Large Prospective Study of Ovarian Cancer Screening in High-Risk Women: CA125 Cut-Point Defined by Menopausal Status
Skates S, Mai P, Horick N, Piedmonte M, Drescher C, Isaacs C, Armstrong D, Buys S, Rodriguez G, Horowitz I, Berchuck A, Daly M, Domchek S, Cohn D, Van Le L, Schorge J, Newland W, Davidson S, Barnes M, Brewster W, Azodi M, Nerenstone S, Kauff N, Fabian C, Sluss P, Nayfield S, Kasten C, Finkelstein D, Greene M, Lu K. Large Prospective Study of Ovarian Cancer Screening in High-Risk Women: CA125 Cut-Point Defined by Menopausal Status. Cancer Prevention Research 2011, 4: 1401-1408. PMID: 21893500, PMCID: PMC3172691, DOI: 10.1158/1940-6207.capr-10-0402.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHigh-risk womenCut-pointsMenopausal statusScreening TrialOvarian Cancer Screening TrialOvarian cancer screening studiesPopulation of high-risk womenOvarian cancer screeningPremenopausal womenStandard cut-pointCancer Screening TrialCancer screening studyEffect of menopausal statusPostmenopausal subjectsClinical factorsScreening studiesOral contraceptivesCancer screeningEarly detection of ovarian cancerCA125 testDetection of ovarian cancerGynecologic Oncology GroupEligibility criteriaScreening protocolDemographic data
Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer due to mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2
Petrucelli N, Daly M, Feldman G. Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer due to mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2. Genetics In Medicine 2010, 12: 245-259. PMID: 20216074, DOI: 10.1097/gim.0b013e3181d38f2f.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBRCA1/2 mutationsBRCA2 mutationsHereditary breastTesting of at-risk relativesFamily history of cancerOvarian cancerAt-risk relativesPrimary prevention optionsHistory of cancerPrevalence of BRCA1/2 mutationsEstimates of penetranceAshkenazi Jewish populationCancer riskProphylactic surgeryPrevention optionsFamily historyBRCA2 genesEarly interventionFamily membersBRCA2Increased surveillanceFamilial mutationsBRCA1/2BRCA1Jewish population
Correlates of Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction with Medical Care: A Community Perspective
Hulka B, Kupper L, Daly M, Cassel J, Schoen F. Correlates of Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction with Medical Care: A Community Perspective. Medical Care 1975, 13: 648-658. PMID: 1152555, DOI: 10.1097/00005650-197508000-00004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPersonal qualities of physiciansQuality of physiciansMedical servicesProbability sample of householdsSample of householdsThurstone scaling methodCorrelates of satisfactionMembers of large familiesMedical careAttitude questionnaireLonger attendanceYoung blacksPhysiciansPopulation sampleCommunity perspectivesProbability samplePositive attitudesNegative attitudesPersonal qualitiesLikert formatCareLarger familiesAttitudesConvenienceWomen