Nano-TiO2 induces autophagy to protect against cell death through antioxidative mechanism in podocytes
Zhang X, Yin H, Li Z, Zhang T, Yang Z. Nano-TiO2 induces autophagy to protect against cell death through antioxidative mechanism in podocytes. Cell Biology And Toxicology 2016, 32: 513-527. PMID: 27430495, DOI: 10.1007/s10565-016-9352-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchmiR-200 family promotes podocyte differentiation through repression of RSAD2
Li Z, Yin H, Hao S, Wang L, Gao J, Tan X, Yang Z. miR-200 family promotes podocyte differentiation through repression of RSAD2. Scientific Reports 2016, 6: 27105. PMID: 27251424, PMCID: PMC4890021, DOI: 10.1038/srep27105.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMiR-200 familyPodocyte differentiationKidney developmentCell differentiationMiR-200aDifferentiation of podocytesUnderlying molecular mechanismsCellular functionsRNA interferencePostnatal mouse kidneyMolecular mechanismsDifferentiated cellsNovel roleMature podocytesHigher upregulationProtein 2 expressionRSAD2MiR-200bMiR-429DifferentiationPodocyte dedifferentiationRepressionCharacteristic phenotypic featuresPhenotypic featuresMorphological characteristicsAutophagy ameliorates cognitive impairment through activation of PVT1 and apoptosis in diabetes mice
Li Z, Hao S, Yin H, Gao J, Yang Z. Autophagy ameliorates cognitive impairment through activation of PVT1 and apoptosis in diabetes mice. Behavioural Brain Research 2016, 305: 265-277. PMID: 26971628, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2016.03.023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdenineAnimalsAntibiotics, AntineoplasticApoptosisAutophagyBeclin-1Body WeightCognition DisordersDiabetes Mellitus, ExperimentalDisease Models, AnimalEatingExploratory BehaviorHippocampusHypoglycemic AgentsLong-Term PotentiationMaleMaze LearningMiceMice, Inbred C57BLMicrotubule-Associated ProteinsPerforant PathwayRNA, Long NoncodingStreptozocinConceptsDiabetic miceLong-term potentiationCognitive impairmentPaired-pulse facilitationAutophagic inhibitionSynaptic plasticityAutophagic suppressionAnxiety-like behaviorCell deathDiabetes micePVT1 expressionHippocampal neuronsPresynaptic functionDiabetesTerm potentiationCell death analysisMiceSpatial learningImpairmentDeath analysisApoptotic cell deathDepotentiationInhibitionDeathPVT1
Triptolide attenuated injury via inhibiting oxidative stress in Amyloid-Beta25–35-treated differentiated PC12 cells
Xu P, Wang H, Li Z, Yang Z. Triptolide attenuated injury via inhibiting oxidative stress in Amyloid-Beta25–35-treated differentiated PC12 cells. Life Sciences 2015, 145: 19-26. PMID: 26679104, DOI: 10.1016/j.lfs.2015.12.018.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDifferentiated PC12 cellsAβ25-35Alzheimer's diseaseOxidative stressPC12 cellsAβ25-35-induced apoptosisTreatment of ADReactive oxygen speciesPotential neuroprotective effectsEffects of triptolideAβ25-35-induced cytotoxicityDecreased oxidative stressSuperoxide dismutaseProtective functionNeuroprotective effectsImmunohistochemical stainingProtective effectResults of MTTAmyloid betaHerb TripterygiumNervous systemAbnormal depositionCytometry assaysWestern blotTriptolideTriptolide Inhibited Cytotoxicity of Differentiated PC12 Cells Induced by Amyloid-Beta25–35 via the Autophagy Pathway
Xu P, Li Z, Wang H, Zhang X, Yang Z. Triptolide Inhibited Cytotoxicity of Differentiated PC12 Cells Induced by Amyloid-Beta25–35 via the Autophagy Pathway. PLOS ONE 2015, 10: e0142719. PMID: 26554937, PMCID: PMC4640509, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0142719.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDifferentiated PC12 cellsAlzheimer's diseaseAβ25-35Differentiated rat pheochromocytoma cell linePC12 cellsLight chain 3 IITreatment of ADCell apoptosisAutophagy pathwayMicrotubule-associated protein light chain 3 IIAβ25-35-induced cytotoxicityEffect of autophagyCell viabilityElevated cell viabilityLevel of autophagyRat pheochromocytoma cell lineTripterygium wilfordii HookActivation of autophagyNeuroprotective effectsNeurological damagePC12 cell apoptosisInhibited cytotoxicityProtective effectPheochromocytoma cell lineAbnormal depositionEffects of ROS-relative NF-κB signaling on high glucose-induced TLR4 and MCP-1 expression in podocyte injury
Wei M, Li Z, Xiao L, Yang Z. Effects of ROS-relative NF-κB signaling on high glucose-induced TLR4 and MCP-1 expression in podocyte injury. Molecular Immunology 2015, 68: 261-271. PMID: 26364141, DOI: 10.1016/j.molimm.2015.09.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsToll-like receptor 4Diabetic nephropathyMCP-1 expressionNF-κB inhibitionMCP-1High glucoseReactive oxygen speciesNF-κBSuppression of TLR4NF-κB-dependent signalingChemoattractant protein-1Effects of HGPotential therapeutic targetNF-κB signalingCell viabilityIntracellular reactive oxygen speciesEffects of ROSWestern blot analysisTLR-4Receptor 4Intracellular ROS generationPodocyte injuryPodocyte damageProtective effectCell injuryAutophagy Alleviates Melamine-Induced Cell Death in PC12 Cells Via Decreasing ROS Level
Wang H, Gao N, Li Z, Yang Z, Zhang T. Autophagy Alleviates Melamine-Induced Cell Death in PC12 Cells Via Decreasing ROS Level. Molecular Neurobiology 2015, 53: 1718-1729. PMID: 25724280, DOI: 10.1007/s12035-014-9073-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPC12 cellsLC3-II/LC3Western blot assaysCell deathReactive oxygen species levelsSuperoxide dismutase activityMDA levelsOxygen species levelsGeneration of ROSATG-7Autophagy markersBlot assaysIncrease of autophagosomesBeclin-1Oxidative stressDismutase activityROS levelsRapamycinExcessive generationExpression levelsCell viabilityOxidative damageAutophagyMalondialdehydeDeathDifferent Expressions of Large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ Channels in the Mouse Renal Cortex and Hippocampus During Postnatal Development
Xu P, Li Z, Xuan Q, Yang Z. Different Expressions of Large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ Channels in the Mouse Renal Cortex and Hippocampus During Postnatal Development. Applied Immunohistochemistry & Molecular Morphology 2015, 23: 146-152. PMID: 25390352, DOI: 10.1097/pai.0000000000000006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPostnatal developmentRenal corpusclesRenal cortexTime pointsPostnatal day 1Large-conductance Ca2Mouse renal cortexWestern blot analysisVariety of cellsStage IIIStage IVBKCa channelsDay 1HippocampusKidney cortexPathophysiological conditionsCortexProtein levelsBlot analysisCorpusclesPresent studyProminent changesExpressionSpecific roleQuantitation of expression
MiRNA expression profile and miRNA–mRNA integrated analysis (MMIA) during podocyte differentiation
Li Z, Wang L, Xu J, Yang Z. MiRNA expression profile and miRNA–mRNA integrated analysis (MMIA) during podocyte differentiation. Molecular Genetics And Genomics 2014, 290: 863-875. PMID: 25433550, DOI: 10.1007/s00438-014-0960-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsCell DifferentiationCell LineDown-RegulationGene Expression ProfilingGene Expression RegulationGene Regulatory NetworksGenes, ReporterHEK293 CellsHumansMiceMicroRNAsOligonucleotide Array Sequence AnalysisPodocytesPromoter Regions, GeneticReal-Time Polymerase Chain ReactionRNA, MessengerUp-RegulationConceptsPodocyte differentiationMiRNA-mRNAAbnormal miRNAsMiRNA-target pairsMiRNA expression profilesMouse podocyte cell lineDual-luciferase reporterPodocyte cell lineGene OntologyPotential new moleculesExpression trendsUndifferentiated podocytesExpression profilesPathway analysisQuantitative real-time polymerase chain reactionPotential crosstalkMiRNA expressionLuciferase reporterMicroarray dataMiRNAsCell typesMRNA microarrayProminent cell typeMiRNAEssential roleCrosstalk between protective autophagy and NF-κB signal in high glucose-induced podocytes
Wei M, Li Z, Yang Z. Crosstalk between protective autophagy and NF-κB signal in high glucose-induced podocytes. Molecular And Cellular Biochemistry 2014, 394: 261-273. PMID: 24957786, DOI: 10.1007/s11010-014-2102-7.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
The role of glycogen synthase kinase-3β in glioma cell apoptosis induced by remifentanil
Xu J, Xu P, Li Z, Xiao L, Yang Z. The role of glycogen synthase kinase-3β in glioma cell apoptosis induced by remifentanil. Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters 2013, 18: 494-506. PMID: 23990403, PMCID: PMC6275801, DOI: 10.2478/s11658-013-0102-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGlycogen synthase kinase-3βSynthase kinase-3βGSK-3β activationC6 cell apoptosisCell apoptosisHoechst 33342 stainingGSK-3βKinase-3βSelective small molecule inhibitorsSmall molecule inhibitorsGlioma cell apoptosisFlow cytometryCell deathReceptor signalingMolecule inhibitorsTime-dependent mannerNMDA receptor signalingTumor cell apoptosisTumor cell proliferationCellular levelCell proliferationApoptosisC6 cell deathN-methyl-D-aspartate receptorsCell viabilityNeuroprotective Effect of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor on Antimycin A-Induced Oxidative Injury in Differentiated PC12 Cells
Han Y, Xu J, Li Z, Yang Z. Neuroprotective Effect of Leukemia Inhibitory Factor on Antimycin A-Induced Oxidative Injury in Differentiated PC12 Cells. Journal Of Molecular Neuroscience 2013, 50: 577-585. PMID: 23636893, DOI: 10.1007/s12031-013-0004-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLeukemia inhibitory factorOxidative injuryNeuroprotective effectsPC12 cellsInhibitory factorOxidative stressExerts neuroprotective effectsSuperoxide dismutase levelsElevated reactive oxygen species (ROS) levelsPC12 cell viabilityReactive oxygen species levelsHoechst 33342 stainingNeuron injuryDifferentiated PC12 cellsDiphenyltetrazolium bromide assayNeuroendocrine effectsNeurotrophic cytokinesPresence of LIFOxygen species levelsDismutase levelsInjuryAntioxidative effectsBromide assayDimethylthiazol-2Cell viabilityDevelopmental changes of BKCa channels depend on differentiation status in cultured podocytes
Yang J, Xu P, Xie Y, Li Z, Xu J, Zhang T, Yang Z. Developmental changes of BKCa channels depend on differentiation status in cultured podocytes. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Animal 2013, 49: 205-211. PMID: 23443253, DOI: 10.1007/s11626-013-9590-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBKCa channelsWhole-cell patch-clamp techniqueChannel protein expressionIon channel expressionDevelopmental changesPatch-clamp techniqueLarge-conductance Ca2Development of kidneyRemarkable cell typeImmortalized mouse podocyte cell lineImportant ion channelsMouse podocyte cell linePodocyte cell lineChannel expressionFunctional maturationCell signalingCultured podocytesKidney developmentKidney glomeruliProtein expressionPodocytesCell typesDifferentiation statusIon channelsCell lines
Nanosized copper oxide induces apoptosis through oxidative stress in podocytes
Xu J, Li Z, Xu P, Xiao L, Yang Z. Nanosized copper oxide induces apoptosis through oxidative stress in podocytes. Archives Of Toxicology 2012, 87: 1067-1073. PMID: 22903339, DOI: 10.1007/s00204-012-0925-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe Expression of EPOR in Renal Cortex during Postnatal Development
Xiao L, Li Z, Xu P, Li Z, Xu J, Yang Z. The Expression of EPOR in Renal Cortex during Postnatal Development. PLOS ONE 2012, 7: e41993. PMID: 22844537, PMCID: PMC3406037, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0041993.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsExpression of EPORRenal cortexEPO receptorRenal tubulesRenal corpusclesDay of birthMouse renal cortexImportant growth factorFibroblast-like cellsPostnatal dayPostnatal development processAnimal modelsAnatomical relationshipMature micePostnatal developmentCortexWestern blottingGrowth factorHigh expressionErythropoietinBrainP14Erythroid differentiationTubulesCorpusclesExpression of TRPC6 in Renal Cortex and Hippocampus of Mouse during Postnatal Development
Xu P, Xu J, Li Z, Yang Z. Expression of TRPC6 in Renal Cortex and Hippocampus of Mouse during Postnatal Development. PLOS ONE 2012, 7: e38503. PMID: 22701654, PMCID: PMC3368853, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0038503.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsExpression of TRPC6Renal cortexPostnatal developmentEffects of TRPC6Hippocampus of micePostnatal day 1Development of kidneyMouse renal cortexMouse kidney cortexPresent studyLoss of expressionTRPC6 expressionPostnatal maturationMouse hippocampusDay 1HippocampusKidney cortexDecreased expressionTRPC6Cortex developmentWestern blottingCortexMouse kidneyKidneyTRPC familyProtective effects of leukemia inhibitory factor against oxidative stress during high glucose-induced apoptosis in podocytes
Xu J, Li Z, Xu P, Yang Z. Protective effects of leukemia inhibitory factor against oxidative stress during high glucose-induced apoptosis in podocytes. Cell Stress And Chaperones 2012, 17: 485-493. PMID: 22270613, PMCID: PMC3368028, DOI: 10.1007/s12192-012-0325-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHigh glucose-induced apoptosisLeukemia inhibitory factorGlucose-induced apoptosisOxidative stressInhibitory factorEffects of LIFNicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) oxidaseHigh glucose-induced oxidative stressGlucose-induced oxidative stressElevated levelsAdenine Dinucleotide Phosphate OxidaseHigh glucose-induced cytotoxicityReactive oxygen speciesAnti-inflammatory stimuliLevels of SODDiabetic nephropathyDiphenyltetrazolium bromide assayInterleukin-6 familyCaspase-3 activityTubular regenerationProtective effectPotential therapyPleiotropic glycoproteinFlow cytometryFlow cytometric
Oxidative stress and apoptosis induced by hydroxyapatite nanoparticles in C6 cells
Xu J, Xu P, Li Z, Huang J, Yang Z. Oxidative stress and apoptosis induced by hydroxyapatite nanoparticles in C6 cells. Journal Of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 2011, 100A: 738-745. PMID: 22213249, DOI: 10.1002/jbm.a.33270.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsC6 cell apoptosisC6 cellsCell apoptosisReactive oxygen speciesAnti-tumor effectsAnti-glioma treatmentHoechst 33342 stainingTime-dependent mannerC6 cell deathFlow cytometricTotal SODGlioma cellsOxidative stressIntracellular accumulationDimethylthiazol-2Human cancersDiphenyltetrazolium bromideApoptosisCell deathEffect of HACellular levelOxygen speciesCellsCancer