic treatmentInfection-related complicationsAdministrative database studyDay of surgeryLog-rank testNational administrative databaseRetrospective case controlUS adult populationAnterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Outcomes in Patients With and Without Bariatric Surgery—Weight Loss Does Make a Difference
Joo P, Zhu J, Wilhelm C, Tang K, Day W, Moran J, Grauer J. Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Outcomes in Patients With and Without Bariatric Surgery—Weight Loss Does Make a Difference. Spine 2023, 48: 400-406. PMID: 36735637, DOI: 10.1097/brs.0000000000004580.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAnterior cervical discectomyBariatric surgeryMorbid obesityAdverse eventsCervical discectomyReoperation rateBS proceduresFive-Year Reoperation RatesRetrospective comparative cohort studyHistory of BSMinor adverse eventsNon-obese patientsAdverse event ratesComparative cohort studyElixhauser Comorbidity IndexKaplan-Meier analysisRisk of complicationsNon-obese controlsLength of stayACDF patientsElective ACDFComorbidity indexFusion patientsPulmonary embolismCohort study
Total shoulder arthroplasty: ninety-day adverse events and 5-year implant survival in patients with hidradenitis suppurativa
Gouzoulis M, Ratnasamy P, Caruana D, Wiznia D, Medvecky M, Grauer J. Total shoulder arthroplasty: ninety-day adverse events and 5-year implant survival in patients with hidradenitis suppurativa. Seminars In Arthroplasty JSES 2022, 32: 676-680. DOI: 10.1053/j.sart.2022.07.012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTotal shoulder arthroplastySurgical site infectionMinor adverse eventsAdverse eventsSite infectionTSA patientsImplant survivalHS patientsSkin lesionsLog-rank Mantel-Cox testFive-year implant survivalKaplan-Meier survival curvesHigher comorbidity burdenMethods Adult patientsNon-HS groupsSevere adverse eventsElixhauser Comorbidity IndexChronic skin disorderPotential risk factorsMantel-Cox testRisk of infectionComorbidity burdenComorbidity indexPostoperative complicationsReoperation rateSingle-level posterior lumbar fusions in patients with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome not found to be associated with increased postoperative adverse events or five-year reoperations
Gouzoulis MJ, Kammien AJ, Zhu JR, Gillinov SM, Moore HG, Grauer JN. Single-level posterior lumbar fusions in patients with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome not found to be associated with increased postoperative adverse events or five-year reoperations. North American Spine Society Journal (NASSJ) 2022, 11: 100136. PMID: 35783003, PMCID: PMC9241136, DOI: 10.1016/j.xnsj.2022.100136.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSingle-level posterior lumbar fusionPosterior lumbar fusionEhlers-Danlos syndromeMinor adverse eventsElixhauser Comorbidity IndexAdverse eventsEDS patientsAdult patientsLumbar fusionDanlos syndromeKaplan-Meier survival curvesRare connective tissue disorderPostoperative adverse eventsRate of reoperationRisk of complicationsNon-ED patientsLog-rank testConnective tissue disordersMultivariate logistical regressionSignificant differencesChi-square testPLF casesComorbidity indexReoperation rateRetrospective studyMarfan syndrome and adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients have similar 90-day postoperative outcomes and 5-year reoperation rates after spinal deformity surgery
Joo PY, Caruana DL, Gouzoulis MJ, Moore HG, Zhu JR, Ameri B, Grauer JN. Marfan syndrome and adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients have similar 90-day postoperative outcomes and 5-year reoperation rates after spinal deformity surgery. Spine Deformity 2022, 10: 1169-1174. PMID: 35362940, DOI: 10.1007/s43390-022-00501-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAdolescent idiopathic scoliosisMarfan syndromeReoperation rateAIS patientsOdds ratioMFS patientsFive-Year Reoperation RatesNinety-day outcomesMinor adverse eventsMultivariate odds ratiosPosterior spinal fusionSpinal deformity surgeryComorbidity indexAdverse eventsDeformity surgeryAdministrative databasesRelative riskSpinal fusionIdiopathic scoliosisPatientsRepresentative sampleAgeOutcomesSexReadmissionFour-level anterior versus posterior cervical fusions: Perioperative outcomes and five-year reoperation rates Outcomes after four-level anterior versus posterior cervical procedures
Joo PY, Jayaram RH, McLaughlin WM, Ameri B, Kammien AJ, Arnold PM, Grauer JN. Four-level anterior versus posterior cervical fusions: Perioperative outcomes and five-year reoperation rates Outcomes after four-level anterior versus posterior cervical procedures. North American Spine Society Journal (NASSJ) 2022, 10: 100115. PMID: 35392022, PMCID: PMC8980614, DOI: 10.1016/j.xnsj.2022.100115.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPosterior cervical fusionFour-level ACDFAdverse eventsReoperation rateCervical fusionOdds ratioMinor adverse eventsMultilevel cervical pathologyPosterior cervical proceduresRate of dysphagiaFive-year incidencePerioperative adverse eventsAnterior cervical discectomyHigher reoperation rateLength of stayGreater odds ratioRisk/benefit considerationsPosterior approach proceduresTimes lower oddsCervical reoperationCervical proceduresCervical discectomyPerioperative outcomesPosterior proceduresACDF cases
Clinical outcomes following one-, two-, three-, and four-level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion: a national database study
Joo PY, Zhu JR, Kammien AJ, Gouzoulis MJ, Arnold PM, Grauer JN. Clinical outcomes following one-, two-, three-, and four-level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion: a national database study. The Spine Journal 2021, 22: 542-548. PMID: 34774751, DOI: 10.1016/j.spinee.2021.11.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOne-level casesAnterior cervical discectomyAdverse eventsReoperation rateACDF casesCervical discectomyProlonged lengthFour-level anterior cervical discectomyMultivariate analysisMinor adverse event rateFour-level ACDFNational database studyAdverse event ratesGreater odds ratioCommon surgical procedureLarge national databaseDysphagia ratesElective ACDFLarge comparative studiesComplication ratePatient characteristicsReadmission ratesClinical outcomesPearlDiver databasePosterior procedures