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Supporting medical education

Medicine@Yale, 2009 - May June


Each spring, fourth-year students at medical schools across the country eagerly anticipate Match Day, when students receive word of acceptance in residency training programs. It is a joyous day—the reward for four years of hard work and study. But getting medical students to Match Day takes more than individual student effort; it requires private support from alumni and friends. The gift opportunities below can provide essential funding for medical education.

Named endowed scholarship fund: $100,000 and up

Many medical school students face significant debt upon graduation. Annual income from endowed scholarships helps students meet tuition and associated costs during their four years at Yale School of Medicine.

Named endowed mentoring fund: $250,000 and up

Academic advising and guidance is critical to medical students' success, and Yale School of Medicine has taken steps to enhance this important function, by creating four new advisory positions. Faculty members in these new positions will advise students on academic and career planking issues.

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