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Global Health & Equity Distinction Pathway News Update for September 25, 2023

September 25, 2023
by Tracy Rabin and Sheela Shenoi

Greetings to all,

Welcome to the 2023-2024 GHEDP entering class! We are so thrilled to have 10 new residents joining our group and are looking forward to seeing both new and continuing GHEDP residents at our annual Welcome Dinner this evening. For our GHEDP alumni and continuing residents - please be sure to say hello and welcome when you see the following new members around the hospital: Amiya Ahmed, Sruthi Buddai, Isaac Chan, Pegah Khaloo, Haris Qureshi, Karthik Rohatgi, Lara Rotter, Cosmas Sibindi, Eric Steinbrook, and Clara Warden.

New and Notable

· Lancet Global Health Sept 2023: Labour exploitation among community health workers

· NEJM Sept 2023: Affirmative Action, Population Health, and the Importance of Opportunity and Hope

Upcoming Local Events: September/October

  • Thursday September 28th @ 12pm, Hope 2nd floor or zoom: Yale GIM 2nd Annual Inginia Genao Lecture in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: “Creating a Diverse and Well-Distributed Physician Workforce
  • Thursday, September 28th @ 6:30-8pm (YSC-FMB Room 115): Annual Global Health and Equity Distinction Pathway Welcome Dinner! Please come to share a meal with other GHEDP residents and faculty and welcome the new residents who are joining the Distinction Pathway this year.
  • Thursday and Friday Sept 28th and Sept 29th @ 12-5pm online: NHLBI’s Advancing Health Equity Through Culture-Centered Dietary Interventions to Address Chronic Diseases. Register here.
  • Thursday September 28th @ 12pm, Winslow Auditorium, 60 College Street: Building Public Trust in the Age of Misinformation by Aleksandra Kuzmanovic, Social Media Manager, Leadership Unit, Department of Communications (DCO), World Health Organization (WHO).
  • Saturday September 30th 8am-3pm (TAC Auditorium): 2nd Annual Yale Conference for Alcohol Research and Education (YCARE) offers a dynamic day of learning, interaction and collaboration on the theme of “Alcohol Research”. The event is targeted to researchers who are working or wish to work in the field of alcohol research, clinicians who are interested in the care of patients with alcohol related diseases, and other interested individuals. Any trainee who submits an abstract and presents a poster will be considered for a poster award.
  • Tuesday, October 3rd @ 5:30-7pm (YSM Harkness Auditorium): The YSM Office of Diversity, Inclusion, Community Engagement, and Equity and the YSM Office of Medical Education present, “New Haven Voices: Understanding Where We Live, Work, and Play.” This event is aimed at Yale-affiliates who are interested in broadening their understanding of the relationships between Yale and different facets of the New Haven community. Please click this link to register in advance, as food will be provided.
  • Wednesday October 4th @ 430pm, Luce Hall: PROGRAM ON REFUGEES, FORCED DISPLACEMENT, AND HUMANITARIAN RESPONSES presents: Missing in Brooks County - Movie Screening and Q&A with Film Director Lisa Molomot
  • Wednesday, October 4th @ 5-6:30pm (YSM Cohen Auditorium or on Zoom): The YSM Program for Biomedical Ethics and the Yale Pediatric Ethics Program present, “Crisis Standards of Care: Preparing for the Next Pandemic.” Please see the attached flyer for more information and to see the Zoom link.
  • Thursday, October 5th @ 830am in Fitkin and virtually: Medical Grand Rounds: "The Planet as Patient: Addressing Climate Change and Health" by Robert McLean MD
  • Tuesday, October 24, at 7 pm ET with Dr. Uché Blackstock, an emergency physician and breakout public voice of the pandemic, for a frank conversation about bias and racism in medicine and health care with OpEd Project leader and physician Dr. Amanda Calhoun. Register here (sliding scale fee structure).

Past Trainings & Recordings Available:

Additional Information:

  • The application platform is open for the Department of Internal Medicine’s Cross-Distinction Resident Academic Fund! Through this fund, residents will have the opportunity to apply for awards of up to $500 per year. This money is intended to cover costs associated with presenting your Distinction Pathway-related work at a local, regional, national, or international conference, or other academic activities related to your participation in the Distinction Pathway. All Distinction Pathway residents are encouraged to apply, however, preference will be given to PGY-3s and PGY-4s, as well as (in the future) residents who have not previously received an award from this fund. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis -


Tracy and Sheela

Co-Directors, Yale Global Health & Equity Distinction Pathway

Submitted by Laura P Crawford on September 28, 2023